SEQUEL 9) I Find Peace in Every Story You Told

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The group continued to let Deaton work, he moved her collar down again and saw a lump which Lemony would assume was a muscle

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The group continued to let Deaton work, he moved her collar down again and saw a lump which Lemony would assume was a muscle. He touched it and it moved. It didn't disappear. It actually moved away. Lemony flinched.

"Now, this is interesting." Deaton looked further at it.

Lemony had to step away for a moment, it made her a little uncomfortable. She shuddered. The sound of a phone buzzing pulled her attention. She looked to see Scott and Stiles step away. She could help but eavesdrop.

"What's up?" Stiles asked as Scott checked his phone.

"It's my mom-- it's about the driver of the prison transport van. She's saying he's awake and talking." Scott told Stiles, showing him the message.

"Malia, help me turn her over, please." Deaton asked for Malia's help.

The two turned the girl onto her stomach.

"Driver didn't have a stroke or heart attack." Scott read off the message to Stiles. "Says it was more like his body just locked up." Scott looked at Stiles in confusion.

"Like he was paralysed." Stiles realised. He looked around the others. "I think I know what she is." Stiles announced, but he sounded extra anxious now.

"Do you care to enlighten the rest of us?" Deaton asked. "Because this doesn't look too good."

Scott, Stiles and Lemony stepped up the the table, they looked at Tracy's back move. It was as if there was a snake in her back moving up and down along her spine.

Lemony stepped away from the table, she had to look away. She began to feel queasy. "Nope! Can't look at that." She walked to the line of mountain ash, she stood there and shuddered again.

There was an ominous silence to the room. As they all waited for someone to say something or something to happen. Unfortunately something did.

Tracy's back opened. Slurting blood everywhere, it landed on Stiles' face, he made a loud grunting noise. He fell to the ground. Then Deaton was hit by the blood too. He also went down.

Lemony turned around in surprise. She saw her brother and Deaton go down, her attention was then turned to Tracy. Who had jumped up onto her feet, Lemony's focus was really on the tail that was attached to her back.

Before anyone could fight back, Tracy spun on the ball of her foot. Her tail whipped around after her.

Malia was flung back against a small counter, she held out her left wrist wincing at the cut along it, she tried to get up and fight back but it was as if her body didn't work.

Tracy's attention then went to Scott, she then clawed at him, Lemony thought he'd ducked out of the way but he went down too.

Now it was just Lemony in the way of Tracy. Her attention moved to Lemony.

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