Cal turns and runs to Isaac and Boyd's room, he kicks the door like he did earlier making Ethan look at him in surprise. Cal shrugs and runs to the bathroom where he hears water running. Boyd lies under water with a safe on his chest holding him down. Cal rolls up his sleeves and tries to lift it but can't causing Ethan to grab it and get it off him. "He won't snap out of it. Wait Ethan hit the heater. Heat! Stiles there's flare on the bus go get them." Cal tells his brother. Stiles runs out the room and Cal hears a noise coming from under one of the beds. He moves into the room and bends down to see Isaac, Stiles runs into the room and into the bathroom lighting the flare and putting on Boyd's arm causing him to roar. "Stiles chuck one here." Cal says making Stiles chuck one over. Cal lights it and chucks it at Isaac, Isaac yelps and rolls out from under the bed. "You two get cleaned up and meet us at the bus. We'll explain everything there." Cal says before turning to Ethan "Eth go get our stuff. I'm going to help find Scott." he says. "Be careful please." Ethan tells him. "I always am." Cal says as he gives Ethan a quick kiss before following Stiles and Lydia down to the first floor to meet with Allison. "I can't find him anywhere." she tells them. "It's happening to him too, isn't it?" Stiles asks. "It has to be. Didn't you say there was another flare in the bus?" Lydia asks Stiles. "Yeah, I'll get it." Just as he's starting off they all hear the unmistakable aound of an already lit flare. They all turn to find Scott standing just past the parked cars and holding the flare in one hand and dripping wet.

Cal notices an orange can that shows it's gasoline not water, he nudges Stiles and points to it making Stiles' eyes widen. "Scott?" Alison calls softly. In an odd trancive way, Scott slowly meets her eyes. "There's no hope." he says quietly. "What do you mean? Scott? There's always hope."she tells him with tears in her eyes. "Not for me. Not for Derek." Scott raises the sparking flare while Alison, Cal, Stiles and Lydia watch, helpless to stop him. "But Derek wasn't your fault. You know it wasn't." Alison tells him. Staring at the sparks jumping off the edge of the flare, Scott shakes his head. "Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. And the harder I try to protect everyone, the more people get hurt, the more people get killed." he says. "That's not true." Alison tells him. "It is." he responds. "Scott, this isn't you. This is someone in your head telling you to do this." Stiles tells his friend. "What if it's not? What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing I could do for everyone else?" Scott asks. With the flare slowly lowering dangerously close to the pool of gasoline, Scott turns to Stiles. "All of it started that night. The night I was bitten. Remember what it was like before that? You and me? We were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should be no one again. No one at all." Scott tells him. Stiles takes a step forward, an odd calm replacing the panic. "But you are someone. You're my best friend. You're my brother." He looks down at the line of gasoline leading toward the pool in which Scott stands. "So, I guess you're going to have to take me with you." Stiles steps into the line of gasoline. One careful but deliberate step at a time, Stiles approaches Scott. He reaches out, Scott's fingers tighten around the flare. Stiles gently grasps it and slowly pulls it from his hand. As the others breathe in relief, Stiles tosses the sparking flare aside.

Cal and Lydia watch it tumble across the pavement until a strange gust of wind sends it rolling back, right toward the pool of gasoline. "NO!" Lydia shouts darting forward, she pushes Scott and Stiles to the ground as a fireball erupts. Cal jumps to the side but feels a pain in his left arm. He looks down to see a massive burn up his forearm making him feel sick. He lies back down til he hears people shouting his name. Moving his head up slightly he sees Ethan and Isaac running to him. "Cal!" Ethan shouts as he lands next to him, Isaac the other side. "Are Scott and Stiles okay?" Cal asks quietly, feeling dizzy and sick. "They're fine baby." Ethan tells him "I thought I told you to be careful?" Age adds. Cal chuckles but winces as Ethan and Isaac help him up. "I'll get your stuff while you take him to the bus." Isaac says making Ethan nod. As they get closer Lydia and Alison turn to see them "Cal!" Lydia shouts when she sees his arm. "I'm okay Lyds." he says quietly, when in reality he was in a lot of pain. Lydia gives him a look and Alison runs onto the bus grabbing the first aid kit. When they get on the bus Ethan sits Cal down gently rubbing his hand and taking his pain at the same time. Stiles looks over "God! I think I'm going to be sick." he says as he looks at his little brothers arm. "I don't think your brother is enjoying it much either" Lydia glares at him while Alison cleans Cals arm gently before wrapping it and giving him a cooling pad for it. "Thanks Ali." Cal says smiling. Alison smiles and kisses his head "I'll redress it when we get home and I have better supplies." Alison then walks over to Scott as Isaac and Boyd walk on the bus. "Here." Isaac says passing the two boys their bags. "Thanks Isaac." Cal says with a soft smile. Lydia looks at Cal "Get some sleep, Lew." she tells him before going over to Stiles. "Why'd she call you Lew?" Ethan asks puzzled making Cal sigh. "Because my full name is Llewelyn Caleb Joachim Torin Stilinski." Cal tells him. Ethan smiles "Well I think that's a great name." he tells him. Cal blushes and snuggles closer into Ethan's chest.

The next morning they all wake up to coach getting on the bus "I don't want to know. I really don't. As you missed the message, the meet has been cancelled. Everyone move on." he tells everyone. "Coach can I borrow your whistle?" Cal asks. Coach hands it to him, Cal puts his hand over the whistle and blows. He shows his hand to the others, they see purple dust in his hand "Wolfsbane." Stiles says. "Each time Coach blew his whistle." Cal starts. "The wolves were effected." Stiles finishes before he grabs the whistle and throws it out the window as the bus drives off. "STILINSKI!" Coach shouts. "Yes Coach?" Cal asks. "Not you him." Coach says. "Me or him." Stiles asks. "You." "What me?" Cal asks. "No him." "So not me?" Cal asks. "Yes." "Yes me or yes him?" Stiles asks. Coach let's out an annoyed sound and walks to the front of the bus. Their friends laugh as the Stilinski brothers laugh and high five. Ethan pulls out his phone "Scott I'm only telling you this because Cal scared me and I know he cares about you guys. Derek's alive but Ennis isn't. That means two things. Either he kills his pack and joins us or Kali kills him and his pack. He has til the full moon." Ethan says with a sad face, not too sure which side he should be on.

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