Chapter 1

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“So, how was your date with Gary?” Abby’s tone was full of teasing, Abby, is my best friend, we’ve been together since we were in diapers that she’s more like a sister to me. I rolled my eyes at her “it was terrible all he ever did was talk about Baseball and how great he is and what not but that’s not the worst part. The whole time he was talking, it’s as if he’s talking to my chest instead of me, he was lucky I didn’t pour my drink on him, god, I hate guys like him” she giggled and laid on my bed, I was sitting on a bean bag across from her.

“Aw, how about Marvin? You know he’s so interested in you and he’s the captain of the Basketball team, what do you say?” I groaned, “Abby, no more dates, all three dates that you’ve set up turned up to be all failure, I mean, I’m sorry for using this word but their dumb as a rock and I can’t have a proper conversation with them and that’s not because I lack conversational skills, I won’t deny that they’re all attractive but I’m tired of being with guys just because they’re attractive and is good with a certain sport and god, how  I hate the way they look at me. I mean, they ogle at me like I’m a piece of meat on display” I clearly sounded like a kid whining, that’s just how terrible I feel. “Is it really the guys or you’re still hoping for John?” she arched an eyebrow, “No! Why would you even suggest that?”

“I don’t know” she made sure the sarcasm oozed, “Aubrey, it’s been what? Three weeks since you two had a conversation and you haven’t seen him the whole summer break, don’t you think it’s about time to move on and find someone else, heck, you two didn’t even have a relationship, aside from all the flirting, that was it” I pouted because there isn’t really anything I could say to disagree with all the things she pointed out

“Buuuuut” I stood up from my chair and laid beside her, “Aubrey” the way she said my name was like a mother scolding her child “why are you so insistent in trying to make this work out, sure, John is great but maybe, you two aren’t supposed to be together, I mean, think about this, you two have been playing cat and mouse for a year and look where that got you?” I released another whining noise and hugged her, “fine, how about this, I’m not saying that you just give up on whatever you two have but you also have to try and you know… entertain other guys, who knows, it might actually be a good thing?” I nodded burying my head on her shoulder, she giggled and swatted my head, “you’re such a kid” she chided, “I’m not being a kid” I defended, “besides, with John.. it’s different; he makes me feel like he’s interested in all of me. I’m always having fun even if the topic is probably the most boring subject… with other guys, it’s like everything they say is setting me on fire, and not the good setting me on fire but the setting me on fire like I want to run away from them and drown myself in the ocean” she didn’t say anything so I continued, “Abby, do you think, maybe… maybe it’s me?”

“What do you mean it’s you?”

“You know… maybe there’s something wrong with me, I mean I can’t have a proper-“

“OK!” she cut me off, “where the hell is this coming from?” she scolded with a frown. “Well, it’s just, I’m a failure to relationships” Abby sighed in thought. “You know… you’re great, you’re the best actually.. it’s just… you have a knack in attracting idiots” she giggled despite my glaring at her.

“Oh hey, Nat and Nikki’s doing nothing too, what do you say we go out and have some fun instead of you being all pathetic here?”

“OK” I answered with a pout

“Hey, Aubrey” she gave me a serious look, “it’s not your fault that those guys are stupid and can’t see your real worth, you’re a beautiful, smart, amazing girl and only the greatest guy deserves to be with you” I smiled feeling a little better, I know that she’s my bestfriend and is just saying those to make me feel better but it still worked.

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