Golden Boy

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It had been a really long day for Alexander. He'd been up early to train (his normal grueling routine), worked on the raptor cycles, modified the Brachio Staff, and now he was chasing down a giant monster who wanted nothing more than to destroy him.

"Come on, guys," Conner encouraged as the rangers, minus Tommy sprinted to intercept the monster, "He's destroying the city!"

The four rangers summoned their zords, wasting no time in combining them into the megazord, "Online!"

"What are you looking at," The monster asked.

"Good question," Alexander snarked.

"How about a little vacation," The monster continued, blasting the rangers, sending them into an icy wasteland, "Now you have an icy disposition."

The wind picked up, the cockpit of the megazord chilling rapidly.

"I'm freezing," Kira shivered.

"This gives new meaning to the phrase 'chillin' like a villain,'" Conner added.

"Come on, focus," Ethan tried to regain their focus.

"Preach," Alexander agreed, "Put this thing through the spin cycle."

The rangers sent the megazord into tight spins, the machinery spinning around as if it were a top, redirecting the freezing blast back to the monster.

Once they stopped spinning, Kira asked, "How about a little Ptera Rang?"

The megazord launched the oversized weapon at the monster, sending sparks flying as the monster was forced to teleport them all back into the city.

"Spoilsport," It complained, recuperating from the attack.

"Tricera Fist," Ethan announced, the megazord slamming the triceratops horns into the monster, sending more sparks flying.

They followed up with another strike from the drill arm and fire from the T-Rex head on the megazord's chest.

"Oh, yeah," Ethan cheered as more sparks flew out of the monster, sending it reeling.

"Good one," Kira added.

"Dino Drill," Conner shouted, the megazord driving its weapon into the monster, sending it up into a ball of flames, leaving the rangers alone atop the city.

"Yeah, we're rolling now," Conner cheered.

"No doubt," Ethan added.

"Give it up, Mesagog," Kira agreed, "We're not going anywhere."

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