Chapter 7

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Yawning, I slid down my bed and immediately went to the window then pushed the curtain aside; I've always liked seeing the sun, it's like the only good thing in this world though I fell in love with it even more when I met Aubrey. The sun reminds me of her. I have been in California for a very short time but I felt like a lot has happened already, maybe because of Aubrey. I never anticipated something like this to happen and didn't expect it to be this good.

'Aubrey! AUBrey! AUBREY! You've been filled with thoughts of her ever since you met her' A voice scolded me, I smiled remembering how boring life was before I moved to California.

It was a pained smile though. 'You can't. Drew, you just can't'

'Why did I have to meet the perfect woman at the worst possible time?'

I went downstairs after fixing myself up and noticed that Jace just got home.

I cleared my throat loudly startling him.

"Oh he-hey Drew" he said looking everywhere but me.

"You just got home I see" I stated cocking an eyebrow. He cleared his throat and stared at me hesitantly, "Drew, I-I" he started, "you don't have to tell me, It's not like I care" I said going to the kitchen, he followed me but didn't speak and so did I. I started cooking some eggs and bacon for breakfast waiting if he would voice out.

"You ate already?" I asked him breaking the silence, he smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"No" he answered fidgeting with his fingers. I shook my head and added more eggs and bacon for him. Again, silence surrounded the kitchen even after I finished cooking and setting everything.

I wanted to ask him badly what's bothering him but I want him to tell me what's wrong on his own accord. I care a lot for him but if he doesn't want to tell me then I won't force it out.

"You know you can tell me anything right? It's not like I have a lot of people I can gossip it to" I reminded him then walked out after I finished eating.

"Drew!" Jace called out when I was half way through the door.

"Yeah?" he sighed, "I have to tell you something" I nodded sitting on the couch, he copied my actions sitting juxtapose me.

"I went to New York" he started and paused clearly still hesitating whether to tell me or not. I nodded urging him to continue "my parents asked me to. I haven't told you this but my parents made an arrangement with the-"

"Moore family" I continued, he gawked at me shocked. "I know about them, your parents are planning a merger with the Moore's" he nodded. 

"They have a daughter around our age" he started but I already knew where this is going.

"I could pull some strings Jace, just tell me the word" I was being serious but he laughed.

"There's more" he added, I motioned for him to explain

"Your guess is right, they are planning a marriage between me and Chloe, she's the Moore's only daughter" he explained when he noticed the confused look on my face when he mentioned the name Chloe "it was decided that we would tie the knot right after High school" he finished.

I grabbed my phone to make some calls but he stood up.

"Jesus! Drew, I'm not finished yet!" he yelled amused

"Chloe refused of course" he said sadly, I gave him a puzzled look. Shouldn't he be celebrating or something?

"And why do I sense that you're not happy about her refusal?" my query went ignored

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