23) If Only

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"Previously on Cannonball."

As the glow dispersed the group looked back to reveal Artie, she was stood with her back to the group, stood in front of her what seemed to be a deer. Artie then shooed it off into the woods.

Artie was reluctant to turn back to Lemony.

"Artie?" Lemony questioned.

Artie took a deep breath, standing still.

"Artie look at me." Lemony asked again.

The rest of the group turned to Artie, who eventually turned around to see multiple faces staring at her. But she couldn't keep her eyes of Lemony.

"Who are you?" Lemony asked.

"Who are you?" Lemony asked

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Silence. No one said anything. Artie didn't say a word, just looked Lemony in the eye, so to say sorry. Lemony turned to face everyone else, telling them to go ahead, and she'd catch them up. Lemony was reluctant to turn back to the girl.

"Lem?" Artie asked. "Please look at me."

Lemony's voice was dry and coarse "I said. Who are you?" Lemony grit her teeth without looking back. "How did you do that?" She asked.

"I lied to you." Artie sighed, stepping forwards. "I'm not a Demi-god."

Lemony then turned around. "So you lied to me?" She asked. "You get me to trust you and then you lie? Oh aren't you wonderful."

Lemony turned to walk off, following her friends. But Artie grabbed her wrist.

"Give me a minute to explain? Okay?" Artie sighed stepping in front of her, she took a breath. "I'm not half god. I am a-"

Four-by-fours pulling up, in the dark, dust trailing behind them, shocking them both into silence. Lemony couldn't wait any longer, her brother was in danger. There were people all climbing out and shooting. Lemony looked around to see Braeden crouching underneath a berserker with a woman next to it, Kate Argent.

Gunshots ran out those getting out of the cars were shooting at the berserker and Kate. Lemony ducked out and ran into the church after her brother, twisting her ring as she ran. She didn't care what excuse Artie had, she just wanted to help her brother.


It was dark, damp, musky. It was the sort of place you wouldn't even wish on your worst enemies. Lemony slowed from a sprint to jog. Lemony held her scythe upright in front of her, ready to swing.

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