The Future Ends and the Fight Begins

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"Any word on Alex," Kira asked Hayley.

The rangers were spread around HQ, Tommy and Kimberly secluding themselves to a corner while Rose and Hayley danced between monitors, hoping to find some semblance of the green ranger.

"Nothing yet, but we know it isn't Mesagog," Hayley's eyes didn't leave the screen, "I've never even heard of technology like this. Completely untraceable."

"The resources needed for that would be so astronomical," Rose added.

Hayley turned around to see Kira's downtrodden face.

"We'll get him back, Kira, I promise," Hayley assured her.

Kira said one thing dejectedly before walking away, "Don't make a girl a promise you can't keep."

With Alexander:

"That could be a problem," Kat was talking to Kruger as the rangers walked in.

"Problem," Sydney echoed, supported by Shirai and Alexander, still limping heavily, "I'd say we've got more than just a problem."

All of the rangers were injured, holding or shielding parts of their body that Alexander had pointed out when he first arrived.

"One at a time," Alexander growled, glaring at the commander.

"Rangers, get yourselves taken care of," Kruger ordered as a group of S.P.D. medics rushed in to punctuate his point.

Shirai and Alexander let the medics take Sydney from them, as well as the other rangers.

"Commander," Alexander glanced between Kruger and Kat, reading their body language, "Define problem."

"It's nothing to be alarmed about," Kat answered.

"The way you dodge my eyes, twitch your ears, and fight the shaking in your voice say otherwise," Alexander's voice stayed flat.

"We've been doing the math," Kat started to explain, "When we get the machine put together, it won't be the exact minute you left. Not to mention what side effects could happen."

"How big is the difference?"

She looked down.

It was Shirai who spoke up this time, "How long, Kat?!"

"Three weeks," Kruger cut in, "And as Doctor Manx said, we don't know what the machine will do to you."

"So...I've been dead to the world for three weeks," Alexander asked.

"Your team saw you get pulled through a portal by Broodwing, that's it," Kruger answered, "They're likely working on getting you back from their end."

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