Never been in love

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"And remember you can't go out without Alex"

"Yes, sir." I say but do I really need a bodyguard for going out for a walk. I can argue about this for hours with my manager.

Right when I swing the door open, there he is my personal bodyguard, Alex. The company has recently decided to assign everyone of us will bodyguard as the stalkers are going beyond their limits to make our lives hell.

"You should have ringed the bell. Hope I didn't make you wait too long."
I say as I get my shoes on.

"No, you didn't."

"Cool, let's go."

Alex looks exactly how I imagined bodyguards to be. Huge. But obviously he hasn't wore black and white suit that I thought was a uniform for bodyguards. Today he is in peach color hoodie.
I look like really tiny in front of this man. I try to measure my height as we stand side by side in the lift. I don't even reach his shoulders. I sigh in disappointment.

"Do you know where are we going?" I ask him


"Neither do I. I'll probably just walk around the neighborhood, I guess."

"Okay" Alex doesn't like to talk much and that's why I like him. I don't seem awkward in front of him.

I start kicking a rock in my way. To be honest this is way too fun. Another kick and---

"Watch out!" I hear Alex's voice. And take my eyes off the rock to the front. In seconds somebody's hand is around my waist and soon it is not, because Alex has pulled the person away from me.

The girl has his hands locked behind his back by Alex.

"What the f*ck are you doing?, Y/n it's me?"

I recognize the voiced.
Alex! Leave her!"

"Do you know her?"

"Yes. She's Hobi's sister, Ji woo. Now let he go."

He immediately backed off and apologized by bowing to her.
"I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Good looking guys are easy to forgive." She said and proceeded to lean and hug me.

"Y/n!" She cried hugging me tighter.
"What do I do? Please tell me what do I do?!"

"What happened unnie?"

"Let's talk somewhere private." She says before breaking the hug."

"Okay, let's get back home." I say and three of us start the walk towards our appartment.

"Does hobi, know that you were coming?" I ask her.

"No, it's just a surprise visit."

After sending off Alex. We both sit on the dining table.

"So how's---" before I could make any small talk, ji woo breaking into tears. Believe it or not, I consider myself a very sensitive person who understands other's emotions but the one thing I don't know is what to do when someone is crying. All that comes in my mind is to ask what happened. And that's exactly what I did and offered her some tissues.

"He broke up with me." As soon as she says that she started crying more.


"I don't know. He just- just said that we don't have any future together and blocked me." She says sobbing.

"What do you mean you both have no future?" I chime in.

"I don't know, Y/n" she wept. "But I can't live without him. I just can't." She said looked at me with her red eye. I felt really sorry for her. How can a guy have so much power over her emotions.

She starts explaining all the flaws in him, just to make herself feel that it was good that they broke up

"You don't deserve him, unnie." I told her.

"But I love him and I don't think I can live without him." This sentence didn't made sense to me. I believe that everything is replaceable. Maybe not everything. But I have never ever felt that I could not live if this person or thing is not with me.

"You know what I mean right." She looks at me with teary eyes.

"Don't tell me that you have never been in love!"
A long silence followed.

"Don't you love Hoseok?"

"Not in that way. Besides everybody loves him"

"That's still love, right? What if one day he decided to not talk to you and leaves you."

"That day will never come." I scoff.

"You sure?" She says with such confidence like she's foreshadowing it.

"Did he say something to you?" My voice breaks.

The door beeps and j hope and Jin appear from behind the door. I run to j hope to embrace him.

"Damn, we returned from the studio, not from military." Jin comments.

"Are you crying?" J hope asks me.

"Noona!" He exclaimed after seeing Ji woo who now didn't looked like she was crying just a second ago.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

"S--surprise!" She said awkwardly.

"And what were you two talking about?"

"Unnie I think you should come with to my friend's party, it will lighten up your mood." I ask her.

"If you are talking about Ji hoo's launch party. Then, No I am not letting Noona go there."

"Don't worry, hobi. It's a private event. And I promise I will take care of her."

"It's not that, Y/n. Ji hoo has invited YOU. "

"Nah, he has invited all of us."

"Did he say that?" Jin asked.

"No, I mean does he need to say it though. I am BTS and BTS is me."

"To be honest Y/n. If it was an invitation for all of us. He would have reached to our Manager-nim."

"Gosh, since when did you all became so logical?"

Narrator's pov

They were not being logical. Both J hope and Jin were trying to be her wingman.

Author's note
Your lazy ass author has managed to finish a chapter. Yaay. Do vote and leave some comments. Thanks for sticking around.

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