Chapter 17

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Ten years later

It had been ten years since the fourth grail war and also ten years since Arthur had formally asked to court me. I could still remember how nervous he was blushing bright red. To start off with I was a little hesitant to accept since I was sure if I liked Arthur that way. Then Lancer Artoria told me that courting wasn't like dating, courting was a time in which the two people got to see if those feelings were right. If they grew to have feelings they then entered into dating. Knowing this I accepted the courting and we continued to court for three years. After that for four years we dated and then for three years we had been engaged. Three years after the grail war Lancer Artoria and Caster Gilgamesh finally admitted that they were courting. Over the years Waver finally finished studying under me and was pursing his own knowledge now along with Iskander or Alexi as he went by now. They were always texting or calling, each week they would video call and every time they got to a new place they would send postcards. Last time they called they were touring France. Gilgamesh and Caster Gilgamesh or Gil as he went by both decided to open up there own fashion business together since they decided that they didn't like the fashion today. They were going pretty good as well seeing as everyone that was anyone wore there clothes. Lancer Artoria going by Artoria now studied for a few years before opening her own bakery. Salter actually attended highschool until she graduated before deciding to help Artoria out with the bakery. Lancer decided to go by Diarmuid, he actually became a police officer and loved his job since he got to help others. Giles also entered something of the same work since he decided to teach self defense classes. Arthur also became a teacher at a school of Physical Education and at the same school I became a History teacher so I could teach the students the real history. During the years I had also helped Kariya out as he was recovering from Zoken. In turn I found healing magic books for Byakuya to learn from and Ice make magic for Shinji to learn from. Sakura had also become my second student that I taught everything to so she became a spell caster not a Magi. Even though she knew about her Mother, Father and sister she never wanted to see them since she said that the Mato family was her family and that I was her Aunt which made my heart swell. It was amazing to see the small broken girl that I had saved, stand on her own two feet. Shinji while I couldn't teach him his magic he still called me Aunt and was rather over protect of Sakura. He had made friends with Shirou which I knew since I had dinner with the Mato's each week on Saturday. Even with all of our different jobs that had us busy we all still lived in the same house and made it a point to have Sundays free to spend with each other as a family.
'Lucy, that's enough day dream of the past your going to be late for class' Jeanne said giving my mind a nudge.
'Maybe she has finally realised that perhaps she shouldn't bother with those stupid brats' huffed Angelica, she wasn't the biggest fan of my job.
"You off to work beautiful?" I heard as arms came around my stomach and Arthur kissed my cheek.
"Yes I am, don't you have class as well?" I asked turning to peck his lips.
"Not until third period so I don't have to head in until later, make sure to keep those boys in line" said Arthur with a pout making me giggle. He was jealous all the time which was just so cute.
"Artie, you know the only one I love is you so you don't have to worry. By the way though if I see you showing off your muscles again I won't be happy" I said with a scary smile.
"I-I-I wasn't, I was just, I" fumbled Arthur sweating while I laughed.
"Your adorable, I know that I'm the only one for you I just like teasing" I said.
"Your lunch is done Jeanne" said Salter making me turn kissing Arthur once more before grabbing the bento.
"I'll see you guys later, have a good day at work" I called getting calls back from everyone but Artoria since she had to leave earlier then me. Heading into the school I swung by my office desk I placed my grabbing the papers I had graded as well as my schedule while putting my lunch in the fridge.
"Ah Ainsworth-sensei how are you today?" beamed Taiga Fujimura the English teacher for the school as well as being a friend of Kiritsugu.
"I'm good thanks for asking how are you Fujimura-sensei?" I asked back.
"I'm going great though I want to know how you keep your skin so good. You've been teaching her for three years and you don't look any different not even a wrinkle tell me your secret" whined Fujimura making me shake my head.
"Sorry to disappoint you Fujimura but there really isn't a secret I'm just born like this I guess" I smiled.
"Meanie, well if you don't want to share that's fine I guess but at least tell me about you and Arthur. Have you set a date for the wedding yet?" Fujimura asked.
"Not yet" I sighed, she asked this every week.
"Why not? I've known you for two years and you said you've been engaged for three years isn't that a long time?" Fujimura asked just as the bell rang.
"Yes but we are taking it slow, we should get to class we both have home room" I said hurrying away. Along with being the history teacher I was also a second year class home room teacher which just so happened to be Sakura's home room.
"Okay everyone take your seats" I called and the students all sat down as I done roll call.
"Mato Sakura" I called looking at the girl that was in a daze until someone nudged her.
"Yes, I mean here" blushed Sakura as others laughed.
"Okay everyone that's enough" I said and finishing roll call before going threw the school announcements.
"Mato-san can I speak to you outside?" I smiled and she nodded following me out.
"Somethings wrong what is it?" I questioned worried something had happened to her. Since Sakura was raised by Kariya and grew up with only Shinji, Byakuya and Shin meaning she didn't have any other female role model but me so we talked about anything that she couldn't tell Kariya.
"Oh it's nothing major that you should be worried about it's just....well this" said Sakura showing me that back of her hand that had red marks.
"You've been chosen to be in the fifth grail war.....I knew it was coming. Tell you what we can speak about this tonight" I said and she nodded before heading back into class while I headed to the class I had to teach.
'So the grail has once again chosen to show itself' said Jeanne and I could tell that she was trying to protect me.
'I have already come to terms with what happened in the last war remember? I can handle it though I'm going to summon another spirit to help out' I pointed out.
'This time if you need to break the rules I will switch places, I will not allow you to suffer again' glared Angelica.
'Thanks you guys but I'm going have to focus on class now' I replied walking into the classroom. All day my mind was wondering but I managed not to let anyone in on what I was thinking. When I got home I grabbed my phone and text every one with a code that meant it was an emergency.
"I got your message what's wrong?" Gilgamesh asked as he and Gil appeared.
"Wait until everyone gets here then I explain sorry if it's short notice for world and such" I said. Soon enough everyone was gathered in the lounge room.
"Now that we are all here it seems as if the holy grail has decided to make another appearance" I said and everyone exploded into questions.
"What it's only been ten years" said Artoria.
"Are we going to have to fight again? I don't mind" said Diremund.
"Who has it chosen?" Giles asked.
"Are you going to be judging again?" Arthur asked.
"Shall we prepare ourselves?" Salter asked.
"Will the same thing happen?" Gil asked watching me.
"Nothing is going to happen this time" growled Gilgamesh with a glare. All of them were worried I guess since it did take me time to stop blaming myself for the last war.
"Okay one at a time I can't answer all your questions. I don't know why it's only been ten years perhaps because there was no victory last time. I do want you guys to help me out if you want, I am not sure yet who other then Sakura that has been chosen. Since I am a Ruler class servant it is my job to watch over the grail wars, again if you want to help you'll need to prepare yourself and as Gilgamesh said I am not going to allow the same thing to happen" I said answering all their questions.
"Sakura has been chosen?" Artoria asked and I nodded.
"I knew that if another grail war happened that Sakura would be chosen hence why I taught her about magecraft. I would let you guys to spread out and find out who else who has been chosen, try Rin Tosaka and Shirou Emiya as well. Other then that I'm not sure, also note if they have there heroic spirits yet. If you want to help that is" I said.
"Do you even need to ask, of course we will help" scoffed Gilgamesh.
"Yeah after all we are only here because of you" said Artoria.
"Your our Master so of course we'll help" said Salter.
"You will never get rid of me" said Arthur.
"We are family after all" said Diamuid.
"Shall we get started? Gil should be able to trace the mana levels" said Giles.
"Leave it to me" said Giles standing up.
"Sorry to take you guys from your jobs, thanks for the help. Once your done I'll be at the Mato home" I said.
"Family comes first" Salter bluntly replied making me chuckle as they headed out except for Arthur.
"Are you sure your okay?" Arthur asked grabbing my hands in his.
"Yeah I'm fine after all I have a chance to stop that from happening again so I am going to stop it for happening" I said reassuringly before heading to the ritual room.
"Summoning another servant?" Arthur asked as I reached into my gate of Babylon and grabbed a sword out.
"Yes but this one is a little different, step back" I ordered and he nodded as I started the summoning ritual.
"Are you my Master?" A voice came that had Angelica freezing before snarling.
'Calm yourself' said Jeanne.
'No what is she doing here' barked Angelica.
'She is not your Erza Scarlet, nor is she the Erza Scarlet of this world she is a different person all together study her and tell me she isn't different' I barked back making Angelica glare but back down.
"Yes I am the one that summoned you but I am not your master though you could see it that way Erza Scarlet of the Ruler class" I said as I looked at her.
"May I ask who you are? You seem rather powerful to be a Magi" said Erza and without thinking my mana lashed out around me before Arthur grabbed my shoulder to calm me.
"I apologise for that but I prefer to go by the title spell caster then being referred to as a Magi. I am Jeanne D'arc Ainsworth of the Ruler class, I have summoned you to be my second in command and help me watch over the fifth holy grail war" I told her seeing as she was looking at me in awe and fright.
"I will serve you until the day I crease to exist" said Erza in a kneeling bow.
"You don't have to bow to me" I said making her get up.
"It is to show my honor of being chosen by one so powerful to serve and help you. To not only have so much mana as well as supporting seven heroic spirits it is unheard of. You must be the single most powerful ma- Sorry spell caster" said Erza and I shrugged.
"I never really think of it like that but no one has managed to beat me a single time, now Arthur here is going to show you around and explain everything while I go visit some friends" I smirked as I pushed Arthur forward.
"What? Jeanne take me with you please my lady" groaned Arthur with puppy dog eyes.
"Sorry Arthur I'll be back soon" I laughed as I left towards the Mato home.
'I will accept that she is not like the Erza of my time.....But I will not trust her until she proves herself' said Angelica.
'All we are asking is that you don't attack her, you don't have to like her' Jeanne said.
'We can't blame you for not liking her but this version of Erza has not hurt you, don't blame her for her counter parts cruelty' I said.
'Very well' sighed Angelica. While walking I thought about the fact that the grail wars were once more happening. I mean I knew they would show up again but I didn't think it would be so soon. Since I couldn't change fate I would just had to keep watch and make sure we got a better outcome this time even if it killed me.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now