SEQUEL 3) You Know I'll Give My Words to You

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Lemony woke the next morning to the sound of buzzing, at first she thought she was hearing things so she ignored it

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Lemony woke the next morning to the sound of buzzing, at first she thought she was hearing things so she ignored it. Then the buzzing came back and repeated itself. Lemony finally opened her eyes and reached out to her bedside table, grabbing her phone.

Peering at the light of her phone she saw two messages, both from Malia:

'Wanna do something today?' And 'I mean together. You know. A couple.'

Lemony smiled to herself, sitting up beginning the formulate her reply: 'I would love to, but don't you have a driving lesson planned with Lydia and Kira?'

Lemony sent off the message, put her phone down on her pillow before stretching. Her arms and legs reached out to funny angles, whirled and curled as her head turned to the side, getting her neck to click. Her stomach tensed and her shoulders rolled as her hands became fists. She laid like that for a second, holding her breath.

Suddenly she sat bolt up, exhaling dramatically.

Her phone buzzed again,, and Lemony unlocked it.

'I do. Later this afternoon. But I'm free the rest of the day. We could go for a walk in the woods or something?' Malia's message suggested.

Before Lemony could reply there was a hammering on her door which could only be one person. She sighed getting to her feet.

Lemony walked to her bedroom door and swung it open. "Good morning to you too Stiles." She said her eyes locking on her brothers.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Stiles asked, flailing his hands at her.

Lemony's eyebrows furrowed. "Why am I getting dressed?"

Stiles sighed. "Remember the day you left for camp, you said you'd continue your driving lessons with me?"

Lemony walked away from him back into her room, rolling her eyes. "Why do I need to drive? You've seen how easily I crumble under pressure."

"That was before your time at this camp that made you some kind of scythe wielding badass." Stiles followed her. Lemony just ignored him, swinging open her wardrobe door. "I figure you have a new personality so you should use it and tackle driving."

Lemony stopped to look at him. "I do not have a new personality, Stiles." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I have new bruises that healed. So now I know how to handle things."  She turned back to the wardrobe.

"Look Lem." Stiles started. "I promised dad I'd help you get back behind the wheel. Before the coma you were so close to  passing, you even had your theory passed."

((A/N: I don't know how getting a licence works in America, so I'm going with how it works here in the UK and what I went through to get mine. Just let me know if I'm wrong. Em))

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