Hard work can get you anywhere

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Hello everyone! I am back again with another chapter. I hope you like it very much. I advise you to read until the very end.


3rd POV

"Ahem. We already know how to tree climb using chakra, if that's what you are planning to do."


Kakashi stared at his students with his visible eye, not knowing what to say.

'But I thought that the academy don't teach tree climbing exercises.'

Atsuko noticed his sensei's confusion and looked hesitantly at the others. He stepped forward and started to explain.

"Well, you see..."


On third training ground, where three wooden stumps are found, there are two genins sitting and one was laying down, with the two have their backs against the wooded stump in the middle. The sun is already rising and they appear as if they are waiting for something or someone.

"Kakashi-sensei is late again." Sasuke stated from where he was siting next to Atsuko.

"When did he even arrive early?" Shikamaru drawled as he closed his eyes. His head is laying on his red-headed team mate. He never expected that the three of them would have a tight friendship when they became team 7.

"We have been spending a lot of time waiting for him to arrive. And he was the one who told us to arrive early every single day." Atsuko complained as he yawned and laid his head on Sasuke's shoulder.

"We could at least do something about sensei." Sasuke recommended as he glanced down at the male leaning on his shoulder.

"We can't. My father told me that Kakashi-sensei is known for being late. He won't change now." Shikamaru recalled the time when he asked his father about his new sensei.

Atsuko straightened his posture as he thought of an idea, "Let us do something productive while waiting for him."

"No, Shika-kun. Laying here and watching clouds isn't productive." He added when he saw Shikamaru about to open his mouth.

"Then let's train and get stronger." Sasuke nods to himself as if he was proud of his suggestion.

"We could do that, and we should also get used to each other and improve our teamwork." Atsuko stated as he pats Shikamaru's shoulder, signaling him to sit up.

"Fine... such a drag." Shikamaru reluctantly sits up, disappointed since he was already comfortable laying down on his team mate's lap.

"Now, let's plan on our training." Atsuko took out a notebook to write their plans on.

"I could teach some chakra exercises that my teacher thought me." Atsuko shivered as he mentioned his teacher, recalling all the torture he was put through.

"I'm good at taijutsu so we could work together to improve yours." Sasuke said as he pointedly looked at Shikamaru.

"Sure sure... I guess I could think of some strategies that we could use as a team." Shikamaru sighed, already dreading the training that they are about to do

"Let us start tomorrow and just relax now." Atsuko closed the notebook that contained their training plan.

The other two nodded and they all went back to their previous position, with Atsuko reading a book, Shikamaru letting his mind drift, and Sasuke closing his eyes.

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