chapter 10

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Elsa’s POV
Jairo came into the pack house a few minutes ago. He was bleeding from a wound. He kisses my cheeks like the French (not like a French kiss). “I want to see the babies,” he states.
“They’re sleeping,” snaps Janet.
“Janet, please be cordial to the alpha!” I implore.
Janet huffs, throws up her hands, and runs away. I hear her scream in frustration on her way.
“I apologize for Janet’s impropriety. Endeavor to rationalize her,” I explain.
“That’s quite kosher,” he admits.
I convey him to the babies. They are not sleeping, but they scream when they see Jairo. He tries to calm them down but they’re scared. “What are they mortified of?” he asks.
I screech too when I see a dark shadow in the closet. Jairo runs up to it and pins it against a wall. “WHO SENT YOU?” He blares.
It’s Richard... with a taser! “I don’t want the alliance! I had to stop it! If... If I could show Jairo that they babies aren’t happy here, he would give back the statue and leave us alone!” he shouts.
“Richard, how could you?” I cry.
Jairo bites Richard’s neck. His teeth are fangs. Richard is bleeding and he ducks away. He turns to me, and -
I scream in pain as he taxes me. I feel like my organs are crushing each other with pain. Richard pours water on me so it hurts more. He’s a scientist, so he knows how to do it so it’ll hurt. Jairo knocks him down and bites him again. The babies are crying.
Even thought it hurts. I stand... up... slowly... and go to the babies. “Are you okay, my loves? My sweet babies. Don’t cry, Ellie. Everything is fine. Shhhh... Don’t cry. Don’t cry... Shhhhhhhh...” I sputter, painfully.
“Alpha’s daughter...” Jairo whispers, “You... you love them even more than yourself.”
“I do, so, so, much,” I assert.
“Then we were right to entrust you with them. You cherish our alliance as you cherish your babies. You are truly their mommy, Elsa,” he breathes.
I run up and hug him. “Thank you!” I bleat.
Nick’s POV
“Boss man!” Tom vociferates.
“What is it?” I ask. Richard is fixing my injuries.
“It’s Richard... he tried to hurt the babies,” Tom states.
“IS THIS TRUE?” I clamor. Richard lets go of the needle he’s seeing into my arm.
“No, Alpha, I would never!” He clarifies.
I pick him up by the throat. “You will never. EVER. Do that again. Or I will RIP YOUR HEART OUT. You got it?” I threaten.
“Yes,” he murmured.
I let him go and rip the needle out of my arm. It bleeds as I go to Elsa and see how the babies are.
She is sleeping happily in her bed with a baby cradled in each arm. I smile, seeing how peaceful they look. I kiss each of them on their heads. Then I realize that Joshua is staring at me. I can see him blink with echolocation. His face breaks into a little smile. He raises his hands for me to pick him up.
Elsa moans in her sleep at the loss of him but doesn’t wake up. I kiss his forehead again and take him to go eat.
Joshua smears food all over the high chair. He throws it at my head. I wipe my face with my blindfold.
“Joshua, stop it!” I plead. He coos. I sigh, “Your aim is proficient. You should be an archer.”
A wolf lumps into the room. Her tongue is sticking out and she almost falls over. She paws at the bottom of Joshua’s high chair. 
Joshua starts to howl. She howls with him. I pick him up and run away, but he’s still howling. The other wolves chase after me, because I’m the alpha. They can hear the sadness in her song. They start to howl too.
Jairo runs in front of me. “I’m sorry about her. She has Empty Nest Sickness. Her wolf won’t let her come back,” explains Jairo.
“Why won’t her wolf let her go?” I beg.
“Her soul is broken. She isn’t the babies’ mother anymore. Don’t let her near the babies,” he seethes.
“What will she do?” I wonder.
“Her wolf... will...” he begins
“What?” I ask. He doesn’t answer. I shake his shoulder with my robot arm, “WHAT?”
“Eat them,” he whispers.
Joshua finally stops howling.

Sunscreech’s POV
Those darned wolves and their howling. I’m hiding in the attic so they don’t see that I’m not joining along. None of them know that I’m not a werewolf. Only my dear wife... I miss her so.
I hear a weird noise climb the attic steps. Like a mouse screaming. I tiptoe over to see. It’s Elsa. More accurately, it’s Elsa’s baby, howling.
“What do you want?” I spot.
Elsa squeals in surprise and let’s go of the ladder. I catch the baby just in time.
The baby... Ollie. Ollie is still howling. I don’t know what to do so I declare, “Silence, little whelp. Just... sh.”
She looks at me with curiously. Then she starts grabbing at my face???
“No... no, cease your attacks immediately,” I groan. She focuses her assault on my eyes. I guess she likes the way they glow in the dark attic. Or she means to blind me with her claw like fingernails. “Cease!” I yell, and hug her to my shirt.
“GMmA,” she exclaims. At least she is done howling.
“Your cute... do you know that?” I realize, “I hope you will stay safe. The Brigade destroys everything that is beautiful,” I frown, “Which means I can’t care about you. I won’t! Shut up!”
“Ooo?” Ollie questions.
I put the baby on the ground and fly out of the ceiling.

shout-out to my best friend for helping me with my book and being a cool girl :)

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