1) Just One Yesterday

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Emily "Lemony" Stilinski eyes shot open as she burst into and upright postion, her eyes jolted around the room, taking in even the littlest of feature of the room. Her eyes ached from the lack of use and the need to adjust to the light, it felt like she was staring into the sun.

She moved her arm over the blanket, her fingers felt dry and funny. She grabbed the corner of the blanket and pulled it off her legs. She shuffled herself off the bed so her legs were hanging off the side. She pushed herself off the bed the floor surprised her more than it should. Her legs couldn't hold her weight at first, she shook and fell back onto the bed a few times.

She pulled all of the needles and other things off and out of her body. She didn't care if it hurt she had to get up, she had to get out. The truth was she was terrified.

After a few tries she made it to the door. Slowly she opened the door, it was cold and heavy her muscles had to ajust to everything she was doing. Once the door had opened wide enough she slide through it into the cold dark hallway.

"Hello?" Her voice was groggy, dry and sore, it didn't sound like her own voice. "Hello?" She tried again.

She'd never known anywhere to be so quiet. It didn't feel right. She hobbled toward the lift. Pressing the down button she waited.

It's so quiet. Why? She wondered to herself. Looking around the empty hallway. There was a ding that spooked her, only to realise the lift doors had opened. She wandered into the lift. Her hand hovered over the ground floor button.

That was when she heard it. A roar, that of a wolf it was a faint echo coming from above her. Her fingers pressed the button her fingers were hovering over.

While the lift moved she thought of what happened before the incident, what she'd heard in the coma. All she remembered hearing was her brothers voice and it going on and on about what their class had learnt each lesson but nothing else.

The lift went ding again, the doors opened and Lemony wandered into a hallway, it was a lot colder than the first. Not only was it colder it was louder. The roar that she'd heard earlier was coming from outside the door she was facing. It was a fight. She could tell.

She opened the door only to be blasted with a cold breeze that hit her very suddenly. She wandered outside only to be confronted with three or four people.

One was laying on the ground, face down. A second one stood above him holding some sort of axe. A third one was opposite them, his hair was grown past his ears, his ears were grown to a point, his teeth were sharpened to a point and his eyes were blood red. The fourth had been pulled up off the side of the building, he was crouched next to the third one.

That's when I saw the blood all over the boy on the floor. He was dead. The first boy was dead. Murdered.

"Lemony?" A voice questioned, the one with the red eyes asked, looking at the teenage girl like he was dreaming.

Lemony was terrified. She ran back inside, shutting the door behind her. She pressed against with all her strength in hope that it would stop whatever was out there.

Something was trying to open the door behind her. Slamming against the door she was holding shut.

"Lemony! Open the door!" The voice shouted again. It sounded familar. A memory. "Don't be scared. You're safe Lemony. I swear." The voice said quieter.

"How do you know me?" Lemony screamed, it hurt her throat but she had a point to make, she didn't know what but she had a point. She knew it was a stupid question but else should she say.

"You're my best friend's sister, you're practically my sister." The voice replied. Lemony still had no clue who it was. "Scott. It's Scott McCall. Do you remember me?"

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