SEQUEL 4) When the Seasons Change

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A/N: Quick thing. I not the best at writing fight scenes but I will do my best. So sorry if this sucks. Em x

Lemony had driven her brother's car to a clearing in the woods, her makeshift driving lesson consisted of roundabouts, lane changes and manoeuvres such as bay parking and parallel parking

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Lemony had driven her brother's car to a clearing in the woods, her makeshift driving lesson consisted of roundabouts, lane changes and manoeuvres such as bay parking and parallel parking. Every time Stiles went to explain to his sister how to do something, Lemony would have already done it while Stiles was mid sentence. The two now stood waiting for Malia to show up, she was a little late which was starting to concern Lemony.

Lemony was leaning against the front of the car while Stiles paced along the left side of the car.

"Can you ask him to stop that?" A voice caused Lemony to physically jump.

Lemony turned to see Erica leaning against the front right wheel, in her trademark leather jacket, glaring at Stiles.

Stiles stopped. "Who's here?" He asked, looking around.

"It's been a while, Lemony." Erica smirked. "How are you?"

Lemony rolled her eyes. "Not now Erica."

Erica just smiled that innocent smile of hers. "I said I was sorry." She said, Lemony however did not acknowledge her. "Aw come on that was months ago, you're not still mad?" She asked.

"Just get lost." Lemony said, through gritted teeth.

Suddenly almost as fast as she a appeared, she was gone. At that point Lemony saw Malia jogging through the trees. Lemony stood up and made her way over to her.

Malia smiled and wrapped her arms around Lemony, leaning down then kissing her cheek.

"Sorry I'm late but you'll see why." Malia said ominously. "Thank you Stiles, I can take it from here."

Stiles strode over and put his hand on his sisters shoulder. "What was that? With Erica?" He asked.

Lemony rolled her eyes. "Not important. See you later Stiles."

"But-" Stiles started.

Before Stiles could finish his sentence, Malia interrupted. "Bye Stiles."

Stiles sighed, he didn't bother fighting. He turned on his heel and walked back to his jeep, leaving the two girls alone in the car park. He switched on the car and put it in reverse and pulling away, making sure he was near enough to be heard shouting: "Don't do anything I wouldn't!" As he drove away.

The two girls looked at him, simultaneously shouting at him how gross and wildly inappropriate he was.

Finally they were alone.


Lemony stood there in the heat of the sun on the field, stray hairs brushed across her face, Lemony could hear the cheering of other demigods watching the two of them square off. As she stood opposite the dark skinned, dark curly haired young who happened to tower over Lemony's small frame. Dexter just simply smirked picking up a shield with his other hand.

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