Bonding 1

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The Bonding series consists of the moments you bonded with the specific member.

Your pov

As soon I reached the dorm I crashed on the couch. Being a trainee is indeed hard I realized after attending 3 hours of dance practice. Staring at the ceiling with my mouth hung open I tried to catch my breath. Others weren't that distinct from me as I saw Yoongi and Jin throwing themselves to either side of the couch. Other boys were  going to their room, too tired to talk and Hoseok towards the bathroom to shower. This was our daily routine. By now we even had an order in which we would get the bathroom to ourselves.

Hoseok would go first considering the fact that he can't make hygiene a second priority
Then followed by the other boys, second to last is Yoongi as he sleeps after coming back from practice and then showers after waking up. I prefer showering last as I take a lot of time thinking in the shower and most probably because I don't want to keep the boys waiting as I pick my hair in clumps in the shower.(Halsey reference. Sorry) or sing in my imaginary concert or when I sob remembering my life mistake.
Till the time my turn arrived I checked my sns and spend my time on phone.
Yoongi was asleep on the couch beside me by now and Jin went to drink some water in the kitchen and then he proceeded to join the others in the room to pick out their clothes.

I was watching our dance practice when I got a call. The contact read
I got up and walked to the kitchen trying my best to not wake up Yoongi.

"Hello, Mama?" I picked up the call.

"Hello, Y/N?" It felt like ages since I last heard her voice though it had only been a few weeks.

"How are you, mummy?"

The voice entered screeching in my ears and in response. I jumped back a little distancing my ears from the phone.

"Sorry Mama, I was busy with the training."

"First of all I don't understand why you left your degree to only go and suffer in South Korea"

"Mom, I think we're are done with all that, aren't we?"

"No we aren't and will never be!"

"This is what I want to do Mama, not some management course"

"First you fooled me saying you were going to South Korea to study and now you are being rude to my face."

"I am studying here, just not management but music"

"Y/N, don't ever fool yourself into thinking you would ever make career in this hobby of yours."

"Why don't you believe me Mom!?" I said raising my voice but not too much that anybody might hear me.

"You were such an intelligent and bright girl, Y/N. What happened to you? If your Dad would be with us now you wouldn't turn out to be a like this"I heard my Mom said in pitiful voice.

The mere mention of the word 'Dad' make my blood boil.
"You shouldn't have brought him in this, Mom. This has nothing to do with him" the vision of the kitchen counter became blurry and I clenched the edge of the counter tightly.

"It's time to put end to this rebellion of your's. You have to choose: Me or your music. This is your chance y/n."

I love you Mom and you know it too well to ask me such a question. I never won in front of you.

"I-I would ch-choose you, Mom.

But I guess...not today" saying this I closed my eyes firmly letting the two tears roll down my cheeks.
I heard her cut the call. And I placed  my phone on the counter

I bended my knee to burry my damp face in them and my one hand still hanging on the counter. I felt chills throughout my body when I realized what I just did now.

I was in utter shock and felt dizzy. Soon I saw a figure kneeling down besides me. I couldn't make his face through my watery eyes. He just kept his hand across my shoulders and I helplessly rested my head on his shoulders covering my eyes with one hand trying to stop the tears and another hand hugging my knees. Once I came back to my senses I forced myself to stop crying and turned my head to see the person's face.

Yoongi's pov

A voice coming from the kitchen waked me up. I grabbed one of the pillow and shoved into my ear. But I couldn't sleep now. I stood up from the couch and make my way to the kitchen to shout at whomever they be. As I walked towards the kitchen I could listen the conversation. It was y/n's voice. I stood right there.

"You shouldn't have brought him in this, Mom. This has nothing to do with him"

"I-I would ch-choose you, Mom.
But I guess not today"

I heard the muffled voice. Looks like she had an argument with her mom.
I was about to go back to the couch when I heard y/n crying more specifically 'silent crying' if I was still asleep on the couch I wouldn't even hear an inch of it. I was confused whether I should go to her or not. Not like I was close to her but I also couldn't ignore her. I went to the kitchen and saw her squated down. She really didn't wanted anybody to know and tried hard to swallow up the feelings. The best I could do for her is to sit besides her and try to calm her down and that's what I did.

After a while she turned her head towards me and stood up slowly and I too did the same. I filled a glass of water and offered her.
"Thanks you" she said and gulped the water quickly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am fine now."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't think I want to."

"Feel free to tell me if something is bothering you."

"I will try to. But can you not tell what happened just now to the other members."


"I just don't want them to be bothered."

"I am sure they wouldn't be bothered as you are one of member of the group. But don't worry I won't tell them if you don't want me to."

"Thank you."

"Now go get yourself a bath. You know you smelled really sweaty when I sat next to you" I joked to make the atmosphere light but I guess she took it seriously as she bolted towards the bathroom.

Y/n pov

As I locked the door behind me I lifted my arm to smell myself. Yoongi was right I smelled pretty bad.
'Uuh Y/N, what the f*ck!'
I scolded myself as I added another embarrassing moment to think about on sleepless nights.

Narrator's pov

After this day Yoongi would often check on you and you were always grateful to this incident that gave you your first friend in the group.

Author's note

Thanks you for reading it so far. Vote if you liked the chapter. And please comment your thoughts on it. (^^)

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