Truth and Consequences

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"Is he okay," Ethan asked, referring to Tommy's frozen-like appearance.

"This internal scan should show be able to tell us more," Hayley responded.

"Anything with Alex," Kira asked hopefully, leaning against the table he was lying on.

"Nothing," Hayley answered, "I'm afraid if he's out for much longer, we'll need to take him to the hospital."

Kira sighed at Hayley's answer, turning her attention to the other Oliver, "What's the deal with Dr. O., he frozen or something?"

"Not exactly," Hayley explained, "It's more like he's fossilized, fused into this amber-like substance."

"Can you get him out," Conner asked.

"Too risky," She answered, "He's able to stay alive in there, but I'd hate to think what would happen if I broke him out."

"A paleontologist turned into a fossil," Ethan said, "The white ranger's got a great sense of humor."

"Well, personally, I've had enough of him," Kira practically spat, her hand on Alexander's forehead.

"Let's find out who this guy is and deal with him," Conner added, "Now."

Conner and Ethan walked out, leaving Hayley and Kira alone with the two unconscious Olivers.

"He's gonna be fine," Hayley assured her.

"I hope so."

"Hey," Hayley got Kira to meet her eyes, "He's a strong kid and..."

"And what," Kira asked quietly.

"And...He's been through worse before," Hayley answered just as quietly.

"He's had it hard, hasn't he," Kira asked.

"He has, but now he has something he's never had before."

"What's that?"

"Friends, of course," Hayley said matter-of-factly, "He's never had that before, especially a close of a friend as you. I've got to get to Cyberspace before Ethan causes another invasion. You okay here?"


Hayley left, leaving Kira alone with her thoughts.

"What am I supposed to do, Alex," She asked out loud, "None of us can fight the white ranger, he's got his own megazord, now Dr. O.'s out of commission...I just...I just wish you were here to help us out."

"I miss you," She said, her voice dropping to a whisper, "I really miss you, little brother."

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