47. Nothing Changed After All

Start from the beginning

He barely had a reaction to being hit, he just looked surprised.

"Titan you okay?" Amor asked him fast, and Titan nodded. He ended up climbing out of the crib very fast, and we all watched as they just ran away. Sana still being good as she looked at Kenji.

"Ma can I?" She asked him, and he snickered.

"Sana of course you can go." He nodded, and she bolted off. Now we all were in the room, laughing at our kids. I was very happy, beyond happy - if there was the word I could find for that, I would use it.

The mere fact that we could see their personalities beginning to develop was fascinating. I still wondered about one thing...

"Where's Sorrel and Jun?" I ask Gideon, and he frowned. He looked around the room and began to see they weren't in the room. That's when he stood and I picked Nolan up.

"I was certain they'd have been here by now..." He mumbled, leaving Nolan's room as we ended up going down the hall. As we did so we could hear the kids downstairs - a very loud commotion going on. The TV blaring, and I look at him with a smirk.

When we go down we saw Sorrel playing with the kids. A large smile on his face as he played along with their games. Though I saw this Gideon was looking for someone else, Jun.

I tried helping, but didn't see him anywhere around.

"Sorrel where's Jun?" Gideon finally asked, and Sorrel looked at us with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't even get a hello?"

"Hello, Sorrel." Gideon growled at him, and his arms folded to his chest. "How are you?"

"I'm great. Jun is outside, he said it was too loud in here." He snickered because we all knew he was going on being a teenager. It's been four years since we've found him and now he's thirteen...he's acting thirteen too.

It's sad really because he seemed to be bothered by all the kids. Titan...not as much, but the rest - he won't bother interacting with them. He seemed to have growing resentment towards the kids and I felt like I knew why.

Gideon ended up rushing out to the back of the house, and I followed him. Kind of nervous when he opened the door - stopping in his tracks. As I get behind him I could see Jun with his long hair gone, completely cut - as if he has outgrown the Tarzan-look he had going on all this time. His hair still had curls, but his hair was pitch-black...when it was a nice brown before.

"Jun I was worried you didn't come." Gideon chuckled, us walking out as he went to him. Jun looked up at him and his expression didn't change. He was on his phone and had one AirPod in, entertaining me.

"Of course I came." He smiled, and Gideon smiled. "Of course I wanted to come and see you all play with your babies and dote - when I can't even recall ever experiencing that love. I truly wanted to see you love on them while I am this older kid that isn't worth the doting. Totally wanted to come."

Jun snorted, his sarcasm amazing as he glanced at me.

"Oh look, another baby. Congrats, looks like much more attention to be taken away from me. You all are amazing, really." He clapped his hands, only to roll his eyes as he stood up.

Gideon looked down at him in shock because Jun completely changed. It wasn't a goth phase...more like a jealous, envious teenager.

"Jun I'm confused, you already know the story...why are you being this way?" Gideon asked him brokenheartedly, and Jun sneered.

"Look, I get it - we were both lied to. My mom and you were told I was dead - I see; but I've been thinking. You just settled for that? You didn't try looking harder? Search for any answers? I now see what kind of jobs and how important you all are - you all have so much power. Yet you didn't put that power into searching for me. Like...what?" He shook his head in even more annoyance, and I felt bad for him.

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