20) These Four Walls

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A/N: This gif was perfect but it isn't working, it's Kaya opening her eyes they're black then they turn normal

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A/N: This gif was perfect but it isn't working, it's Kaya opening her eyes they're black then they turn normal. How frustrating.

The sun shone through the window in the early hours of the morning, illuminating the bedroom, the sun reached the bed hitting Artie's bare back, which was uncovered by the duvet. Lemony lay with her also bare back pressed against Artie's warm chest, the two girls lay there sound asleep wrapped in each other's embrace. They were happy.

Lemony's eyes began to slowly flutter open, smothering her face in her pillow, a small smile plastered on her face. Artie's breath was warm on Lemony's neck, it made Lemony's heart race in her chest. Artie's arms were wrapped around Lemony's stomach, they pulled her in close, as Artie nuzzled her face into Lemony's neck, pecking it with the occasional kiss.

"Morning." Artie mumbled between kisses along Lemony's neck and shoulder.

Lemony smiled. "Good morning." She shuffled herself around to face Artie. "How are you?" Lemony asked.

"Yeah I'm feeling happy." Artie smiled, keeping herself and Lemony tucked under the duvet. Artie grazed her hand along Lemony's waist, giving Lemony butterflies. "So what are your plans today?" She asked.

"I promised Stiles I'd watch his lacrosse match tonight." Lemony thought, unsure whether there was anything else.

"I'll come." Artie lit up. Lemony looked quizzically at her. "What? I haven't watched a lacrosse game in a while."

Lemony shrugged with a smile. "Alright if you really want to. I warn you he's not an athlete really."

Artie giggled. "Okay deal." Artie pulled Lemony in closer to her.

Lemony closed her eyes, taking in the silence. A voice came from the wall above their head. Malia. Lemony's heart still fluttered when she heard it, she was not quite over her fling with Malia, she knew that, maybe if she spent enough time with Artie she'll forget about Malia. But she's not counting on it.


Lemony was walking through the school halls, her bag was thrown over her shoulder, the day was nearly over and Lemony couldn't wait, her day had been long and boring, having done nothing but listen to teachers drone on and on about things she didn't need. Lemony had got a message from her brother:

'Don't suppose you've seen Scott or Kira they weren't at practice.'

Lemony replied with a simple 'No' then kept walking.

Walking past one of the biology classrooms, an arm grabbed her and pulled her inside, shutting the door behind Lemony, who was clearly frazzled, was nearly knocked to the floor, she heard the door lock behind her.

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