Chapter 3

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"Hey Waver, you ready for class? It's sure to be interesting" I smiled at the friend that I had made in the two years that I had been in London. Most of the students that went to the clock tower school were from ancient blood lines while Waver and myself were both 'new blood'.
"Ah Jeanne, yeah Professor Archibald is giving us feedback on our essays" smiled Waver as we walked into the room.
'Lucy watch that Archibald, he has been selected to participate in the holy grail war' said Jeanne.
'I don't like the way he feels' sneered Angelica.
'Don't worry you two I will keep an eye on him, it seems that holy grail war is going to start soon so I will have to summon some of my own spirits' I thought back to them while also listening to Waver as he spoke about his essay once more.
'Indeed it is close we will have to go to Fuyuki city once class finishes today, have you told your friend that you are going to be gone?' Jeanne asked.
'Yeah I told him I was going to visit my parents and my parents think that I am staying with Waver so it all works out in the end' I sighed not liking the fact that I had to lie to them but it wasn't like I could just tell them the truth.
'You are keeping them safe by not telling them so don't be so hard on yourself' said Angelica before they both went quiet as Professor Archibald walked into the room and started the lesson.
"In the world of mages a long and distinguished lineage is everything, nothing else matters. This is because magic will not wield its secrets in a single generation, a parent passes on the fruits of a lifetime of magical training to his child thus the older the family of mages the greater the power ultimately becomes. You are no doubt wondering why I begin today's lecture with something so basic, it is because a student for this class submitted a fascinating paper to me yesterday" said Archibald holding the paper up and I realised it was Waver's paper which made my eyes narrow instantly.
"How wizardry should be in the new century, it attempts to make a case objecting to the long standing traditions of which I just spoke. It claims that if one were to achieve a deep understanding of the technic's and precise control over mana application it would allow one to overcome any difference in inheritance ability. In short even someone with diluted blood could through his own efforts become a mage" said Archibald and I saw that Waver was blushing a little.
"To be honest I've learnt something from reading this paper, silence please, I will be perfectly frank this paper is nothing but immature juvenile fantasies. Blood determines a mage's abilities this is a hard and unchanging reality of this world" said Archibald slamming the paper down and Waver stood up.
"Even for you, Waver Velvet, I am very, very disappointed that one of my students would indulge in this moronic nonsense" said Archibald.
"Sir I was only trying to raise a question the mage's assassination has become to reluctent to address-" started Waver.
"Mister Velvet if I recall correctly your family has produced mage's for only three generations isn't that right? Listen to me compared to the mages association's long and illustrious history your family is little more than a newborn baby don't you think a baby should learn to speak before it tries to voice an opinion" said Archibald and the class laughed.
"Then should you bring up my heritage after all I helped Waver with that paper, going to try and say the same thing to me Professor?" I asked out loud making everyone go silent and look at me as I glared at Archibald, channelling Angelica a little. The whole school should have realised by now that I wasn't going to allow them to pick on Waver, after all he was my best friend and I had a rather bad reputation at the clock tower though it wasn't my fault. When I was a second year and only sixteen the doctor of the clock tower had attempted to seduce me. Of course it didn't work and Angelica was furious at his attempt and managed to put him straight through the wall into the assembly hall where there was a school assembly happening. Since it was in self-defense the school couldn't do anything as well as me being their top student but ever since then the whole school had given me a wide birth except for Waver. Archibald soon continued the lesson without commenting again after all he probably knew I would not hesitate to attack him.
"Hey Waver, I have to take off now" I said and he looked at me before nodding.
"Greet your parents for me Jeanne" smiled Waver and I nodded hugging him close while ruffling his hair.
"I'll be back before you know it, make sure to keep up with your assignments as well as taking care of yourself" I smiled and he nodded.
'He is still upset about Archibald' I thought.
'Anyone would be but this is not something that you can heal with words, you must allow him to heal by himself' said Jeanne with a hint of sadness.
'I have said it once but I will repeat myself, that Archibald is a pathetic mongrel that should never have been chosen' sneered Angelica.
'What type of servants are you looking at summoning?' Jeanne asked, ignoring the more blood thirsty personality.
'I should at least summon a Caster and perhaps a Lancer, I can't watch over the whole war by myself so I am going to need spirits to help be my eyes and ears but they will also have to be able to handle themselves in a fight if it came to that' I said as I was walking to my apartment to pack what I would need before getting on the plane to Fuyuki city, I was going to be staying in the mansion I had grown up in. When I got into the mansion the first thing I done was collapse into the lounge chair after all flying made me exhausted.
'Why don't you rest Lucy, I'll take over and prepare the ritual room with the magic circles you will need and while resting you and Angelica can go over which spirits you should summon' said Jeanne.
'Okay' I agreed and instantly I felt the change happen. I guess for anyone else it would have been weird but for me, Jeanne and Angelica we had been doing this for years so we were used to it. When one of the others took control of my body it was like floating in a pit of black but at the same time you could smell, hear, see and even taste what was going on outside. Outside of my mind my body had changed as well, when Jeanne took over my brown eyes would go amethyst purple and my hair would turn more of a sandy blonde instead of sunshine blonde. When Angelica took control she would self-consciously change into her golden armour, her eyes would be ice blue that could pierce through anyone and her hair was golden blonde.
'Which spirits do you think would be helpful?' I asked Angelica, turning to the other woman.
'From memory there is Gilgamesh and Saber or Artoria Pendragon that are formidable foes but from what I remember of my own timeline Shirou told me that in the third war his adopted father Kiritsugu Emiya summons Saber and then Tokiomi Tohsaka summons Gilgamesh' said Angelica and I hummed pulling up the memories of both servants.
'Perhaps there is a way to have a version of them' I said.
'What do you mean?' Angelica asked.
'Well think about it you are me but from a different timeline and completely different circumstances therefore I should be able to summon different versions of Saber and Gilgamesh to help me if I use a different catalyst but still related to the person' I explained.
'That may just work, let's sift through my memories to see if there is anything like that in the gate of Babylon' said Angelica and I nodded closing my eyes to start a rather large task.
'I could use the book of Gilgamesh to perhaps summon a Caster version of Gilgamesh and then there is the lance of Rhongomyniad, it was once rumoured to be King Arthur's second weapon meaning if Atoria is King Arthur then it should summon a Lancer Artoria and maybe one more i don't know who though' I explained in my head.
'That sounds like a good idea, four sets of eyes will be able to watch over the holy grail war' said Jeanne as she finished the first summoning circle. It was time for me to come forth and summon the first spirit, I would have to space it over two days since summoning a spirit was draining.
'Who are you going to summon first?' Angelica asked.
'I'll start with the most draining since I only have enough time for one summoning today' I said as I took back control. Once I had fully taken control back I opened up one gate of Babylon and pulled out the book of Gilgamesh.
'I wonder what this Gilgamesh will be like' whispered Angelica and I heard just a hint of sadness in her voice after all her and the Archer Gilgamesh were in a relationship and even had children in her universe.
"Let's get this started" I grinned out loud and placed the book in the middle of the circle before I stepped back out of the circle. I started the chant while also pouring my mana into the circle making it started to glow. Soon enough the glow got even brighter than my eyes could take making me close my eyes before I heard a cough making me open my eyes again.
"Are you the one that has summoned me here?" asked who I guessed was Caster Gilgamesh. He had golden blonde hair and red eyes and wore araibic outfit that was blue and white.
"Yeah I am the one who summoned you, may I ask you name?" I asked with a smile.
"I am Gilgamesh, King of Uruk two thirds god, one third human and a King of heroes. I am of the Caster servants" answered Gilgamesh.
"It's nice to meet you Gilgamesh, I am Jeanne D'Arc Ainsworth formerly known as Lucy Heartifielia, I am also the host to Jeanne D'Arc and Angelica Ainsworth. I am 3 quarters god and 1 quarter human and I am also a King of heroes" I smiled and he matched my smile.
"You seem like a kind woman that I wouldn't mind getting to know, but you seem different then others not like normal master's in the grail wars" said Gilgamesh.
"That is because I am different, I am not a master in the grail wars because Jeanne is inhabiting my body I will be over seeing the grail wars making sure that everyone follows the rules of the grail wars. I need to ask you to help me keep an eye on all of the masters and their servants" I explained to him.
"Then may I ask the reason you don't have command seals?" Gilgamesh asked.
"I do have command seals just not located on the back of my hand like the other masters" I said, taking my jumper off and showing him the large design on my arm making his eyes widen.
"You have at least twenty of them and all of them just for me?" Gilgamesh asked and I broke into laugher.
"I can summon as many spirits so long as I have the artifacts that will summon than, though I should rest for a while before summoning the next spirit" I said.
"The next one?" Gilgamesh asked.
"Yes I am going to summon two more spirits to help us keep watch over the wars, I'll show you to a room that you can use as your own but while I'm resting for the night you can wander the city though just try not to get seen unless you change clothes. Oh I'll also give you some money to get some new clothes and stuff for around here" I said and he nodded before we walked up the stairs. I showed him to his room before I collapsed into my bed and went to sleep along with both Jeanne and Angelica.
"You may not be a master in the holy grail war but I will still protect you, Master" said Gilgamesh before he left going invisible to the human eye.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now