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It was a quite night over Beacon Hills memorial hospital. The death of a teenage girl had just hit the news, stabbed in the chest. The hallway of the hospital's second floor echoed with a single pair of footsteps, they belonged to a seventeen year old boy, long, fluffy, almost black hair with dark eyes filled with loss.

His hand reached out to a closed door, the sign read: 'Stilinski' it had been scribbled in by a nurse that was in a rush and didn't seem to care who's room it was. Underneath that name read: 'Emily' the writing was almost impossible to make out, like you had to know who was in there to be able to read it. And this boy certainly knew who was in there.

The boy wandered aimlessly into the room, he looked over to the bed which was filled by a tall girl the same age as the boy. Twins. The boy was older and he would never let her forget it. That is if she would ever wake up. The boy grabbed a plastic chair and placed it next to the head of the bed where the girl laid.

It had become a monthly thing for the boy, to come to the hospital in his spare time, to talk to the girl, to read to her (always her favourite books: The Maze Runner, Harry Potter anything really), anything that could spark something in the girl.

Lifeless. Pale. Almost dead. That's what ran through the boy's mind when he saw her. He wanted to say something to her but nothing came to mind. His mind was blank, empty, he was lost without his sister. He knew he had to say something, so he cleared his throat and started.

"Lemony. It's me. Again. Listen. I don't know if you can hear me, I hope you can cause that means all these visits will have paid off, it's Allison. I know you two were close, along with Lydia before this." He said gesturing to the girl in a coma. "She died. Lemony she's dead. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better she died saving us all. You're right it doesn't help. So now is the time for you to wake up. Lemony please wake up, I know I've said this a hundred times since the incident but I mean it now." The boy took a deep breath, looking at his shaky hand holding her cold still one. "I need you Lemony." 

Around a year ago on the last day Lemony had seen awake, she was stood by the bleachers watching her brother and his friends sitting on the bench by the pitch. They were watching for the boy with the number thirty seven and waiting for someone to die. Lemony had no clue what was going on with her brother so she walked over to the three boys.

"Hey bro." She smiled, taking a seat next to her brother. "And brother's friends." She looked at the two on the other side of him. "Why was we staring all gog-eyed at Jackson?" The girl asked looking over at number thirty-seven.

"Lemony. Listen. We're not staring okay?" Her brother started getting defensive. "We're just keeping an eye on him."

"Oh Stiles seriously I've never heard so much rubbish. Especially coming from you." She retorted with a heavy laugh.

"Just leave okay. I don't want you here." Stiles snapped at her. He had his reasons but Lemony didn't know those reasons.

"Fine. I hope you lose Stiles." She stood up and confronted him. "I wanted to come and support you but no. I hope you enjoy the bench." She turned to walk away.

As she did so, the entire pitch went black, joining the darkness of the night surrounding them. The crowd began to shout and panic. Those in Beacon Hills had a reputation for it, considering what happens in the town.

The lights were back on almost as soon as they went out, everyone was panicking. A crowd had formed on the lacrosse pitch. The three boys ran to join the crowd. To find Jackson in the centre on the floor, his stomach was bleeding.

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