Thunder Storm Part 1

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Alexander was currently in the middle of the woods that surrounded Reefside, finding himself twirling the chakram he used on such a common basis. His bloodlust was coming on more and more now, so he called the only person he could think of to help him.

"You can't sneak up on me anymore," He called to the seemingly empty woods.

Silence was his only response.

"You're five paces behind me, left foot in front, knees slightly bent as you continue to try and sneak up on me."

Before he could say anymore, Alexander was buried in a hug, his view obscured by dark hair.

He could only groan as she squeezed his bruised body, despite his attempts at keeping quiet.

Her elated smile was replaced with a concerned look, "What is this?"

She held his hands, eyes passing over his bruised forearms.

"Not important," He deflected, "Not the reason I called you, Auntie."

"You're hurt, let me help."

"Auntie Rose, I'll heal, but there's something else, something I need your help with."

"Let's get to it, you know, I translated Morse code at four."

"Yes, Auntie," Alexander led her away, "Believe me, I know."

The two began to experiment with Alexander's powers, and after a few routines, Rose finally broke the silence.

"Alexander, you didn't call me out here to show me these powers."

"No," Alexander admitted, "There's something you need to know."


Rose's confused expression immediately turned concerned when she faced her nephew. He'd taken off his shirt, showing the woman just exactly he'd been subjected to.

As she looked at her nephew, Rose saw more purple and yellow skin than normal color. Scars interwove with the tinged skin, pale white and jagged against the discoloration, not to mention his ribs, each one fully visible. He stared at the ground, a look almost like shame colored his face.

"Auntie Rose," Alexander looked up from the ground.

"Alexander," She rushed over and pulled him into the most gentle hug she could, feeling the muscles fire across his back as she did so.

"What happened," Rose whispered.

He sighed before pulling away, "It's a long story."

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