Chapter 18

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Arriving at the Mato's manor I knocked on the door waiting for them to answer it.
"Aunty Jeanne, your here earlier this week I though dinner was Saturday it's only Thursday" said Shinji as he opened the door.
"I know I'm sure that you noticed about Sakura" I smiled and he smiled back sheepishly.
"Yeah I just wasn't sure if that was actually what you were here for or if something else had happened" said Shinji.
"It's fine now let's go in, I also have a new book for you" I said opening the gate of Babylon to bring out a book on ice make magic.
"This book is about moving ice make magic, thank you Aunty Jeanne" said Shinji hugging me before taking off making me chuckle. When I walked into the house I headed to the lounge finding Byakuya and Kariya sitting there.
"How are you feeling Kariya? Any pain or perhaps discomfort?" I asked as I hugged both the older men.
"My legs hurt a little when I woke up but other then that I am fine" said Kariya with a smile.
"I'm glad, I'm sure you know why I'm here" I said.
"So we were right. I knew as soon as that mark appeared on the back of her hand that she had been chosen as one of the participants for the fifth grail war" sighed Kariya gripping his hands together while Byakuya placed a hand on his brothers shoulder and squeezed.
"You can look out for her right? So nothing can happen to her right?" Byakuya asked looking at me.
"I…..I can't do that, you know I can't" I said shaking my head.
"What do you mean?" Byakuya asked with a glare.
"I am of the Ruler class meaning I have to watch over the grail wars without bias. I can't play favourites with Sakura or any of the other participants" I said.
"What?!" Byakuya snapped but Kariya stopped him.
"It's okay Byakuya, I knew that Jeanne wouldn't be able to help Sakura out just as she couldn't favor me or Waver. You'll make sure she doesn't die though" said Kariya.
"Yes I will make sure that she doesn't die just as I will make sure no one else dies in this war, you have my word" I replied.
"Aunt Jeanne, I didn't realise you were here yet" said Sakura as she walked past before walking in.
"I'm just talking to Kariya and Byakuya about the grail war, you should sit as well" I said as she sat down moving her skirt so she wouldn't sit on it.
"I haven't summoned my heroic spirit yet" said Sakura.
"I know if not they would have been with you, now there us a few things we have to go over" I said making her nod.
"Now I'm sure you realise that I can't play play favourites with you or anyone else in this war and I can't reveal any information about the other servants or masters. Now I'll tell you the rules of the grail war that are not to be broken or bent the other rules I'm sure Kariya can go over with you" I said and Sakura nodded as she listened closely as I detailed each rule.
"So I have to do this alone?" Sakura enquired her hands shaking a little.
"No way, I'm not letting my little sister go into this grail war by herself, you'll have me by my side all the way through it" declared Shinji as he walked in his magic power rolling off him.
"If you don't calm down Shinji your going to freeze us to death" I warned making him take a few deep breaths. When it came to Sakura, Shinji was overprotective and could over react at the smallest things. To combat this I had him focusing on breathing exercises for now so that he wouldn't give himself away.
"I should get going I just wanted to see what was happening, I'll see you guys for lunch on Saturday and school for you guys also give Shin my best" I smiled as I got up, Shin was away on business at the moment.
"See you later" said Kariya as they all hugged me before I left. On the way home I stopped at the store to grab some more food and snacks.
"Hey Jeanne" called a voice as I looked up to see Arthur and Erza there though Erza had changed from her armour into a simple black and white suit.
"Showing Erza the difference between the shops in Fuyuki and Fiore?" I questioned as Arthur took the basket from me.
"Yes Arthur has been most helpful" nodded Erza.
"I'm glad that your adjusting easy, we should head home the others should be back so I can do introductions and also get the information" I said heading for the check out but not before Arthur kissed my cheek. Once we got through the checkout Arthur grabbed the bags before I even got to them.
"I'm not weak, you don't have to carry everything for me" I said but couldn't help the grin that stretched onto my face.
"It seems that you two are dating" noted Erza as Arthur put his arm around my waist.
"We have been engaged for three years, we haven't decided on a wedding date yet though" I chuckled.
"Oh wow that's amazing I have never been to a wedding before" said Erza her eyes sparkling in happiness and fascination.
"Who knows maybe you'll be a bridesmaid but as much as this is happy to talk about we should worry more about the grail war" I said and Erza nodded. Getting hurt I heard yelling straight away making me blink before running into the lounge. It seemed something had happened between Salter and Gilgamesh but nothing bad seeing as Salter was blushing bright red while Gilgamesh was smirking.
"What's going on? You made me think something was wrong" I scowled.
"Salter has a crush on that Shirou boy" grinned Gilgamesh.
"I do not have a crush at all" snapped Salter her Excallibur in her hand at the ready.
"That's enough both of you" I ordered pushing them both away from the other.
"I've told you before Gilgamesh to stop teasing the others and Salter I told you to stop over reacting about small things" I sighed, sometimes it was like herding a bunch of children in kindargarde.
"Now why don't we sit down and talk about the new masters and servants then we can come back to Salter's crush" I chuckled at Salter's look.
"Me and Gil found Lancer who is Cu Chulainn, Ireland's child of light, his master is a Magi by the name of Bazett" said Artoria.
"They seem to work well together and I don't just mean when battling" said Gil.
'It isn't that much of a surprise with Bazett having married Cu Chulainn in my universe' Angelica said.
'And this time Kirei Kotomine was not in the way to try and kill Bazett' Jeanne pointed out.
"We found Beserker's master which is where we also ran into Diamuid" said Gilgamesh.
"And Salter's crush, Shirou Emiya is indeed a master but he has yet to summon his servant" said Diamuid making Salter glare.
"Illyasviel Von Einsburn is the master of Berserker who is also known as Herculues" said Salter.
"I found Caster though that situation is a bit different then normal" said Giles.
"Oh?" I enquired already knowing that she had already switched masters to Kuzuki Soichiro.
"She is known as Medea the disgraced princess of Colchis, it also seems as if she has summoned assassin as her own servant" explained Giles.
"She has also switched masters to Kuzuki Soichiro" piped up Diamuid.
"After we found Shirou and Illyasviel to be masters I decided to peek in on an old friend, Rin Tosaka is the master of Archer who claims not to know who he is" smirked Gilgamesh.
"He is the older counter part of Shirou Emiya though he is not the counter part of this Shirou Emiya" said Angelica coming to the front making Erza tense.
"If you try anything I will kill you, I have no need for a servant that is disobedient enough to attack her master" sneered Angelica.
'You promised to behave which is why I allowed you in control' I warned her.
'Are you sure that Angelica is the best person for this next bit?' Jeanne questioned.
'I will admit that it is probley risky but I trust Angelic and so do you plus she is scarier then both of us' I chuckled after all Jeanne wasn't worried about Angelica going rouge on Erza. She was worried that Angelica would have a hard time separating this world from her own.
"I am going out for a while don't wait up for me I will be back later, I am sure that you have work tomorrow so make sure you rest. Erza you will be with me as well" said Angelica as she walked away.
"Well that's Angelica for you, as fiery and beautiful as always" said Gilgamesh.
"We shall explain once you have come back, more then likely you will be going to visit some of the masters to warn them of the rules and what happens if they break them" said Giles and Erza nodded before following Angelica out of the room.
"May I ask you something?" Erza asked as they walked.
"Go ahead though do not expect me to answer you" said Angelica.
"You do not trust me in fact you seem to absolutely hate me though I do not remember meeting you let alone doing anything to you, so may I ask why you hate me?" Erza questioned.
"Hm...I wouldn't say that I hate you per say after all I dislike every one other then a select few. As for trusting you well you will have to earn that trust, one of your counterparts harmed me irreversible therefore if you want me to trust you prove you aren't like her" Angelica challenged.
"Very well I am not sure what my counter part done nor will I ask but I will prove myself to you even if it cost me my life" nodded Erza excepting the challenge.
"Here we are, the residence of Bazett and Lancer" said Angelica looking at the hotel before heading straight to the room. Once they opened the door they weren't really surprised to be met with the end of a spear. Angelica didn't even blink though as she summoned the married blades and blocked the attack sending it into the floor. While Angelica done that Erza went behind him placing a sword at her throat.
"Be careful who you are attacking" snarled Erza angrily.
"Who are you? Are you Assassin and her master?" Bazett glared pointing a gun at me.
"Someone already tried that way to win the war and to answer your question, no we are not Assassin and their master" said Angelica using her speed to take the gun and drop the bullets out.
"I am Erza Scarlet of ruler class, I was summoned by my Master, Jeanne D'arc Ainsworth of the Ruler class. We have been tasked with watching over the holy grail war to make sure no rules are broken" introduced Erza.
"Ruler class?" Bazett questioned as both of them stopped there task.
"Since you are a Magi I am sure that you done your research of what happened in the last grail war. I am sure you also heard of how the Archibald family was disqualified by the Ruler class. Don't try to act stupid" sneered Angelica her patients running out.
"So I know of the Ruler class, why are you here? We haven't done anything so what do you want?" Bazett demanded.
"If I was you I would learn a bit of respect but you are correct you have done nothing wrong. Yet" said Erza.
"We are here to give you a lay down of the rules so that you won't think to try and break them after all you wouldn't want to be disqualified from the holy grail wars" said Angelica making the other two exchange looks as Erza let go of Lancer.
"I believe that it is in our best interest to hear them out Master" said Lancer.
"Very well, we will hear you out" said Bazett. Angelica then went on to explain the rules that were not to be tampered with before telling them if the rules that could be bent but not broken.
"We will be leaving now and just remember that we will be watching everything you do for the war so I would tread carefully" warned Angelica as she and Erza left.
'I shall do the next one' Jeanne decided before taking control.
"You seem different again" Erza noted.
"Your rather quick to the punch but yes I am different I'm sure you have heard of split personalities? We are much like that but instead of our mind fracturing into three people, we are three spirits inhabiting the same body" explained Jeanne.
"So that's why you are different now and before" said Erza.
"Yes, I am known as Jeanne D'arc, the one before me is Angelica Ainsworth and the one who summoned you was Lucy Heartfielia, you can tell by the colour of our eyes" smiled Jeanne.
"Lucy….So that's why you seem familiar you remind me of my Lucy" smiled Erza looking at the sky.
"Well we'll have plenty of time to go over the difference later on right now we have a few more laws to lay down" said Jeanne looking at the gates of the Einsburn manor where Illyasviel was staying for now. We could tell that this was going to be harder then Bazett but it was nothing that we couldn't handle together. Even with Angelica's hesitence Erza was already making her way into our little family.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now