Chapter 14

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When I took control back from Jeanne it was nearing nightfall so I headed to check on Kariya and Sakura. When I got to the room they were laying in, on separate beds I was a little surprised to see Byakuya looking at his brother worriedly. Shin was sitting on a chair between the beds reading a book with Shinji by his feet playing with blocks. Shinji while playing with the blocks was also sending worried looks to Sakura making me smile.
"Have they stirred at all?" I asked making the older two men look at me.
"A little every now and then but not for long" said Byakuya.
"I'll wake them now, I think they have rested long enough" I said walking towards them and placing my hand on there heads my mana washing over them.
"How are you feeling? Any lingering pain?" I asked Kariya as he woke first and went to sit up.
"No, no I don't think so" he croaked and I nodded.
"Good that's good, I was able to bring your eye sight back as well as fix all the damage in both you and Sakura but unfortunately I wasn't able to fix the eye colour and hair colour" I explained gesturing to Sakura's purple hair and eyes as well as Kariya's white hair and silver right eye.
"The colour doesn't matter at all you saved me and more importantly you saved Sakura. I can't thank you enough" said Kariya tears gathering in his eyes as he hugged me tightly.
"I am not heartless I can't just stand by and let Mages suffer when I can fix that, I need to ask you something though. Are you going to kill Zoken? If you aren't I need to know so that I can make preparations" I said pulling out of the hug.
"No I'll get rid of Zoken, he made not only me suffer but he also made Sakura, Byakuya and he would have made Shinji suffer I won't let that go without consequences after all I'm not alone anymore" smiled Kariya as he turned to see his family. Byakuya had kneeled down to help Shinji with his blocks while Sakura still slept with Shin watching her gently even Berserker was standing there. Even though I could no see his face nor really tell what he was feeling I had a feeling he was relieved to see Kariya awake.
"I'm just worried what that will mean for Sakura, will she have to go back to that bastard Tokiomi" Kariya glared more at the thought of Tokiomi then anything else.
"No she won't after all Tokiomi gave Sakura to the Mato family meaning once Zoken is dead you will become the head of the Mato family and be Sakura's legal guardian therefore Tokiomi will have no grounds to take her" I explained.
"But Byakuya I couldn't do that to him" Kariya shook his head making me realise that even if they were estranged and never got along. Kariya still cared for his older brother.
"It's okay Kariya, I never wanted to be the head of the Mato family plus I'm not a mage. Father while in Fiore found some books to teach us about the magic me and Shinji can use meaning we want to study and go to Fiore. We want to meet people like us and even if I never showed it I want you happy. That little girl Sakura, you already treat her like your daughter so this will just be making it official" smiled Byakuya placing a hand on his younger brothers shoulder.
"Uncle Kariya" yawned Sakura as she rubbed her eyes sitting up on the bed.
"Hey Sakura how are you feeling?" Kariya asked with a smile as he gently hugged the girl.
"I feel a lot better, it doesn't hurt anymore" Sakura said with a small smile.
"Listen Sakura me and Uncle Byakuya have something we have to do so will you stay here with your grandpa Shin and cousin Shinji?" Kariya asked.
"Sakura-nee-chan is you okay?" Shinji asked walking over to her with a smile.
"Mm-hm.....I don't have to go back to the bugs pit do I?" Sakura hesitantly asked.
"No I promise Sakura you will never have to go there" said Kariya hugging Sakura before Shin stepped forward taking her into his arm and also grabbing Shinji.
"Come on kids let's go see about some fun toys to play with" beamed Shin to the two of them before leaving with Shinji chatting to his nee-chan.
"I can't thank you enough" Kariya once again said looking at Sakura's small smile.
"There is one way that you could repay me, it's nothing like what you think though. See Berserker has some unfinished business and I need a little girl to open her eyes to what she has done" I said.
"Your talking about Saber aren't you? I have no reason to fight the grail wars anymore buy your right. Berserker deserves to have his wish granted and I can do that without the grail. Rest assured Berserker will have his battle against Saber" smiled Kariya and I nodded.
"You guys are welcome to stay here until after the grail wars but for now I will leave you two to your scheming" I smiled as I left the two brothers to speak to each other. Not just about Zoken's death but also to rekindle their bond to each other.
"Ah my lady are you going out? Shall I accompany you?" Giles asked charmingly.
'Isn't he just the best so handsome, sweet, brave and heroic' gushed Jeanne with a smile.
'Would you please shut up' growled Angelica, having enough of the other spirits gushing.
'Your just jealous that you can't speak to Gilgamesh' huffed Jeanne making Angelica snarl.
'That's enough' I barked making them stop there fight.
'Jeanne I know you are happy that you have you friend back just like old times but can you please think about it in your head also don't rile Angelica up. Angelica I know it can be a little annoying but Jeanne is excited to be reunited with her old friend so just allow her that for a little bit more' I sighed glad to get them to stop fighting.
"Thanks for the offer Giles but I think you should stay here and get to know the other spirits, Arthur your with me" I called.
"Yes" beamed Arthur as he walked over  changing into his armour ready if anything was to happen.
"May I ask what the mission is?" Arthur asked.
"I want you to inform Waver and Kiritsugu that Kariya is no longer participating in the grail wars. I'll go head to Tokiomi and inform them" I said.
"Shall I meet you at the Tosaka residence then?" Arthur questioned.
"No I'll meet you at Kiritsugu, Irisviel, Maiya and Saber are staying at now" I said and he nodded before leaving. Wrapping my legs with mana I jumped roof top to roof top it didn't take long for me to get to the Tosaka residence. What I saw there made my eyes narrow and my blood boil. Moving fastly I placed myself between Kirei and Tokiomi getting a dagger to the stomach and also knocking out Tokiomi by accident.
"Jeanne D'arc Ainsworth of the Ruler class I have been meaning to get rid of you" smirked Kirei.
"That hurts you know but it isn't going to kill me after all nothing you could do would kill me" I scoffed grabbing the blade and pulling it out making them amazed as the wound closed right before there eyes.
"I have self-regeneration meaning any wound you inflict on me heals in a second. Now I can't kill you seeing as you are still a master but that doesn't mean that I can't put you through hell" I said as I moved punching straight at Kirei. Instead of dodging to the side he thought that he could take the hit straight on with only using his arms as his defence. I wasn't surprised when I heard the break of one of his arm bones making him jump back as I swung my leg at him.
"See along with my muscle that I have been building up since I was a child, I also coat my limbs with mana. I may not look like it but I have enough strength to take out anyone" I said with a glare.
"Now I suggest you leave before I decide to throw the rules out and I will kill you even if you are the overseer, seems like you killed your father" I warned making Kirei scowl but he retreated.
"You are an interesting person Jeanne, I look forward to our next meeting" smirked Gilgamesh before he left with a laugh. Sighing I lent against Tokiomi's desk waiting for him to wake up.
"W-what happened?" Tokiomi asked sitting up rubbing his head.
"Seems like your should have watched your back just a little" I said.
"What are you talking about" glared Tokiomi making me roll my eyes. Honestly the way that he thought he was the king of the world really got on my nerves.
"Kirei Kotomine has betrayed you and now Gilgamesh is his servant" I chirped.
"Is that not illegal? Kayneth was disqualified for his servant being stolen" glared Tokiomi.
"That was because the servant was unaware of it nor did he agree to it. In this case not only is Kirei the overseer meaning he can cut ties between master and servant but he also has Gilgamesh's agreement meaning your agreement doesn't matter" I shrugged before getting up heading to the window.
"My advice to you is that you go home spend time with your wife and Rin was it? You know the daughter that you didn't give up to the Mato family" I said leaving. Heading to the new house that Kiritsugu was staying at I saw Arthur standing next to the gate.
"Master how did everything go?" Arthur questioned with a smile.
"It's done how was Waver and Rider?" I asked.
"He was resting at the place where he summoned Rider" he replied.
"Yeah let's go" I said as we walked in.
"What are you doing here" barked Saber with a glare, her armour on with her sword ready.
"I'm here to give a message to Kiritsugu" I said not bothered by her.
"No-" Saber started.
"Kiritsugu will see you in the shed" interrupted Maiya.
"Thanks" I said heading into the shed with Arthur, Maiya and Saber stayed outside.
"How can I help you Jeanne?" Kiritsugu asked as I took in then shed. Irisviel was laying in the middle of a magic circle looking sick.
"I've come to inform you that Kariya is no longer participating in the grail war, but it seems you could use my help" I said looking at Irisviel.
"What do you mean?" Kiritsugu demanded his gun placed at my head.
"I suggest you put that away" snarled Arthur his sword on Kiritsugu's neck. With some hesitence both of them put there swords away.
"Your a homunculus aren't you? And one that the Einsburn family thought that they could use to create the holy grail. Tch it's ludicrous to think that they could make a grail like that" I spat.
"How else should a grail appear" said Kiritsugu.
"Honestly the way that people think these days, seems all of the people have lost what the grail wars are really about. Once enough mana is collected from the mages and servants through out the war. When enough mana is gather the grail then chooses who gets there wish. Same as needing to battle not kill each other. Anyway this is getting off subject to the matter at hand, I can help you and then Irisviel will never have to worry about this again" I said.
"Why would you offer that with no reward?" Kiritsugu asked as his eyes narrowed.
"I mean no offense but I hate the fact that the Einsburn family believes that they can recreate a holy grail as well as humans when they don't have the knowledge or equipment to do that" I huffed.
"You know what's wrong?" Irisviel asked looking at me.
"Yes there is a fault in your making, your magic circuits aren't connected probley. Since they aren't  connected properly when you use mana you will eventually burn them out and kill yourself" I sighed.
"I am not sure about this, owing someone something is dangerous" said Kiritsugu narrowing his eyes.
"Hmm very well let me ask you something, do you love Irisviel?" I asked.
"Of course I do" said Kiritsugu and I smiled a little. Even though it didn't show in his voice or his face his eyes glimmered with love and affection.
"Good then I'll give you a discounted price, I'll fix Irisviel up and you can give me Avalon" I said and they both looked at each other.
"Very well, we will do the trade" nodded Kiritsugu.
"Even with your senses gone you will still feel the pain so Arthur if you could be ready to meet Saber and Kiritsugu if you could stop Maiya" I said and he nodded. I gave Irisviel a reassuring smile I kneeled down beside her placing one hand in her head and the other on her stomach. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out I got ready. As soon as I began Irisviel started to scream like she was getting murdered.
"Irisviel" yelled Saber bursting in but she was met with Arthur.
"Let's take this outside" said Arthur forcing her out.
"Kiritsugu?" Maiya asked looking at him.
"She is fixing Iri so that she won't have to worry about breaking down like the other homunculus, she won't have to leave us" said Kiritsugu and I smiled a little knowing he wasn't just talking about himself and their daughter. He meant Maiya as well. Finally when I finished connecting Irisviel's magic circuits I pulled back wiping the sweat away.
"She is fine now, a regular human woman though her white hair and red eyes will stay" I said pulling back and picked up Avalon placing it in my gate of Babylon.
"So she is okay?" Maiya asked and I nodded.
"She will sleep for at least two days while she recovers but than she will be fine" I explained heading out of the shed. Arthur seemed to have no problem with Saber as he had her pinned to the ground by his foot on her stomach with his blade at her throat.
"It's time to go home Arthur" I smiled.
"Yes Master" grinned Arthur rushing over and picking me up and over his shoulder.
"Hey let me go" I spluttered with a blush but he ignored me with a laugh.
"Do you see it Kiritsugu?" Maiya asked looking at me and he nodded allowing a small smile.
"Arthur you don't need to carry me" I protested knowing it was useless.
"It's fine I don't mind" grinned Arthur. Sighing I just allowed him to continue carrying me after all it was comfortable and I blushed a little noticing that Arthur smelt really good. I could help but admire the night sky from this angle and I knew after the war was over I would have to go see my parents. I didn't want to leave Fuyuki city though I would have to first finish my education, I could see myself making this my perminate home. When we got home we were greeted by Salter waiting for us along with the Mato's.
"I want to thank you for your offer to stay here but now with Zoken gone I have given Beserker his last order. We are going home so we can fully make ourselves a home that we are proud of" said Kariya with Sakura in his arms.
"I am glad to have helped and if you have any questions about Fiore or their magic do not hesitate to contact me" I smiled. Byakuya nodded holding Shinji is his arms while Shin had a hand in each of his sons shoulders as they walked heading for the Mato family manor. Seeing this heartwarming sighting I headed inside to my own make shift family.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now