Chapter One - Eight Months Later

Start from the beginning

He could still remember the headlines of that week. Left at the altar! Used fiance! Once again bachelor! Giovanni Brown was duped!

The list went on. It took him some time to replace his focus from Leah and completely towards his work with a few diversions to keep his stress levels down and many women were a major help in his opinion.

"I will set up a public meeting and correct my mistakes." He offered.

She exhaled. "No," Her fingers laced together. "Your father is on his way and together, we will come up with a solution. This has gone on long enough."

Before he could respond, the door to his office opened, and in walked Daniel Brown, Giovanni's father. Many said he was another version of his father, and he did. The Brown genes were strong.

Giovanni watched as his father walked over to his mother, greeting her with a passionate kiss before turning to meet his challenge for the day. Giovanni.

"Gio," Daniel turned his attention towards his only son whom he worried about daily. "What's going on with you?" He took a seat in one chair across from Giovanni's dad.

"I am fine, pops. As I told mom, I could set up a public meeting and this will blow over in a few weeks."

Daniel shook his head. "That's not the best option right now, son."

"And why not?" He looks between his parents. "It's simple, and I will do better at managing my private affairs with more discretion."

"It's not the right call. Everyone believes you are not over what happened eight months ago." Daniel sighed, watching Giovanni's facial expression.

Giovanni inhaled deeply. Her name reached his ears once again. He believed within himself that he was over Leah. He wanted nothing more to do with that woman. It got to him that his parents referred to themselves as everyone, that he was not over that woman.

"This is not as simple as you may think it to be, Gio. I think you should take a break from all this."

"What?" Giovanni's brows crashed together in disbelief.

"Your mother is right. You've set up a reputation, and it's not so simple to come back from." His father leaned forward, his eyes expressing it all. He was concerned for his son. Giovanni knew it, but he also knew that his father was very serious and knew what was best for the company. A company that was to be his someday, and he was setting himself adrift from having it soon. "You may think you are fine, but you're not. I understand how you are feeling deep down and I know for certain that you are far from healing from it."

Giovanni respected his parents highly, but in his eyes, they were taking his mistake of being discrete to another level. Accidents happen. "I will do better at keeping my private affairs discrete."


"Elaine." His father interrupted his mother. Giovanni watched as his father shared a look with his mother. Her lips sealed together and kept silent.

Giovanni's father turned to him with a firm look. "Your mother and I want nothing but the best for you." Giovanni remained silent. "So, understand what I am about to do next," Daniel stood from his chair. "I want your office packed by the end of the day. Security will assist you if you need it. I want it cleared by the end of the day."

"You're firing me?" Giovanni questioned angrily.

"I wouldn't call it that. You can't come back until I feel that you have changed your behaviors. You're a grown man and partying around like you're a teen is not acceptable. Your actions lately have not been good for the face of the company."

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