32. Fear

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** Fear of loosing someone is proof of love .**

Aisha's POV

May be definition of a soulmate can be different in different perspectives but in my point of view a soulmate always makes you complete .

With all your flaws , all your difficulties , all your sadness , all your happiness he/she accepts you fully . When you willingly want to be loyal behind his/her back .

Who tries to understand the things that you did not say . A guide when you are in any kind of confusion .

Who believes in good of you and tries every possible thing to keep you happy ( it's not always materialistic).

I know there may be circumstances whenever you want to quit but still you couldn't live without him/her.

Person with whom after a big fight when you would feel peace in his/her embrace too, a cossy hug from him/her would take you out from all the worries then he/she is your soulmate.

In our life there were so many things we have seen together not only happiness but also troubles but we did try our best to being a supportive pillars for eachother .

It was the time when he was in his town and we were chatting .

Suddenly he texted me," Baby ,wait Uncle is calling!!"

Then after 15-20 mins he again texted me ," I am coming tomorrow in the morning!!"

I got shocked that suddenly what happened to him because when we were talking there was not any discussion of his coming .

I asked him," What happened, is everything fine??"

He said,"Baby , uncle is alone there and Aunty's condition is not good so I have to come!!"

That Uncle was his Maternal uncle whom he respects so much and he more respected the bond between his Uncle and Aunty as the way they love eachother .

He knew the condition of anybody how someone could feel when his/her family suffers with an chronic desease .

He texted again," He is all alone i want to be there with him!!"

I replied," Don't get panic baby, have some patience and I am also thinking that you should come now you take rest as you will have to wake up early in the morning . Good night Take care ."

He replied," ok baby you also go and sleep!! Gd nyt Take care!!"

Next morning he came to Lucknow my city, he went to his maternal uncle's place after seeing condition of his aunty they shifted her to another big hospital with the hope of her early recovery .

Those days his uncle rarely talked with anyone he mostly sits on a bench outside the ICU ward where his wife admitted .

He was taking care of uncle and giving all his time and efforts with all his heart . It's been approximately 14-15 days with the same routine and now Aunty got shifted into ventilator .

He was worried about them and I also worried about them too but I was worried more about Naimish because I could feel what was continuously running on his mind those days .

In between I tried to make him understand many times that if you would not taking care of yourself than how would you take care of others .

It was the time about 10PM I called him, he received the call . I asked him," Where are you baby?? And how's the condition of Aunty??"

He replied," She is still on ventilator." and informed me that today his father had also came to visit them and continued that he would call me when he will reach home .

He reached home late night but I was waiting for him that day . He texted me that they reached I replied him ," Have Papa and you been eaten something?? "

He replied , " yes we had dinner  on our way to home !! "

I texted again," Now change your clothes and take rest you must be tired we will talk tomorrow!!"

He replied," ok baby!! Good night Take care!!" I also wished him Goodnight and went to sleep .

Next day I woke up early in the morning then as usual I checked my phone to say him good morning but i saw his text .

That he had send me before two hours he texted," Mami left us I can't understand that what would I say to Mama , I have no words to say!! I am going to the hospital ."

I read his text and replied , " You don't have need to say anything to anyone you are there with him and that's okie because you couldn't do anything it's all destiny . Call whenever you can and take care of Uncle and urself too . I love you."

I was really worried for him for the whole day then in the evening I got a text from him," Reached home!!"

After seeing this I thought that he would call me when he feel like but some where I was really understanding that to talk him is also mandatory, so after few moments I texted him , " call me when you will free!!"

He replied, " On the way to Uncle's home , I need to check him that is he fine !!"

I said ," okie then ping me when you'll back!!" He came late night and didn't talk with me and texted me ," Sorry it's been late I think we should sleep!!"

After seeing his text this time I really wanted to punch him but I did nothing not even a reply .

As I could sense his restlessness I decided to talk him that day anyhow. So I have  used my trick and send him a message ," Good morning, not feeling well so today I am taking leave from office!!"

After few minutes he had seen my message and got more tensed and replied immediately," What happened to you?? Why did you not tell me yesterday??" But that time I didn't reply him( because I want call).

When i didn't response for half an hour he called me and I picked that call .

He shouted at me and said," Why were you not replying?? Are you okay?? What happened to you?? "

I replied,"First you tell what's wrong with you ?? Why were you ignoring to talk on call from last two days?? I know you are not okay but is it a solution that you had found to deal with this situation??"

He interuppted, " First of all tell me how are you now then we would talk further?? "

I replied," I am perfectly fine but you are not and I know it so don't try to make me fool!! Now you tell me what's running in your mind ??"

He said after 2 minutes of break," Nothing like that I was just tired and concerned about Uncle that's it not more than this!!"

I was listening him carefully and then ask," Have you done with your words ? " He replied,"yes"

I  said ,"But I want to say something and if you have time to listen "

He said, " okay, say I am listening!!"

I took a long breath and then started," I know you little bit more than yourself so never try lie me and I want to say this after holding your hand but this time you have to feel it , I was observing you from last few days I could easily sense your fear . You never said this to me but I could understand that you are kept thinking about your condition if in future you will have to live like your uncle and this fear is making you more restless day by day . So baby I wanna say that I am with you and I will always be with you and don't think too much about all these things because not everything can be of our choice and specifically not destiny . And if God brought us together than definitely he had decided something for us . I wanna see you happy always so please be happy for me ."

He was listening all this silently then said," I didn't realize that you were affecting with all that things and how could you sense everything my detective?? I love you so much!!"

I replied," I love too alot please take care of yourself for me!!"


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