Chapter 8

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Once we got back to the house we all settled in the lounge while Lancer Artoria made us some tea.
"Why don't you start Arthur, Gilagmesh?" I smiled and they nodded.
"Well to start with we watched the battle between Kiritsugu Emiya and Kayneth Archibald, the winner was Kiritsugu but neither of them died and they didn't use there servants" said Caster Gilgamesh.
"Hand on the orb" I said and they both placed there hands on the orb and concentrated on the battle making a scene appear.

Third person POV

The screen showed Kiritsugu, Irisviel and Maiya in a dinning room. Kiritsugu was looking at his laptop while Irisviel looked to be watching Saber fight Caster threw a crystal ball.
"Even Caster's mana isn't infinite, if she can last until it runs out Saber can win this battle, right? Kiritsugu?" Irisviel asked.
"I doubt that since Saber can only use one hand" commented Arthur.
"And from the amount of people Caster has killed he has a lot of mana, enough to out last them" nodded Caster Gilgamesh.
"More importantly there are still no signs of other masters entering the forest, Maiya take Iri and get away from the castle in the opposite direction of the fight" Kiritsugu ordered brushing off Irisviel's worries. Maiya nodded her head in acknowledgement.
"But why can't I just remain here?" Irisviel asked.
"With Saber fighting away from you, it simply isn't safe for you here. At least one of the other masters are certain to have had the same idea" explained Kiritsugu.
"Alright I'll go" said Irisviel before stopping as she placed a hand on her chest like she was in pain.
"What's wrong Iri?" Kiritsugu asked worried.
"It appears that another one has arrived" Irisviel told them as she and Maiya took this time to leave.
"Should we split up?" Arthur asked looking at Caster Gilgamesh.
"No, Lucy hasn't flared her power and both of the women are heading in her direction so we stay here and watch the battle. If I'm not mistaken it is Lancer and his master that have appeared" Caster Gilgamesh said.
"And of course the Master will head after Kiritsugu after the whole blowing up the hotel business, I'm going to watch him you stay with Kiritsugu" nodded Arthur and Caster Gilgamesh waved him off. It didn't take long for Arthur to find Kayneth who was standing in the foggy forest with a vial of silver liquid.
"Fervor, mei sanguis (boil, my blood)" Kayneth said before tipping the vial allowing it to hit the ground. Instead of being absorbed or even sinking on the ground the silver liquid formed a blob that followed Kayneth. When he got to the front door he used the liquid that he turned into thin stings to destroy the door before it went back into being a blob.
"Kayneth El-Melloi has arrived, the ninth patriarch of the Archibald family. Mage of the Einsburn family come forth and let us duel for possession for the holy grail, with our lives and sacred honor" called Kayneth.
"What is with that introduction, no one would ever answer back to that" scoffed Arthur.
"I agree he seems to hold his family above everyone else for some reason" shrugged Caster Gilgamesh as he came down next to the other servant. As Kiritsugu made no attempt to answer Kayneth it showed that he was displeased until he saw the camera zooming in on him. Walking towards the steps Kayneth tripped a wire that then shot ball bearings all over. The smashed decorations and lights but the silver blob seemed to wrap around him to protect him.
"Mechanical traps of all things, have you fallen so low Einsburn?" Kayneth scoffed getting no reply.
"Your breaking into someone's house and you expect then to just allow it? Without any traps? I can see why Master doesn't like this man" sneered Gilgamesh.
"Very well then this is no longer a duel but an extermination" announced Kayneth continuing to walk. Kiritsugu on the other hand closed his laptop and grabbed his gun. When he was about byo grab the door Kiritsugu saw that some of the silver substance had turned into a sting and was threwtheory hole.
"I see automated probes" said Kiritsugu before turning as something cut through the table and floor. Kayneth then used the silver substance like an elevator to lift himself up to the same room.
"I found you, pathetic rat" Kayneth insulted. Kiritsugu didn't bother replying only starting to fire his automatic gun. Kayneth then lifted his silver substance into a shield to stop the bullets.
"Now scalp (attack)" Kayneth ordered as the substance grew four large tentacles that attacked Kiritsugu. Or at least they tired as it looked as if he ran faster then normal and went into the hole that Kayneth had made.
"What just happened?" Arthur asked confused.
"It's called time alter: double accelerate, it makes you able to manipulate time more then likely your about to get a lecture from him" explained Caster Gilgamesh as he pointed his thumb at Kayneth.
"Huh? Oh he manipulated the flow of time to greatly accelerate himself by using his own body as a reality marble. It seems he knows a little magic after all, still only a miserable little coward would depend on petty tricks after being trained as a mage. Perhaps dying will teach him his place" said Kayneth.
"He doesn't understand the basic things about battles does he?" Arthur asked while Caster Gilgamesh shook his head.
"Is this truly what has become of mages? Well at least Lucy and that friend of hers has some sense" sighed Caster Gilgamesh. Kayneth made him self slip threw the silver substance before it followed him down the hole. "Ire Sanctio (track and kill)" order Kayneth making the silver substance turning into something like a spider web to track Kiritsugu.
"If he's manipulating his inner time, he must be placing enormous stress on his body" commented Kayneth before the substance started go move before going back to it normal blob like state.
"I've found him, now then how far can you run as exhausted as you are" chuckled Kayneth. Kiritsugu had been running down the hall but stopped leaning against the wall, sweat pouring out of him. One of Kayneth's automatic probs were right above him before it stopped and retreated.
"Well, well perhaps there is hope for mages" grinned Caster Gilgamesh.
"I'm lost" confessed Arthur with a confused look.
"Kiritsugu used another time alter but this one was to be three times slower but not on the outside, on the inside. He made it seem like had no pulse or heartbeat therefore fooling the prob into thinking nothing was there" explained Caster Gilgamesh. Kayneth then started to walk down the hall before being surprised by Kiritsugu.
"Kayneth" yelled Kiritsugu before opening fire. Kayneth managed to get his silver substance up into a shield.
"Your a fool it's a waste of time" smirked Kayneth but Kiritsugu just threw the automatic gun to the side before bringing out a pistol with a smirk before firing. This bullet was different though as it ripped straight threw the silver substance and into Kayneth's shoulder going straight threw.
"Scalp" ordered Kayneth with a glare holding his shoulder. Kiritsugu jumped dodging the attacks before grabbing the automatic gun and firing. This in turn made Kayneth stop his attack to defend himself so Kiritsugu took this chance to take off into a different hallway.
"He were some how able to breach Volumen Hydrargyrum's autonomous defence, he couldn't have. His ineffective childish attacks simply lulled me into lowering my guard. I shall take steps to provide for a much swifter more efficient defense from now on" said Kayneth looking at his blood.
"Your a disgrace to mages everywhere, you piece of low born trash. For spilling my blood, you with your life" growled Kayneth with a fierce glare as his silver weapon attack the hallway. Meanwhile Kiritsugu had stood running with his back against the wall again.
"Time to tap into his thoughts" said Caster Gilgamesh as Kiritsugu placed the automatic gun down and pulled the pistol out.
'He knows exactly how powerful this is now, it's not going to work on him twice. Next time he'll channel all his mana into his defense, yes that's exactly what I need him to do' thought Kiritsugu reloading the pistol.
"That's more then likely a custom pistol that can rip threw mana" noted Arthur.
"The bullets have the ability to destroy magic circuits" said Caster Gilgamesh. It seemed that Kayneth had given up on being quiet as he didn't bother to dodge the traps he just walk through them being guarded by the silver substance.
"Pathetic, I didn't come here and join the holy grail war only to fight in this ridiculous, sort, of battle" yelled Kayneth slapping his hand onto the wall leaving a smear of blood.
"Where is he? Find him" ordered Kayneth as his silver substance went to destroying the whole hallway.
"There you are, you sculking little rat" sneered Kayneth as he turned around.
"Surely don't expectvtge same trick to work on me a second time do you? Low born scum" smirked Kayneth putting his hand up to his hair.
"The fact that you succeed in landing a single blow wasn't due to any great strategy of yours, it was a fluke, a stroke of luck plain and simple. Now I'm going to teach you the difference, I shan't let you die easily. I shall use healing magic to regenerate your heart and lungs while I rend every millimeter of your low born flesh. Excruciating pain and despair, you will die as you suffer and while you die you will curse them, you will curse the cowardice of those who hired you. You will curse the Einsburn's for making a mockery of the grail war" declared Kayneth. Kiritsugu didn't answer only once more firing with his automatic weapon.
"Insolent fool" yelled Kayneth as his silver substance took a solid form in front of him to stop the bullets. Kiritsugu the brought the pistol out and shot it.
"I knew you'd do that" grinned Kayneth as the first layer of the silver parted trying to trap the bullet. It work in a way but at the same time it didn't as Kayneth's magic circuits started destroy themselves. Kayneth was throwing up blood and collapsed as Kiritsugu started walking away. Sensing something Kiritsugu turned shooting a few bullets but Lancer deflected them.
"I'm sure you know how easy it would be for me to skewer you right now correct? Master of Saber" sneered Lancer.
"So that's it is it?" Kiritsugu asked as Lancer moved Kayneth onto his back.
"I shall not let you kill my Master nor will I kill Saber's master. Neither of us wish for our duel to be ended that way. Never forget this, the reason you survived our encounter is the nobility showed by the king of knights" glared Lancer before leaving.
"We should head back to Lucy" said Arthur and Caster Gilgamesh nodded as they left.

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