Chapter 10

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Being the ever punctual person, I decided to drop at Aubrey’s house twenty minutes early. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to open when a man around Jace’s height opened the door instead. He had short curly blond hair just like Aubrey and has coal gray eyes, by his looks, I immidiately knew he’s Aubrey’s Dad, there’s no room for doubt of that actually. Despite his surfer guy look, I bet he would appear intimidating to other’s eyes but since I’m Drew I’m not really that intimidated by him, no, I am not cocky nor arrogant, I’m just confident and I have been living my whole life with this kind of environment, actually far worse than this. I have a feeling I met him somewhere and he probably knows the Goodwin’s, I don’t mind introducing myself as Goodwin but not right now because I have a feeling he’s having the same thoughts like me, the thought that says I’ve-seen-this-person-before,-I-just-don’t-know-where.

“Good morning Sir” I greeted

“Good morning”

“I’m Drew” I introduced myself offering my right hand, he took it with his ‘I just wish he won’t ask my last name.’

“Allan” I had the urge to raise my eyebrow, they must like the letter A so much. I guess he’s just like my sibling's parents who named four of their children starting with the letter E.

“I came here to pick up Aubrey, I’m supposed to drive her to school today” I explained because he never seized giving me a scrutinizing look, I hate that look so much but its ok for him, he has the reason to.

“Aubrey just woke up, I’m afraid she’d be late, and she would make you late too if you wait for her, I could drive her to school myself” his tone suggested finality but I wasn’t going to back down

“We still have enough time sir, I doubt we’d be late” he squinted his eyes trying to scare me off, probably, I wouldn’t really know what that look meant, I didn’t move though, I stood my ground not showing any sign of backing down, I didn’t even blink, which wasn’t a hard thing considering my experiences dealing with different people.

The stare down continued for the next ten seconds but when he realized I wasn’t going anywhere without his daughter, he opened the door wider, which I took as a sign of inviting me in, “make yourself comfortable, though I wonder why she needs picking up when she has a car” he said sitting in front of me after I took a sit.

“She left her car at school” I told him and he raised an eyebrow so I continued “I’m accountable for that, I asked her out for tea and offered to drive her to the shop and back home” I explained further, “I couldn’t let her ride the bus today when it’s my doing that she had to leave her car at school”

“So you had a date with my daughter yesterday” he concluded, I shook my head

“It was more on friends going out,-”

“Oh please, if a guy asks a girl out it’s a date” he snorted. I wanted to say too bad I’m not a guy, but I just nodded; partly not to show any disrespect considering he is Aubrey’s father and partly because I wished it was a date too.

“I won’t beat around the bush here, as a father I need to know what your intentions are for my daughter” he said. Well, that wasn't surprising.

 “I’m not sure where my friendship with Aubrey leads to but I can only hope that it leads to good things” he nodded showing signs that he’s listening, I continued, “I understand that you want the very best for your daughter and I want you to know that my intentions for her are nothing but pure despite not knowing where this friendship leads us, rest assured that I would never say or do anything that would put her to harm’s way. I will always look at her with revere and will treat her with outmost respect. Sir, I am aware that my words are of no value but if Aubrey will give me a chance to prove to her, to you and to everyone else, I will. I may have been with Aubrey for a short period of time but I believe that time is not always the judge; it might be too early to say that I love your daughter but I do like her, very much. I’m sure everyone does because your daughter is an amazing person, she’s the person who would look on the good side of everything and everyone, the person who will stand up to anyone and fight for anything that she believes is right and also she has this strong effect that would make you smile even to the silliest thing” I finished with a smile reminiscing about the argument with blueberries.

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