Chapter 17

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 "I uhhh- Ahm" I tried to speak but nothing would come out. How was I going to tell her 'Hey so I'm avoiding you because I'm a horny bastard and I think I might rape you if I stay by your side' sure that would go well.

"WHAT?!" she yelled again.

"I-" I didn't know what to say

"Ugh! Drew, if you don't like me anymore then fine tell me, you don't have to go out your way to avoid me." She exclaimed, I shook my head vigorously, I could never unlike her, that's physically impossible.

"No that's not it" I told her, she huffed in frustration, "then what? What could possibly be the reason for you to avoid me" she asked me pissed, if this were the cartoons I've watched with Annie, veins would be popping on her forehead by now.

"Aubrey, I- I-" I couldn't tell her.

"Fine, be like that" she said turning around attempting to walk away. I jogged towards her and took her hand turning her around to face me.

"Aubrey, it's not true that I don't like you anymore and I would very much wish I could spend the day with you"

"But?" she asked me, I sighed knowing she would be running out the door the moment I tell her my reason, "Are you hungry? I could fix you something you want" I tried changing the topic and attempting to drag her outside.

"No" she said slamming the door close and locking it. She crossed her arms on her chest and raised her eyebrow at me. I sighed in defeat; she would hate me this time for sure.

"Remember the one we watched with Arianne-" I started but she cut me off

"Drew, if you don't stop that stalling I'm going to rip your head off" she threatened

"No, this is very much connected as to why I'm avoiding you" that statement got me a furious look, "so you really are avoiding me" she said with eyebrow raised.

"Yes, anyway the movie we watched with Arianne, the one with lion, zebra, giraffe and hippo?" she creased her eyebrows together, "Madagascar?"

"Yeah, that" I answered

"What about it?" she asked me cautiously, "so in that movie, the lion and the zebra and the others spent most of their lives inside the zoo" I started and she rolled her eyes, "Drew, I've seen that movie a hundred times no need to retell the story", I rolled my eyes back and continued, "anyway, the lion pretty much had everything provided for him but when they escaped the zoo and when he was on the wild his natural instincts came back and then he started seeing the zebra, his best buddy as a source of food" she nodded her eyebrows furrowing together again, probably wondering what was this all about.

"And then he just lost control and bit his best friend. When he realized what a horrible thing he has done and the thoughts he was having towards his best friend, he decided to isolate himself" she nodded again, "that's why I'm avoiding you because you're the zebra" she stared at me


"I mean, I feel the same way the lion had towards the zebra." she nodded her head unsure.

"You want to eat me?" she asked, I shook my head.

Well yes I want to eat you but not the way you're thinking.

Should you really be thinking that way right now you pig?

I sighed, here goes nothing.

"To be honest; I had been with a fair amount of women before. And when I came here I didn't have any sexual activities ever since, and I'm not complaining about that because I know I can very much control my urges nor am I a sexual deviant. But when I'm with you, I just lose it. Yesterday was an example; suddenly I wanted to kiss you and do lots of different stuff to you and I felt really guilty. So I thought if I don't see you maybe the obscene thoughts would leave me." Despite everything I said, she just stared at me.

Deception (Lesbian Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz