Chapter 20

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The next morning dawned way to early and bright but the kisses Arthur was peppering my shoulder with made it worth opening my eyes.
"Morning beautiful, how are you feeling?" Arthur asked as my eyes opened.
"I'm feeling much better since seeing your handsome face" I chuckled leaning up and kissing his lips before getting up.
"One kiss is no way enough" pouted Arthur making me grin.
"Well unfortunately we both have work in about an hour so we don't have time to lay in bed and whisper sweet nothings to each other" I teased grabbing some clothes before heading for a shower.
"Master, what is it you have planned f oor today?" Erza enquired as I grabbed some cereal for breakfast.
"Well I have history classes to teach so I want you to keep an eye on the masters and servants that don't attend the school" I answer.
"Very well" Erza nodded getting ready to leave.
"While you are watch them for any signs of battle I want you to enjoy yourself, don't hesitate to do some shopping or even just stop for food" I told her before grabbing the bento that had been packed by Salter this time. Once again when I got to school Fujimura once more attacked me with questions making me chuckle at her excitement when it wasn't even her wedding.
"Oh did you hear? You and Arthur after the only teacher's engaged anymore. I heard from Issei-kun that Kuzuki-sensei is engaged to a rather lovely young woman that is staying at the temple until they get married" said Fujimura.
"I didn't know that, perhaps I should congratulate him at lunch" I smiled politely.
'More then likely the 'lovely young woman' was Caster' I thought as I headed to homeroom.
'Yes after all they used the same cover story in my time, they were very much in love though' commented Angelica.
'Perhaps we can think of a way for them to once again be together after all, all Caster wants is for someone to accept her true self' said Jeanne.
'I don't know about that but one thing for sure is that we can't allow her to drain mana from humans even if she doesn't kill them' I said before I opened the door to the classroom focusing on the students now. When I looked around as I done roll call I realised that Sakura had summoned her spirit. Rider class Medusa, it also seemed the spirit had a caring for Sakura. When Sakura met my eyes she gave a smile to reassuring me that everything was fine. Smiling back I finished roll call before doing announcements before heading to my first history class. Before I knew it lunch had come and I decided to approach Kuzuki in the break room. Thankfully we were the only two there since I wasn't sure how this was going to go though I knew if my mana spiked Arthur would be there in seconds.
"Kuzuki-san, I heard that you were engaged congratulations" I smiled and he looked at me.
"Thank you Ainsworth-san" Kuzuki nodded.
"I'm not going to beat around the bush, I am well aware of who your fiancee truly is I-" I started before moving my head to the side and grabbing the punch he threw at me. Without letting him throw another punch I pulled him forward with his fist before slamming my elbow into his stomach knocking the wind out of him.
"Now as I was saying I only wish to speak to you, I am not going to tell anyone about Caster or even that she is actually a heroic spirit. After all I am of the Ruler class myself" I scowled making him look at me.
"It's a complicated story but that is not why I am here, I am sure that Caster has spoken to you about the holy grail war" I said as I let him go as we sat back down.
"Yes she has mentioned it" confirmed Kuzuki.
"Good then this will make it easy the Ruler class is tasked with watching over the holy grail war without bias to make sure the servants and their Masters follow the rules" I explained.
"I see, so there are rules and regulations to this holy grail war" said Kuzuki.
"Yes and I am going to explain them to you and in turn you are going to tell them to Caster and Assassin, if they break the rules or bend the wrong rules they will be punished" I warned and Kuzuki nodded. I told him all about the rules pointing out the most important ones that couldn't be tampered with.
"I hope for both of your sakes you follow the rules I would hate to have go break a perfectly good relationship apart for something stupid" I said to Kuzuki before leaving since my lunch break was over. The rest of the day continued in a rather normal fashion though I did notice that Shirou had yet to summon his servant.
"Ready to go?" Arthur asked as he knocked on my office door.
"Don't quite yet sorry I have some more papers to grade, have the others checked in?" I asked.
"Yeah Lancer is going to be late tonight he is tracking down a lost child, Salter has told me that we are having a western dinner tonight, Artoria said she is making a French desert, Giles is going to be home within an hour, Gilgamesh and Gil have gone to a few towns over to deal with some sort of business and finally Erza is watching Caster at the moment to make sure that Kuzuki tells her the rules" said Arthur and I nodded.
"I will be done soon you can head home if you want?" I offered.
"It's fine I'll wait with you after all who knows what could happen" smiled Arthur just as an explosion happened making me look at him my eyes narrowed.
"It wasn't me I swear" said Arthur his hands up.
"Seems like Lancer and Archer are attacking each other on the track and field area" I said making Arthur curse.
"It they mess up my field can I at least beat them up a little?" Arthur whined.
"No you can't but we have to go and referee anyway so you can make sure to fix the damage" I smiled standing up and we headed to the roof top. Seems Bazett and Rin both wanted to get a feel for each other.
"What the hell is going on?" I heard yelled and saw Shirou and Shinji there.
"Get ready to interfere Arthur" I said and he nodded putting his armour on and grabbing his sword.
"Who's there?" Lancer asked as they looked towards the two boys.
"Damn they must be from the grail wars, listen Shirou I am going to give you a chance to get away" said Shinji frost rolling off his hands as his magic power gathered.
"Forget that they are going to attack, give me the opportunity to defend us" said Shirou his eyes narrowing as he used projection mafecraft to have the married blades.
"Seems you two are just unlucky" said Lancer as he went to attack them.
"Ice make: shield" said Shinji slamming his hands into the ground and summoning a thick ice shield making Lancer jump back. Archer however took this opportunity to attack with his arrows aiming to kill. At least he would had if me and Arthur didn't jump down blocking them.
"Now, now I only told you the rules last night and already you are close to breaking them, that's not very wise" I said standing there with Durandal at the ready.
"Jeanne?" Lancer and Archer asked.
"Ainsworth-sensei" said Shirou.
"Aunt Jeanne" said Shinji making me smile.
"Let me ask what you mean we aren't breaking any of the rules" said Archer his eyes narrowed.
"Not only did you nearly attack Shirou you also nearly attacked Shinji both of them at the moment are innocents" I said.
"He is a master for sure and the other one has to be a master well from the magic that he just used" said Lancer pointing his spear at them.
"Actually Shirou has yet to summon his spirit therefore he is not a master yet and Shinji is not a master at all, he is a different type of spell caster" Arthur informed them.
"Tch seems like my Master is calling for a withdrawal" said Lancer.
"I am still watching I wouldn't try this again, you are only allowed to battle other masters and servants" I warned as the two servants left.
"Ainsworth-sensei what is going on?" Shirou demanded with a glare.
"I shall explain once we get to your house, Arthur would you please escort Shinji home just in case. Shinji I'll see you tomorrow for dinner okay?" I smiled and the ice mage nodded leaving with Arthur. Me and Shirou on the other hand headed the opposite direction heading for the house that Kiritsugu, Irisviel and Maiya were in last time I saw them when I dropped Shirou and Miyu off.
"Shirou-onii-chan......Whose she?" Miyu asked in a soft voice as she opened the door hugging her brother.
"She's a teacher at my school says that she has something to explain to me" said Shirou as he invited me in. I could tell that he didn't trust me in the least seeing as he didn't let me near Miyu nor did he turn his back go me.
"You brought someone home oh, Jeanne" said Irisviel as we walked into the dining room.
"Hello Irisviel nice to see you again it's been a while" I said with a cheerful smile.
"Master I felt your mana increase are you okay?" Erza asked as she burst into the room. Irisviel summoned her threads, Kiritsugu and Maiya burst in with there guns drawn while Shirou pulled Miyu behind himself.
"Calm down she is with me, let's not do anything you will regret" I said my mana fluctuating as I got ready to summon my swords.
"Jeanne? Is she one of your servants" said Kiritsugu putting his gun away, Maiya doing the same and Irisviel's threads disappeared.
"She is this is Erza Scarlet of the Ruler class, she is my second in command for the fifth holy grail war" I explained making Erza also put her weapon away.
"I see....I guess that is what you came here to speak about" said Kiritsugu his eyes dimming a little.
"Please tell me you aren't still blaming yourself for what happened? There was nothing that could have been done" I sighed.
"If I hadn't ordered...If I had listened" said Kiritsugu making me shake my head.
"I should have spoke to you sooner, if you hadn't ordered Saber to destroy the grail the whole of Fuyuki would have been wiped out. The grail had already been corrupt from the lives lost from both humans and spirits" I explained.
"If you hadn't destroy the grail then when someone made a wish on it, it would have exploded but it would be fifty times bigger" Erza said.
"I see" said Kiritsugu trying to wrap his head around it.
"I'll give you time to speak about it but first I need to talk to Shirou seeing as he has been chosen as a master, I am sure that he knows about the grail war as well as my position" I said.
"We have told him, Illya and Miyu all about you though we left out your name, Shirou doesn't really remember that night" explained Irisviel.
"This is Jeanne D'arc Ainsworth, she is Ruler from the stories we told you" piped up Maiya making Shirou look at me seeming to be studying me.
"I....I remember your hair" said Shirou.
"You don't have to strain yourself trying to remember after all we were only together for less then an hour, now let me see the back of the hand" I said putting my hand out.
"What?" Shirou asked putting his hand behind his back making me sigh before my own hand shoot out grabbing his. When Shirou when to struggle away I knocked his feet out and placed my foot on his stomach.
"I was right, he is a master I suggest you summon your spirit before something happens as it is Lancer and Archer have already tried attacking him" I said looking at the command seals.
"Get off me" snapped Shirou with a glare and Kiritsugu laughed.
"No point fighting against her Shirou, I don't think that anyone would be able to beat her" smiled Maiya as she shared a fond smile with Irisviel.
"Not to mention if you strike my Master I will take your hand in compensation, not to mention what Arthur will do" said Erza.
"Arthur? Is there something between you now?" Irisviel asked with a smile.
"We are engaged, we have a lot of time so we aren't worried about a wedding just yet but this is getting of topic" I spluttered with a blush making them laugh even Shirou smirked as I let him up.
"Now I suggest that you get Shirou to summon his spirit before another spirit attacks him" said Erza. Kiritsugu then sat down and explain more in detail to Shirou about what was going on.
"Will you stay for the summoning?" Maiya asked.
"Why not after all if we don't we will just have to find out who the spirit and class is later on" I shrugged as they headed to the shed.
"I didn't even know that this was here" said Shirou as they uncovered the magic circle.
"You should have looked around more after all this is your work area, we always tell you to watch your surroundings" scowled Maiya making Shirou duck his head.
"Onii-chan are you going to be alright?" Miyu asked.
"I'll be fine Miyu after all I'm strong so no one will hurt you remember" smiled Shirou making Miyu smile back. Shirou then got ready pouring his mana into the circle before chanting the summoning.
"Tell me, are you my Master?" A familiar voice making me blink as the light faded.
"Oh boy, this is going to be amusing" I grinned seeing what servant had been summoned. Artoria Pendragon of the Saber class.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now