They are sad

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Y/n was not fond of hospitals, then again who is? The colorless rooms, the bitter smell of antiseptics mixed with phenyl odor in the air. Whisperings in the corridors and stressful ambience. The last time she experienced this was the last time she saw her mom. She wants to get our of this place. But her discharged is not yet finalized. She has lost track of time in the four walls. One of the few that she can do is to sleep, watch TV or walk around. She has had enough sleep to not closing her eyes for a whole week. T.V only reminds her of all the things others are doing while she sits there. The orange light falling on the floor puts a halt to the rushing thoughts in her head. She walks over to the window to see the sun ready to leave the sky. Her hands held her chin on the window frame. It had been a while since she had observed the sky. The abstract clouds which one could watch for hours. They all where slowly floating to nowhere.

"Wanna go for a walk?" A voice whispered in her right ear. She got so scared that she almost got her voice back to scream. Instead a gasp left her mouth and she turned around in a second but bumps back against a broad shoulder to find herself leaning at window frame for support. Her eyes meet the person she just bumped into, the infamous Park Ji hoo.

Y/n found herself trapped between the wall and him. She slowly slides herself out from being sandwiched. Ji-hoo couldn't help but smile at her silly movements. Once she was at a comfortable distance from him, she noticed the flowers in his hands. The same one's that she received on that day. Ji-hoo followed her eyes and offered the flowers to her.

"I hope you get well soon."
He said with a bright smile.

She takes the flowers and walks back near her bed to keep them with all the other stuff she has received. He was not the only person to give her those flowers. She had received the exact same flowers as she had earlier mentioned in an interview that those were her favorite flowers.

"You didn't answer my question. Do you want to go for a walk?"
He asked.

She nodded slowly as she could really use some fresh air.

Ji-hoo silently followed Y/n as she roamed around the hospital garden. The balmy weather gave Y/n the feeling of being covered in fuzzy warm blanket. A cold breeze blew and she get shivered. Soon, Ji-hoo's jacket lands on her shoulders. Y/n was not in the mood to see anyone but Ji-hoo couldn't take a hint. She turns around to confront him. She takes out her phone from the pocket of gown. And starts typing. Ji-hoo's phone rings and it was a message from Y/n.
Why are you here? /

"To meet you obviously." He looked up from the phone to say.
Thanks for your visit and the /
flowers. /
But there's something I wanted /
to ask you for a long time. Was it/
you who sent me all that stuff? /

"On your birthday? Hmm. Did you like it?"
Y/n's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing him.
It wasn't my birthday /

"Leo told me it was."
If you wanted to know my /
birthday you could have easily / searched it on net. /

"I know."

Y/n could not figure out what was his reason for not doing so.
Has Leo sent you?/

She was afraid that it might be true.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Y/n sent the message and found a spot to sit down on the grass. She gazes at the sunset as Ji-hoo sat besides her.

"You like sunsets?" Ji-hoo asked. His phone vibrates
No. /
I hate sunsets/

\Why? I think they're beautiful.

He texts her this time.

They are sad /

He looks up from the screen to Y/n who is still looking at the scenary with tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks with strong concern.

She slowly turns her crestfallen face.
"I'm tired." She mouths and returns to look front.
Ji-hoo doesn't know what he should respond with. So, both of them sit in silence under the scarlet sky.

"Noona!" Y/n turns to Jimin's voice.

They both stand up to see him running towards them accompanied by Yoongi with his grandpa walk.

"Do you know how much we....searched... And you are here?" He says while catching for air.
He notices Ji-hoo and greets him.

"Were you crying? What happened?"
Jimin questioned in worry.

He shifts his eyes to Ji-hoo.
"What did you do?"

Y/n starts typing on her phone but it's too late cause the short tempered Jimin has already reached for his collar.

"Hey, easy-easy. It's a hospital." Suga said separating them. It was a been there, done that movement for him and he was not going to let Jimin do the same mistake again.

Y/n shows Jimin her phone.

I'm fine. We are just talking.

"Talking? You hadn't had a word with us until now and you are talking with him."

Y/n starts typing.

Is there anything wrong with me talking to him.

"No. There nothing wrong with that instead not talking to us, that's the problem!" He said in anger.

Y/n types aggressively and shoves the phone on Jimin's face


Ji-hoo stands in the middle of the chaos having no idea what's going on.

"Don't worry." Suga looks at his watch.
"It's time for their daily fight." He assures Ji-hoo like it was a everyday thing.

Ji-hoo watches the odd scene of Y/n arguing with Jimin even while she is not able to speak a word.

Author's note.
Hello guys. Hope you have a good day/ night. This book may soon come to end (or may not). So make sure to leave your feedbacks and suggestions. I love reading them. Also don't forget to vote 💜

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