Soon the boys arrive at the school and sit near the bus eating their food. Isaac walks over with Scott and Stiles "Cal seriously?" Stiles asks him. "What Stiles?" Cal asks him rolling his eyes. "He's one of them!" Stiles exclaims "And?... You don't know him like I do. I guarantee when you need it, you'll go to the Alpha Pack for help." Cal tells them. "Well we won't need their help." Isaac growls. Ethan stands up the same time Cal does "Eth... Don't he isn't worth it. Let's just go and get our seats." Cal says holding Ethan's hand. Ethan looks at him and smiles, he pecks Cal's lips "You're right. Come on." he says as he grabs Cal's bag for him along with his own and walks to the bus holding hands with the young Stilinski. Coach smiles as they walk over to the bus "Boys" he greets. "Hey coach." Cal smiles. Coach let's them onto the bus and they sit in the middle seats. Cal gets the notes out on his phone so he can talk to Ethan without the others listening. "You heard anything about Ennis?" he types before showing Ethan. Ethan shakes his head. Cal sighs and leans into Ethan's side making Ethan put his head on top of his.

Cal sits with Ethan bored as they sit in a traffic jam. Suddenly Cal looks down the aisle to Scott and Stiles sitting in one of the back seats. "What they doing?" Cal asks Ethan. "PSAT practise." Ethan tells him putting his arm round his shoulders. "Mh" he sighs. Ethan chuckles "Comfy?" he asks. "Yeah." Cal responds. Ethan smiles and moves slightly "Go to sleep baby. I'll wake you if anything happens." he tells him. Cal smiles and rests his head in Ethan's lap, slowly falling to sleep to Ethan stroking his hair. A bit later Cal is startled awake by Coach's whistle. He sits up sleepily and smiles at Ethan softly "What've I missed?" he asks. "Scott isn't healing and nothing from my pack yet." Ethan says as he kisses Cal's temple. Cal snuggles into Ethan smiling slightly, just then his phone starts pinging. He looks to see its from Stiles. "Why does Ethan keep looking at his phone?" he ignores it and turns around shaking his head and mouthing 'no'. Stiles looks annoyed and Cal's phone pings again. "Why does he?" "First of all no. Second of all no." he messages. Cal's phone pings repeatedly making Ethan look at him. "Coach I just need to talk to Stiles a second." Cal tells Coach who nods. Cal gets up and walks over to Stiles at Scott at the back of the bus. He sits down and smiles sweetly "Stiles." he says in an equally sweet voice, causing Stiles to look slightly worried "Yeah?" his brother asks warily. "Message me one more time and I'll tell dad you've got a girl pregnant and I'll also stick that phone somewhere." Cal say, he then smiles and walks back over to a laughing Ethan. "You heard then." he says making Ethan nod.

A few minutes later Jared looks sick. "Jared, I'm warning you. I'm an empathetic vomiter. You throw up and I'll throw up right back on you. It'll be profoundly disgusting." Coach warns the boy. "Coach, please... please don't talk about throwing up. Talking about it not good. Not good." Jared pleads. "None of you start thinking we're going to miss this Meet. A little traffic and minor tornado warning won't stop us--Stilinski, what the hell are you doing in the aisle?" Coach asks Stiles "There's a food exit half a mile up. We should stop. Maybe traffic will lighten by the time--" Stiles suggests. "We're not stopping." Coach tells him. "But if we stop--" Stiles tries. Coach blows the whistle, silencing him. Infuriated, Stiles drops back into his seat with Scott. Cal leans against Ethan til Stiles stands up and walks forward to Coach. "Coach toilet break?" Stiles asks. Coach blows his whistle and leaves it between his lips, Coach stares blankly at Stiles. "It's five minutes for a bathroom break. We've been stuck in this thing for hours--" Stiles tries, Coach blows a short burst of the whistle. "The next rest stop isn't for another sixty miles--" Another whistle burst. "This is false imprisonment--" whistle. "Coach--" whistle. "Just-- " Coach blows the whistle for as long as he can in Stiles' face. While everyone around covers their ears as Stiles takes the full blast until the whistle drops from Coach's lips. "Back to your seat, Stilinski." Coach orders. "OKAY!" Stiles responds. "And Jared, for God's sake, eyes on the horizon line." Coach tells the car sick teen. Jared responds with a moan, which stops Stiles from heading back to his seat. Thinking, he slowly turns back, then slips into the seat next to him. Cal groans "He's an idiot." he mutters. "Hey Jared... How you doing?" Stiles asks as his lips go into a malevolent smile.

The bus door clatters open and everyone burst out the door racing to get off. Coach yanks one of the windows down to shout. "Somebody get towels. Or a mop." he stops and peers back in again, cringing at the sight inside. "Or a new bus." Coach tells everyone. Cal stands by a tree with Ethan next to the bus "Am I allowed to kill my brother?" he asks crossing his arms, causing Ethan to laugh. A minute later Isaac storms over and punches Ethan. "Isaac what the hell!" Cal shouts trying to get Isaac off Ethan, Boyd stands there smirking. Soon Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Alison come running over. "Isaac! Isaac, back off!" Coach shouts. But Isaac still swings his fists even as Cal struggles to stop him, Isaac tries to get another hit at Ethan. "ISAAC!" Scott's voice thunders through the crowd, turning every head and shutting every mouth. Whistle hanging off his lip, even Coach falls silent under the young man's commanding presence. Lowering his fist, Isaac looks at the healed Scott with relief and finally, backs off. Cal runs to Ethan and helps him up "You okay?" he asks. Ethan nods as Cal turns to Isaac. He walks over to him and balls up his fist, before smacking Isaac on the nose breaking it. "Ever try something again it'll be worse than a broken nose." he warns Isaac angrily. Turning he sees Ethan suppressing a laugh and everyone else looking shocked. Cal walks over to Ethan and gets back on the bus crossing his arms. He ignores the others except Lydia who ruffles his hair as she walks past, making him smile at her. As the bus drives off Ethan's phone pings making him pull it out his pocket. Cal notices Ethan's face drop as he reads it before passing it to the boy. Cal looks at it seeing a message from Aiden "Ennis didn't make it. He's dead. Kali is on the war path." Cal pulls Ethan into a hug "You okay?" he asks quietly. "Later they're listening." Ethan replies just as quiet. Cal nods and snuggles into the Alpha as the bus drives on.

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