Chapter 38

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Drew's POV

I pushed Chloe inside the car roughly and immediately the car started to run. She was crying, no, more like sobbing and she was shaking badly from crying too much and fear.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked her. She stared at me fearfully then from fear it went to disbelief. She gave me the look that says you-fucking-slapped-me-are-you-seriously-asking-that-right-now but I guess she was too scared to voice that out.

"Look, I tried to pull back as much as I can to lessen the impact" I stated placing an ice pack against her cheek, yeah, I'm prepared for it all right. I may be the most wretched person in the world but I would never, and I mean never hit a woman.

"Wh-what... I..I- I don't understand" she said confused, I smirked at her.

"I just saved your ass" I said winking at her, she creased her eyebrows not getting what I mean.

"Reverse psychology, common as fuck but works wonders" I stated laughing a little but she still was staring at me not understanding what's going on.

I chortled with her 'oh so lost' look "So... what do you say, am I a good actor or what?" I kidded trying to light up the mood, hopefully it would help to calm her down.

"Th-that was just an act?" she asked not believing me

"Yep but hey my acting saved you from another stupid arrange marriage"

"I-.. I really don't get it" she mumbled hugging herself trying to stop her body from shaking badly

I softened my facial expression and rubbed her reddened cheek softly "I really didn't want to hurt you but that was the only way to make your parents realize that what they're doing is wrong and I happen to have a personal grudge with Andrew Goodwin so I just had to do it."

"All you had to do is refuse, you didn't have to backhand me" she scolded me when her fear finally left her

"And then what?" I asked her "I refuse and your parents will find another one. It will continue until they married you off to some asshole. I had to do that to make them realize that you're their child, their only daughter, their own flesh and blood not some property that they could just give to some stranger" I said ruffling her hair, I'd have to admit that she's too charming for my own good.

"Why would you do that?" she asked running a hand through her hair trying to fix it after my ruffling.

"I know this would sound wrong to you but I did that just to spite Andrew Goodwin"

"But beyond all that. I know for a fact that you're in love" I said smiling, she seemed shocked that I knew that


"to your driver's son, Charlie" I continued, she wasn't shocked anymore when I said that, she was scared and I knew why, she was afraid of Charlie's safety and of course worried about what would happen if her parents' knew.

"You don't have to worry you know. From now on, you're free to be with anyone without worrying of your parents, I'm not your enemy, trust me. I know that after what happened earlier and more or less the things you've heard about me, you are probably thinking that I'm just spewing lies here but I am not. You see, once upon a time, I did know what love is, how it feels to fall in love and one day... no matter how much I refuse to do so... I just woke up and I lost that... no matter how much I tried to hold on, no matter how much I am willing to fight... it wouldn't have worked anyway since I'm the only fool. I know that you might think that this is ridiculous but if what I'm doing right now would allow you and this Charlie person to be happy then I'll get you two to stay together even if it's the last thing I do" I said giving her another light smile, she hesitated at first, I don't know if she saw my sincerity or she just felt sympathetic with my pitiful love story that made her speak

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