White Thunder Part 3

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The three rangers were currently celebrating their victory over the enormous monster when they were interrupted by a new zord bursting out of the building that Kira had left only minutes before.

"Whoa! What's that," Ethan asked.

"Give you one guess," Conner answered.

"He must've hatched the Dinozord egg," Kira realized, "But that means..."

"Dr. O. was heading that way, I'm sure he's alright," Ethan assured her.

"We got bigger problems," Conner redirected their attention to the new zord in front of them.

"Hello again, rangers," The White Ranger greeted, "Well, what do you think? If you're gonna wear the suit, you gotta have the zord, right? Now, let's see what this bird can do."

"You guys ready for this," Conner asked.

"I guess so," Kira responded.

"Dragozord, show these fools what you can do," The evil ranger commanded.

The large zord flapped its wings, kicking up a wind that pushed the megazord back, pelting it with cars.

"Hey, no need to get crazy," Conner protested, the megazord shuddering with every car that hit it

The zord then began to attack, slashing the megazord repeatedly, sending sparks flying.

"They need help," Tommy remarked, "Stegozord, activate."

"I was hoping you'd do that," The White Ranger said, "Stegozord, you are now under my command."

Tommy heard brakes screech behind him, Hayley jumping out of her jeep and stopping beside him.

"Where's Alex," She asked quickly.

"I had to leave him over there," Tommy pointed to Alexander's unconscious form, "Hayley, it looks bad."

She didn't respond, just ran over and picked the boy up, surprised at how light he was.

"I'll take care of him, just make sure he's the only one," Hayley said just as quickly, running back to her vehicle, strapping Alexander in and speeding off.

Tommy turned his attention back to the zord battle, the white ranger having formed his own megazord with the Stegozord.

"Not bad for a new guy, eh," The white ranger asked.

"Man! Now he's got his own megazord," Tommy breathed.

"Why are you doing this," Kira asked, "You're losing it."

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