16) Everybody Hurts

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Buzzing. The music was faintly blaring. But the buzzing was very prominent. Scott was being dragged into the school. Liam and Malia were dumped beside some lockers. Lemony was thrown opposite them.

Lemony tried to pull herself up.

Scott's voice pulled her back to reality. "What is that?" He said to the deputy. "What are you doing?"

"It's gasoline." The man said. "Haigh says we gotta burn you."

All of a sudden Lemony was getting the funny smelling liquid dumped on her. Her hair was sticking to her face. She was on her hands and knees. She looked between the deputies legs seeing Liam and Malia, the two were laid there, barely moving.

When she thought it was over. The red container that held the gasoline was dropped onto her head. There was one more thing she had up her sleeve. She took a breath and turned the coin on her ring.

The bald deputy was now crouched down facing Scott. He pulled out his lighter, and began to maniacally laugh. Lemony looked the other deputies had their backs to them. This was her chance.

Lemony pulled herself up onto her feet, as quietly as possible, pushing the headache as far Bach in her mind as she could. In her hand she held her scythe, the last of the bubbles popping. She couldn't beat them all, but she could only hope she could buy some time for help to arrive.

Lemony musters all her strength, lifting the scythe above her head, she was stood behind the deputy. All the strength she had left in her was put into pulling the blade down with all her might.

The blade embedded itself into the deputies shoulder.

Lemony pulled it out ready to go again. But the deputy had already screamed in pain. Alarming the other deputies, causing them to turn back to face Lemony. The four of them all ran towards Lemony. Two grabbed her by each arm, a third grabbed her blood-ridden scythe and threw it to the floor. The bald man made his way towards Lemony.

"That was brave." Was all he said.

Next Lemony felt pain solely located in her left cheek, as she was thrown to the floor. The deputy slapped her so hard she fell to the floor.

The man turned his attention back to Scott. The crouched back down to his level, lighter still in his hand.

They all braced themselves.

Then the music stopped. The buzzing stopped. The pain stopped.

Scott's eyes turned red. He grabbed the hand that held the lighter. Closing its lid then breaking the man's hand. Once again he cried in pain.

Out of the blue. Derek and Braeden (who Lemony didn't know) came out of a classroom, ready to kick arse. Brandon threw punches and beat people with the butt of her gun.

Scott pulled himself to his feet using the lockers to help him up. Liam was on all fours. Malia crawled over to Lemony who was sat on the floor cupping her cheek, putting her arms around her. The four watched their allies beat up the deputies, breaking bones and hopefully (not that Lemony would say it out loud) killing them, so they can suffer in the underworld or she could make them suffer.

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