About you

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You were with the members from your debut. At first you were surprised and shocked when you heard you were going to debut with a group of boys not only that but to add you were the only girl.

It never made sense to you why the company made such a decision considering you were a foreign traniee too. Felt like dream come true for a girl like you who always aspired to become an idol.

But it was never easy to begin with. You had to take Korean lesson for most of your trainee years. Not to mention how hard it is was to live with 7 guys but that's the story of another day.

Being the only boy group having a girl as a member itself was one of the setback in the first couple of years but also a unique aspect of the group.

It's admiring how you are such an introverted and reserved person yet manage to entertain the members and armies with your enthusiastic side. Sometimes you wonder what your exact personality is like.

You are a deep thinker. You can't let a thought slide from your mind without analyzing. This habit of your have been caught on camera a dozen of times when you zone out mid interviews and conversation.

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You can choose your thinking face ^_^

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You can choose your thinking face ^_^

Your constant thinking have sometimes led you to conclusions you never want to admit.

You were not fond of your past but it was not entirely overwhelming. You always kept some golden memories close to your heart. Like the moments spend with you Mom when you were a teenager. She was your best friend.
'Friend',a type relationship you rarely had with anyone until you joined BTS. Though some people called you their friend, you consider them only acquaintance.

People always jump back when they hear you never had a relationship before.
When in an interview you were asked "Y/N, how come a girl like you never been in a relationship? I can imagine guys being ready to kill to be with you."
You always laugh inside when such questions pop up thinking 'You would know the answer if you could see me back then'
You say,"You see I wasn't very much of a attractive girl back then."
"Actually she was a good looking person when I met her first. I don't know why she always drags herself down", you heard Namjoon saying.
And all the members agreeing to to the statement started mentioning something over each other's voices and pointing fingers towards you. The only thing you understood was you weren't that bad as you think you were at the time of debut but would your skeptical mind let you believe that.

Author's note

Thank you so much for reading!
Please vote if you like the chapter so far and comment any mistakes or suggestions you would like to give. And yeah this is my first book!

BTS Is Incomplete Without You                     (BTS 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now