Future Fights and Violet Eyes

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Shirai and Alexander made it back to S.P.D. in record time, according to the lilac-eyed girl.She'd been so excited to fight such a large amount of krybots. According to her, she hadn't fought like that in years, and even then, it was only in simulations.

As the two of them pulled the Jeep into the parking garage, Shirai couldn't shed the enormous grin on her face.

"You'll have to show me how to use that fan, though," Alexander finally got a word into the one-sided conversation.

"Only if you do the same with a second tonfa," She smiled back, "I've always just used one of each."

They began to walk toward the command center.

"Why is that," Alexander asked, bumping her shoulder playfully. 

There was something about that girl that reminded him so much of Kira. The twinkle in her purple eyes as she spoke, the little jokes and jabs she threw his way, even down to the way she walked. It put him at ease.

"Family favorites," She bumped him back, thumbing at the two weapons she was talking about, "It's where these came from."

"Cadet," Kruger broke up their conversation, causing Shirai to pop to attention instantly, "Well done. Get some rest."

"Yes, Sir," She responded with the S.P.D. salute, squeezed Alexander into a quick hug, and scampered out of the room.

Kat gave the Oliver a strange look as b-squad walked in.

"Krybots are gone, Commander," Jack reported.

"Well done, b-squad," Kruger complimented, "Dismissed."

Alexander waited for the team to leave the room before speaking.

"What's your play now, Commander," Alexander looked at Kruger, "You've got Broodwing trying everything possible to get a hold of me, your rangers are being stretched pretty thin, and they're not going to hold indefinitely."

"You've not fought with my rangers," Kruger growled.

"I have eyes. Jack's left rotator cuff is giving him trouble, Skye's got something going on with his ribs, I'm fairly certain Bridge has a concussion, Z's fighting with wrist issues, and Sydney's left knee doesn't have its full range of motion," Alexander listed off all of the rangers' ailments he'd spotted when he first met them.

Kruger looked at Kat confused, the doctor returned the look.

"I'm sure Sydney told Shirai about her knee," Alexander continued, "Reading their body language, they're close."

"The rangers haven't told me about anything like that," Kat finally got out.

"Why would they? You'd pull them off active duty and they'd have to watch their teammates get hurt because they weren't there."

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