Chapter 13

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When I woke the next morning I was slightly surprised to see Arthur sitting on the chair next to me sleeping.
"He has been there all night no matter how much we tried to reason with him" said Lancer Artoria with a find smile as she walked in.
"How is Kariya doing? And Berserker?" I asked sitting up and clenching my right arm a little. Angelica still hadn't fixed my pain receptors so I was a little out of sorts.
"Are you okay? And Berserker has been staying next to Kariya but other then that he is calm for now. Kariya is calm, has had breakfast, thrown up bugs and is chained to the bed still" explained Lancer Artoria. Throwing up bugs, well that's a first.
'More then likely Zoken has invest him with crest worms that then hatch into bugs' said Angelica.
'I will have to get him as well as Sakura' I replied.
'What is your plan for Zoken, you can't leave him alive' said Angelica.
'I think I will leave that for Kariya after all it is his family not only that he will want to get even, how is Jeanne?' I asked her.
'Need you ask' sighed Angelica when I heard the sobs again.
'No but I'll help her soon, first I have to deal with Kariya' I said getting up. Getting up out of bed I turned putting Arthur in the bed. Heading into the bath I took a quick shower coming out like a lobster since I couldn't feel the hot water.
"I think it's best if you allow me to help you know Kariya" I said cheerfully as I walked into the room.
"Your Jeanne the ruler of the grail wars did I do something wrong?" Kariya questioned looking at me his eye that wasn't blind was dull.
"Yes I am and before I am the Ruler of the grail wars I am first a mage. A mage who will not turn her back on those suffering" I said.
"I don't know what your talking about" Kariya stiffly said.
"I know about the crest worms inside both you and Sakura. I also know that they keep Zoken alive and have for five hundred years" I said making his mouth open and close.
"I am now offering you to get rid of those crest worms and I will also get rid of the crest worms within Sakura" I said.
"And Zoken?" Kariya asked.
"That is for you to decide though you should know that if you don't kill him, I will" I shrugged.
"How? How can I kill him when I am only just barely a good mage" said Kariya and I shook my head.
"Kariya look at me" I ordered grabbing his hand.
"You are more then just barely a mage Kariya if you were trained properly then you could beat Tokiomi by now. All that's wrong is that you were never trained normally. Not only that but you aren't standing by yourself" I said gesturing to Berserker who was leaning on the wall near the bed sitting down.
"How long?" Kariya asked.
"My friends tell me that he has been here all night watching over you. Not only him though you have Sakura, Shinji, Byakuya and your Father as well" I smiled.
"My father? Zoken told us that he died when we were young" said Kariya and I frowned.
"I done a background check when the war started I know everything about you guys, your father isn't dead I can promise you that" I said.
"T-then where is he?" Kariya asked shocked.
"I am sure you know of the side world Fiore correct?" I asked and he nodded.
"Your father currently lives in that world and in fact your brother and nephew aren't born with magic circuits, they are born with a magical core like wizards of Fiore" I explained.
"Magical core?" Kariya asked before breaking into coughs. Berserker made a growling noise as he stood up.
"I will explain more later right now I have to get those bugs out of your, can I borrow Berserker?" I asked.
"What for?" Kariya questioned.
"I want him to sneak into the Mato family home and get Sakura, Shinji and Byakuya out of there as well so he can't do anything to them" I answered.
"Okay, Berserker can you do it?" Kariya enquired. Berserker let out a small roar before he disappeared to go towards the Mato family house.
"Now I am going to unchain you then we are going to go to the ritual room or well the basement" I shrugged helping him up.
"Master, do you need my help?" Caster Gilgamesh asked.
"No but can you take this letter to Shin Mato in Fiore, don't worry my mana can still supply you" I said.
"With pleasure" bowed Caster Gilgamesh grabbing the letter before leaving.
"Hey Jeanne, want to join?" Lancer questioned from where he, Salter and Lancer Artoria were playing cards.
"No, I'm going to be getting Kariya fixed" I said with as I helped him down the stairs.
"You treat them like family" said Kariya as I sat him on the stone table.
"They started off as friends but now they are family" I said with a shrug. Kariya blushed the tiniest bit as I started to strip his shirt and pants.
"Master, whoa what is going on?!" Arthur demanded with a glare at Kariya.
"I'm stripping Kariya of his clothes so that I can reach his chest to get the crest worms out" I explained not understanding why he was upset.
"Oh okay sorry" blushed Arthur.
"If your going to stay here stand in that corner so I can focus. This is going to be painful also I'm going to chain you done" I said laying Kariya down. Leaning over him I placed one hand on his stomach the other on his chest. Focusing on my mana I closed my eyes basically seeing the inside of Kariya's body. Doing this I followed until I found the crest worms. Wrapping my mana around all the crest worms before tugging at them. Even hearing Kariya scream didn't stop me, even as tears streamed out of my eyes I didn't stop until with one final tug I pulled the crest worms out of Kariya.
"Arthur" I called with a croaky voice and didn't even need to finish as he came and sliced them into dust. Kariya was passed out from the pain and was silent as I sobbed.
"Lucy, hey Lucy let's get you upstairs" said Arthur as he helped me up.
"I'm okay, I'm okay, I need to preps the room to do the same thing for Sakura" I said as I took a deep breath and trying to calm down.
'I'll do it' Angelica said pushing herself to the front as I sunk back.
"Angelica" said Arthur as he withdrew his hands from my shoulders.
"Don't worry I will get rid of Sakura's crest worms, Lucy will be unable to handle it, take him to his room" said Angelica uncuffing Kariya and Arthur nodded redressing Kariya. When Angelica walked up the stairs she found Byakuya holding Shinji proactively while Sakura stood next to them but not touching.
"Who do you think you are?" Lancer asked with a glare.
"Your Sakura right? Why don't you come with me sweetie" smiled Lancer Artoria holding his arms out.
"What is going on here?" Angelica demanded with a glare.
"Are you the one after Kariya, if you are just take the girl she is the only one he will care about" said Byakuya.
"I am not after Kariya at all seeing as he is resting in our guest room but right now I don't have time for you nor is it my job. Your father can deal with you when he gets here just know that when Kariya wakes Zoken will die. Sakura come with me" said Angelica her voice softening a tiny bit but not much.
"My-my father is dead" stuttered Byakuya.
"No that is just a lie that Zoken fed you" scowled Angelica before picking Sakura up and walking downstairs.
'I need you to focus your mana on keep Sakura asleep while I focus on getting the worms out' said Angelica.
'Very well' I replied working my own mana to make Sakura go to sleep. Once this was done Angelica got to work pulling the crest worms out being extremely careful with the one in her heart. Even though she was asleep Sakura still whined, cried, whimpered and screamed. Once it was over and they were out Angelica instantly obliterated them with hatred and anger.
'I'll take control back at the right time would you get Jeanne's attention?' I asked and Angelica nodded.
"I am sure Kariya will be happy to see you when he wakes up" I smiled to the sleeping girl before heading to another spare room.
"Master I have returned and it seems like this one is better up here" said Caster Gilgamesh as he had a sleeping Shinji in his arms.
"They fighting?" I asked getting a nod in return. When we walking into the lounge I saw both Mato's were glaring at each other.
"Salter if you would and Lancer" I said and they nodded instantly appearing and having there weapons at there chosen victims throats.
"Now then can we please have a civilized conversation between father and son" I said with a murderous smile that made them both sit down while Lancer Artoria brought drinks and snacks in.
"Now why don't you start Shin, mind you don't start yelling" I glared.
"When both Byakuya and Kariya were little in fact Kariya was only two I asked Zoken to look after them. The reason for this was because Byakuya wasn't born with magic circuits" started Shin.
"He was born with a magical core wasn't he? The same with Shinji" I said.
"Yes, how do you know?" Shin asked.
"I was born in Fiore except I was born with magic circuits not a magical core" I explained.
"So the opposite of Byakuya and Shinji did you say? My grandson, anyway I wanted to find a way for Byakuya to use magic so that he wouldn't feel so bad. In Fiore I learnt about magic cores but when I tried to master my own magic it took time. By the time I was ready to come back Zoken had told everyone that I had died and he told me if I dared try and come back he would kill Byakuya and Kariya" said Shin distressed.
"What?" Byakuya asked confused and shocked, no surprise there.
"Do you honestly think that I would abandon you Byakuya? You and Kariya are my whole world, no father in there right mind would ever abandon there child without good reason" said Shin and Byakuya teared up.
"Right, everyone out let's leave them to it" I ordered grabbing Salter and Lancer pushing them out while Caster Gilgamesh, Lancer Artoria and Arthur followed.
"Why do we have to leave?" Lancer asked blinking at least until they heard the sobs.
"There is no need to embarrass him, let's let Byakuya reunite with his father alone" I said.
"Think I'll go look at the park" said Lancer Artoria.
"I'm going to head out as well" said Caster Gilgamesh.
"Wanna have a rematch?" Arthur asked Lancer.
"Make it a three way battle" said Salter following them. Smiling I headed towards the basement and cleaning everything up before drawing another magic circle before pulling out a sword that I had managed to keep secret from Jeanne.
'Jeanne you should pay attention now, stop this crying' barked Angelica as I went through the ritual.
'W-what' croaked Jeanne just as the smoke was clearing.
'It...It can't be' whispered Jeanne before she took control.
"Jeanne? Jeanne D'arc is that truly you?" The man asked.
"Giles de Rais" said Jeanne.
"At your service as always my lady, I knew sticking to the path of God, the path we fought for would bring me back to you" beamed Giles as he hugged Jeanne twirling her around.
"How I don't understand" said Jeanne speaking more to me then anyone else.
'I summoned him using his sword, he is Giles de Rais of the Saber class I wanted to show you the words you told me. You told me that there are several different versions of the same person like me and Angelica. Now you can have your friend back just like old times' I smiled at her making her tear up.
'You truly are a caring person Lucy, someone with a heart like yours deserves true happiness, that I'm going to make sure you get' said Jeanne. The rest of the day Jeanne spent with Giles getting to know him and having fun. It also seemed like Lancer and Salter were ganging up on Arthur for some reason. Byakuya, Shinji and Shin seemed to be waiting for Kariya and Sakura to wake up. Lancer Artoria and Caster Gilgamesh were both going around the gardens together. For now they were all happy and enjoying themselves.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now