Thunder Storm Part 2

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Author's Note: After a long break, I'm back! I won't take too long in this note, just wanted to thank you all for your patience. 24 Thousand reads! Thank you all, each and every one of you for taking the time to read this story. You all are the best.

This chapter is probably going to be a little different than what you're used to, since all of my downloads were corrupted, I had to write solely from my memory so many of the characters might be a bit off.

If it's too outlandish, please let me know and I'll take it down and replace it with a chapter that flows more inline with the show.

Enough of my ramblings. Happy reading!

The ninjas cracked first, rushing Alexander with their signature weapons. Twirling his tonfas, Alexander began to fight the trio.

Not four minutes later, he'd pushed back not only the evil rangers but eliminated their kelzaks as well. The only injury of import being a cut across his clavicle.

"Fight it, Victoria," Alexander rolled his shoulders, feeling the play of his lacerated skin.

The bloodlust was still roaring in his brain, pumping through his veins, demanding a payment.He was trying everything he could think of to compartmentalize that segment of his brain... And he was barely winning.

Before she could respond, another voice sounded from just behind Alexander.

"Yes, perfect," The voice was somewhat mechanical, like someone speaking through a modulator, "You're coming with me."

A flash of light later, Alexander found himself in an abandoned and dimly lit warehouse.

"Your power is legend," The voice sounded from the darkness, "Together, we'll destroy this miserable planet."

Alexander calmly switched to his bow, twin arrows nocked between his fingers, "If my power is so revered, you should know how I'll respond."

"We shall see," The voice called as a swarm of humanoid troops, heads covered in what looked like large silver golf balls appeared in front of him.

Five more of the figures stepped out behind him, two with orange armor and three with a blue x over their helmets.

"Krybots," The voice commanded, causing the troops to converge.

Alexander didn't have time to indulge thoughts of where he was, he just began fighting.

He flit easily through the krybots, sending sparks skittering with every arrow he shot or struck with his bow.

Too quickly, Alexander had expended all of his arrows. He turned to face the orange and blue heads, the only enemies that remained.

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