Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up rubbing my eyes sleepily heading to see Gilgamesh was actually laying down seeming to be sleeping though I knew it was only him meditating. Sneaking out of the room I headed down to the kitchen and allowed Angelica to take control since she was a better cook then I was. Once Angelica took control my eyes went blue, my hair went golden hair and finally my clothes of a night gown disappeared being replaced by a set of golden amour.
'What do we feel like eating for breakfast?' Angelica asked.
'How about something that Gilgamesh is use to, I mean if you know something like that?' I asked.
'Perhaps fruit' said Jeanne.
'I know just a the meal to make, my Gilgamesh once taught me a few dishes from his kingdom' said Angelica as she got to work cooking.
"Is that what I think it is?" Gilgamesh asked as he walked down the stairs.
"Yes, it's some of the dishes from your home kingdom I learnt them a while ago" said Angelica her voice emotionless.
"Excuse my lack of mannors but you do not seem to be the one that summoned and spoke to me yesterday" said Gilgamesh.
"That's because I'm not, my name is Angelica Ainsworth I am one of the spirits that possess Lucy or well Jeanne now" said Angelica.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you this world is much different then the world I am use to though I already have memories to help me around this time frame" said Gilgamesh.
"Perhaps one day Lucy will bring you to see Fiore, the side world it is not as advanced as this world. Even though you do not need food feel free to eat" said Angelica as she grabbed a plate of food and she started to eat. Gilgamesh also grabbed a plate of food and started to eat while letting out hums of pleasure. Once they finished eating Gilgamesh insisted on washing the plates while Angelica gave control up to Jeanne.
"You must be the second spirit in Jeanne's body" observed Gilgamesh.
"Yes I am Jeanne D'Arc of the leader class, it is my job to watch over the grail wars and make sure that everyone follows the rules. For now I must prepair the ritual room for another summoning nearly all of the masters have been selected and have there heroes already" said Jeanne as she headed to the ritual room. When she finished the summoning circle once again I once again took control of my body and opened a gate of babylong reaching in and bringing out Rhongomyniad and placed it in the middle of circle. Once again just like the night before with Gilgamesh I spoke the words of ritual and a glowing light blinded me. "Are you my master?" A voice asked as I opened my eyes to see a beautiful woman there. One that looked much like the woman in Angelica's memories only this woman seemed more mature, more grown up if I had to guess as well as well a larger chest size. "Yes I am, though I am not a master in the holy grail wars. Come on up to the lounge and I'll explain" I smiled and she nodded following me up. Gilgamesh it seems had found the library and was lounging on one of the seats while flipping through a book.
"Gilgamesh, could I have your attention for a moment?" I asked him making him look over the book before seeing Artoria making him shut the book and sit up.
"Another servant?" Gilgamesh enquired.
"That makes me believe you are a servant as well" said Artoria.
"Gilgamesh this is Artoria Pendragon of the Lancer class, Artoria this is Gilgamesh of the Caster class" I introduced.
"It is a pleasure to meet such a beauty" said Gilgamesh as he kissed the back of Artoria's hand.
"A gentleman I see" said Artoria with a quirk of her eyebrow.
"Right, I'll start by explaining shall I?" I asked making Artoria look at me as she sat down.
"My name is Lucy Heartfielia though I am currently under the name of Jeanne D'arc Ainsworth. When I was born Jeanne D'arc and Angelica Ainsworth both decided to make me their host since they can't materialise like other spirits" I started.
"Jeanne is of the Ruler class, meaning it is her job to watch over the holy grail wars and make sure that the masters and servants are abiding by the rules. Since I am her host it falls to me to take up this task hence the reason I have summoned you and will summon two more heroic spirits to help me watch over the games" I finished explaining.
"I can understand now why you would summon me, tell me though what about this Angelica Ainsworth?" Artoria asked.
"Angelica is a bit different after all she is technically me but for a different time line. Her life was a lot different then mine but once her life was over in her world she became a heroic spirit before inhabiting me to help me from making the same mistakes as she did" I smiled.
"They tend to change whenever they want to so pay attention to her eyes, when they are brown she is Lucy, if they are blue she is Angelica and if they are purple then she is Jeanne" advised Gilagmesh as he had once more opened his book. It was a book on Fiore and the different magic types from that world. "Your interested in Fiore?" I asked him. "You know of this Fiore?" Gilgamesh questioned and I nodded.
"I should after all I was born there and lived there until I was seven. My parents also still live there" I giggled since his face was priceless.
"Then is there magic different from ours? How different? Such as this thing they call lacrima" said Gilgamesh and I smiled before I explained it to him. As I was explaining I noticed that Artoria was also listening with keen ears as well. Then again back in there times they didn't even know about other worlds. Once I finished explaining everything I could to them I took them to the library and pointed out the different of sections for them. Then I headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch. This time though instead of Angelic coming to the front it was Jeanne that came to the front so that we could have an English breakfast that Artoria would enjoy.
'You can stay in control after all you haven't had your home food in a while and it will still be like I am eating' I said to Jeanne when she tried to hand control back.
"Lunch is ready" called Jeanne making both spirits look up.
"So you done the cooking this time Jeanne, does Lucy even know how to cook?" Gilgamesh asked teasingly.
'Tell that man that I can cook just as well as you two' I said with a glare making Jeanne chuckle.
"Lucy would like you to know that she can cook just as well as me and Angelica" said Jeanne before they headed to the dining room. Once lunch was finished I took back control and headed down to the ritual room.
"Are you sure this is wise? Summoning so many spirits will take a toll on you with how much Mana it will take to sustain us" said Artoria.
"Especially me seeing as any spell of I use takes part of your mana as well as mine which means it's double since my mana has to be replenished" said Caster.
"It's fine my mana levels are rather high, tell you what we will do a test later on to reassure you" I said before opening a gate of Babylon making Gilgamesh make a choking noise.
"When I was little my Mother found your book with Angelica's help. I know all of your magic and such after all Angelica is basically a female Gilgamesh of the archer class" I smiled before bringing out the next weapon I needed for a summoning.
"What is that?" Artoria asked horrified.
"Among my travels I have collected many, many artifact weapons this was one of them. It's an Excalibur that has been tainted with darkness and horror from a tainted holy grail" I explained placing the tainted sword in the circle. Before starting the ritual making the other two go silent. This time instead of a bright light that blinded me it was a dark light that basically took all sight away from us until it went away.
"Who are you?" A voice sneered.
"I am Jeanne D'arc Ainsworth. You must be Artoria Pendragon Alter, otherwise known as Shadow Artoria" I said and she frowned. Shadow Artoria was shorter then Lancer Artoria, her skin was snow white, her hair was platinum blonde, her eyes were golden behind her visord and her armour was a deep black that looked purple with red streaks through it.
"This is Caster Gilgamesh and Lancer Artoria shall I explain why I have summoned you?" I smiled even though she just scowled. Even though she seemed a little hard to get along with we were managing to get along. Then again Lancer Artoria had taken Artoria Alter out looking at the world while Gilgamesh had gone by himself to explore.
'It's time for your training, you can't slack off' Angelica reminded me.
'I know are we going to do reinforcement or jewel magic?' I asked.
'Let's start with jewel magic, then go to self-defense then finally reinforcement magic' said Jeanne and I nodded heading into the training room. After I done my training regiment Angelica took control and done her training before Jeanne done her regiment. When the others got home I noticed that they had changed there clothes. Lancer Artoria was now in a deep blue dress with a V cut and it hugged her body showing off her assets and on her feet was a pair of blue heels. Artoria alter was wearing a black button up shirt with a knee length blood red skirt and had black boots on her feet. Both of there hair was still up in there normal buns though Lancer Artoria's hair was longer. Gilgamesh on the other hand was now wearing a white loose short sleeved T-shirt with a pair of jeans and simple black lace up shoes.
"Glad to see you have gotten use to the world your in now" I smiled as I placed the last dish for dinner down.
"When we were summoned we get memories so that we can assimilate with the humans" explained Gilgamesh.
"I know I just didn't expect you to chose to change your clothes though they look dashing" I chuckled as we sat down starting to eat.
"Are you going to summon another spirit?" Gilgamesh asked and even though he hid it I could hear the worry in his voice.
"Yes but first I have to assure you that I'll be fine come with me" I said gesturing for them to follow me to the ritual room. Opening a chest I showed them the crystals in there. "These crystals measure the amount of mana one person holds gold is the highest, next is blue then red then green then lavender then finally white we are each going to touch one of them and measure our mana" I said holding the box out. Shrugging they each grabbed a crystal and started to fill them. Unsurprisingly Gilgamesh's filled with a bright golden light, Lancer Artoria's settled on a nice light blue while Artoria Alter's was a deep blue.
"The two different blues are because of your different affiliations" I explained.
"Your turn" said Artoria Alter.
'Better warn them to step back' said Jeanne.
"Step back" I warned and they nodded taking a step back. I gently picked up a crystal that quickly went through all the colours before heading onto a rainbow of colours before it exploded making us shield our eyes.
"What just happened" said Artoria Alter.
"My mana levels are already high but add Jeanne and Angelica's mana levels with mine and there is literally nothing I can't do" I shrugged.
"How does your body hold up? That amount of Mana would turn you into a heroic spirit by now" said Gilgamesh.
"It's because of Angelica and Jeanne, both of them are already heroic spirits because of them possessing me I won't turn into a heroic spirit. At least not until I die" I said.
'You should do the last ritual, it's starting to get late' said Angelica.
'Yeah I'll probably have one of you guys take over for tomorrow I'm starting to get tired' I said. Even though I had an unlimited amount of mana my body still got exhausted.
"Okay I am going to be doing the last summoning now, I'll probably be sleeping all day tomorrow so you'll have a mix of Angelica and Jeanne" I said opening the gate of Babylon grabbing another sword out. "Is that Excalibur?" Lancer Artoria and Artoria Alter asked at the same time.
"Kind of tell me is there anything different about this Excalibur from the ones your remember?" I questioned showing them the blade.
"It seems heavier" said Artoria Alter.
"It's also slightly bigger like it was built for a bigger person" noted Lancer Artoria.
"It's built for a man" said Gilgamesh.
"Exactly" I grinned as I started the ritual.
"Now, now, now what is all this?" A voice grinned.
"A group of people" I said as the light disappeared showing us the person in front of us. A man was standing there with blue and silver armour, his hair was golden blonde that was short and ruffled and his eyes were green.
"Everyone meet Arthur Pentagon, Arthur this is Caster Gilgamesh, Lancer Artoria and Saber Artoria Alter. I am Jeanne D'arc Ainsworth, nice to meet you" I smiled which made him beam back. Heading upstairs I once again explained everything to Arthur. After telling them I was heading to bed and they were free to do what they wanted so long as they didn't get spotted or break the law.
'Tomorrow everything begins' I thought.
'You will be fine after all you prepared it's just preparing the others that will be the hassle' said Angelica.
'Breaking off into teams may be best, it seems Lancer Artoria and Artoria Alter would work well together. Perhaps Arthur and Gilgamesh together' said Jeanne.
'Let's worry about that tomorrow, good night' I whispered as everything started to go black as I slipped into the world of dreams.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now