chapter 9

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(one week later)
Nick POV
It was a full scale war now and we were freaking losing. I smashed the table as Richard told me about another squad lost. According to Sunscreech the Brigade had only 3000 soldierrs while we had 6500 but somehow we had been losing every battle. i felt a map of our plan. we heard that there was a squad heading towards our border over a bridge and we had learned of their movements by some scouts so we decided we would ambush them.

So we decided to just wait in the woods on the other side of the bridge and attack them straight up cause that seems pretty smart

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

So we decided to just wait in the woods on the other side of the bridge and attack them straight up cause that seems pretty smart. Sunscreech had been trying to help with strategy but to be honest I wasnt listening to him very much but he WAS useful in fighting so I left him at athe house for guard duty most of the time. He didn't like it much but I was still cautious about him..."alright gather the troops up about 100 for each squad let's just wreck them" "yes alpha" I pulled out my bottle of vodka and walked out drinking to give the troops a speech.

Elsa POV
Dad walked off for another fight as I carried Joshua and Ellie to the kitchen where Janet and tom werex talking and laughing as sunscreech was eating macaroni alone in the corner. I figured he was lonely so I got the baby bottles from the fridge and walked over to him. "... hi." he was silent. "i see you you got your eye light fixed" "yes" " you ever take that thing off?" "No." I just kinda looked at him and fed the babies. He finished his macaroni and closed his mouthpiece. "Well....bye." he said as he stalked off. Such a strange guy. He had killed my mate but he had saved me and wanted to avenge his mate. I try to be nice to him but he kept being so weird about it. That's it I decided I'm gonna confront him. I finished feeding the babies and put them in their beds and watched them sleep for a little while then decided to go find sunscreech.


He was standing in the balcony in his bedroom that we had gave him and was looking out over the woods. "hey what the heck is your problem with me anyway huh?!" I yelled. "What?!" He said spun around shocked. "I've been trying to be nice y you and you keep on just igrnoing me." He was silent for a second. "I just don't understand why' "why what?" "Why you're being nice to me...I killed Eddie and you still...I don't get it." I composed myself. "You saved me and my babies and you are helping us rfight the brigade" "but how could you forgive me?" "I don't forgive you but I thought you would need someone to talk to because you lost your mate too." "Hmph" he responded and turned away and looked over the forest soem more. "Thank you for offering the help but...really, I'll be fine. Once Antonio is dead and bureid. " "do you really think killing him will solve your problems?" he continued looking "Yes, I know it twill. And I'm going to kill him properly this time." I stared at him for aminute and walked away.

Nick POV

The troops were in position and waiting I had my archers in the back and my wolves in the front. I was sesninng the bridge area with my smell and hearing and there they were. It was a small force about 100 soldiers. I was about to order my archers to draw their bows when suddenly I heard screams from the back. I sensed back there and realized we had been flankedn and I was so focused on the bridge I didn't even notice. The brigade was ripping through my archers "GO GET THEM SAVE HTE ARCHERS!X I screamed and suddenly I was bitten from behind as all the troops that had been across the bridge had shifted and charged. i pulled him of off me and roared there was no strategy anymore this was just a fight for survival . I notice that the wolves attacking the rear was wet and smacked myself in the head in my mind, tjey swam across the river how could I be so stupid. I had to stop drinking ruringn meetings I thought as I stabbed a wolf in the face and kicked him off my sword as I hit another one with my hilt breakin his skull. "FORM A CIRCLE PHOENIC PACK ARCHERS IN THE MIFDLE" they did what i said and finally the archers were able to start firing again but the brigade suddenly ran back and his behind the trees. A powerful voice called out. "You are surrounded, Alpha Nick. 134 of your troops lie dead on the ground, and I have 500 more with me. You are surrounded and stand no chance against our force. Surrender now and we will let you live." I growled. I still had my little secret I hadn't pulled out yet but then I smelled something else...and realized I don't even need it. "No, whoever you are- " "Antonio" "-you will be wiped out!" I HOWLED and suddenly the blood fountain army appeared and began slaughtering all the bridgade members and Alpha Jairo ran up to me and embraced me. "looks like we got here just in time" "how did you know?" "We were actually all on a trip to visit the babies." "That's lucky" "very" I watched as the brigade fled back over the bridge as my archers fired at them. "should we follow them?" Jairo asked. "No, it might be leading us into a bigger trap or something." "Good point" we gathered up our injured and dead with the help of the blood fountain and began carryig them back to the packhouse.

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