Chapter 14b

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Eve, Drew and I were talking animatedly, actually no, Eve was making fun of Drew and I was laughing with her while Drew grumbled and cussed at everything Eve mentions, that is until Jace suddenly showed up.

“Emma” he said handing Drew the phone, she took it and they both walked away. I sighed feeling a little annoyed, who the hell is Emma? I swear if she’s another-, “Don’t worry, Emma’s my other sister” Eve said looking at me with a playful smile, I rolled my eyes but was actually relieved on the inside, I took a sip on my drink to hide that fact, “so, do you like Drew?” she asked me suddenly causing me to choke on my drink.

“Wha- what?” I asked coughing

“You heard me” she raised an eyebrow, I took some time to think. ‘Do I like Drew that way?’

“NO” I denied trying to make it sound incredulous, she gave me a ‘really?’ face, “Yes, maybe, I guess, I’m not sure” she nodded, “are you gay?”

“What? No, no. Definitely not” I said shaking my head exaggeratedly.

“Oh, so you don’t like her that way. Just friends blah blah blah” I shook my head unsure, “I don’t know, I mean Drew doesn’t look like a girl at all and-“ I started but she cut me mid-sentence.

“Are you saying you see her as a male substitute?” she asked me with raised voice. “I can’t believe you’re this straight girl who keeps leading on the lesbian girl just because she’s head over heels in love with you or just another straight girl who thinks she could date a lesbian just because she looks masculine enough” I shook my head, while waving my hands in front of me.

“What? No, this has nothing to do with being straight and being gay or femininity or masculinity for that matter. I would care less if Drew looked like a girl like me, I could care less if she had long hair, or if she had bigger breasts, or if she wore skirts or make ups. I like Drew and it’s not about her being a girl or being a guy or a girl looking like a guy for that matter. I like Drew a lot but it’s what like the Supreme Court Justice once said when asked to define pornographic and they answered it’s hard to define but you know it when you see one. That’s what I feel towards Drew, I just know I like her but it’s really hard to explain” I clarified in one breath, Eve gazed at me smiling.

“Oh my god, you’re starting to talk like her, well, only about the Supreme Court thingy” she teased making me laugh, “yeah, those were actually her words too. I don’t even remember why she said that and when-..” I said but was cut off again when someone hugged me from behind.

“You like me… a lot?” Drew asked me as she rested her forehead on my head. I looked back to where was Eve but I only saw her retreating figure.

“Yes I know I like you but I’m not sure in what way or how much” she nodded, “I could live with that” she remained silent for a second before continuing, “so you really don’t care about appearances?” she asked, I nodded, “Drew, it’s more about the way someone feels than the way someone looks, it's more about the person inside than the appearance outside. For me, that’s what matters most” I answered but she didn’t speak.


I couldn’t help myself from hugging her after hearing her say all those stuff even though I was half-eavesdropping. I won’t deny how much I hated when people would ask me why I’m trying to be a man when in fact I’m not, I was not fucking trying to be a man, I was just comfortable with male clothing, I was comfortable with acting in a masculine way. Why is it wrong for men to act feminine and why is it wrong for females to act masculine? Why does society think that females should act this way and males should act that way? It never got to me before because one; I didn’t care about what people think of me and two; if acting masculine was the way who I was then that’s what it is but it wouldn’t hurt to hear the person you love talk about not caring on gender non-conformity. Hearing Aubrey say those words made my heart swell, why does she have to make me fall for her more with every single thing she say or do.

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