9. Outings

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**They asked him
"How is your life ?"
he replied
"She is fine ."**


isha's POV

It was the time after my college studies . We were busy in searching job for me, those were the struggling days because being a fresher without any campus selection and also restricted with  to live only in your home town, it was quite difficult to getting a job under so many constraints .

Although I was doing my all efforts and Naimish also cooperated with me but inspite of all this sometimes my patience did fail .

Because after applying for soo many job I have got no response from anywhere .

After seeing my miserable condition Naimish planned something .

He said, " it's okay things takes place on their time , so have some patience and do some relax!! Let's go for some outing!! If you are exhausted don't give up , take rest for a while ."

I tried to refuse but he convenced me . So for next day we decided to visit few places .

At  night I was feeling not well may be because of over stress .

Next morning I didn't want to get up early but I did because we had planned for outing . We met and went to some places . As it was my city he used to come over there but he didn't have so much idea about roads and turns so that day  I became guide for him .

After this kind of few rides he has given me the title of my personal GPS .

I already told you about my college friends . Luna and Alan got placement and they left the city , Alice, Kate and Brendan were preparing for further competitive exams so although they were in the same city but because of their hectic schedules it was hard to meet them .

But on our outing day suddenly I met with Brendan!!
We ( me and Naimish) went to visit our central zoo and museum and as I told you I was feeling little bit sick and tired .

When we were roaming all around I started feeling more tired then I told this to Naimish .

He brought  fruit juice for me and taken my hand bag from me and said,

" I will carry your bag and don't worry I will not run and you drink this juice it will give you some energy !!"

When we were crossing some statues over there I found someone seated there and yes he was Brendan with his gf .

I saw him and felt happy and headed towards him with Naimish and greeted both of them .

But after seeing both of us he had given a mysterious kind of smile that I couldn't understand after few moments when he said to Naimish,

" what is this dear friend, you are carrying a ladies hand bag ?? "

And it was not just a joke it was a complete sarcasm!! I felt very bad because he was one of my closest friends and what he did was so mean and I was feeling very disappointed in front of Naimish!!

But naimaish said "Yess , it is and I am just taking care of my girlfriend . I don't think there is anything wrong to care her hand bag because she is not feeling well . "

He looked towards me wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer and planted a kiss on forehead .
He then said "I just love to pamper my baby ."

That day I felt so proud on him and blessed to have such a gentleman as my boyfriend

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That day I felt so proud on him and blessed to have such a gentleman as my boyfriend .

But from that day I started avoiding conversations with Brendan . Because for me it was a big embarrassment that my friend did this to him . But after few months one day when  I met Naimish he has given me one diary and some chocolates and said to read it .

The hand writing was well known by me and it was the hand writing of FATTY( Brendan's pet name that we had given him during college days) he has written so many memories of our college days and was trying to say that how much precious our friendship is for him and big Sorry too!!

While reading I was crying and smiling at the same time and after reading that diary I hugged Naimish and said thanks to him and asked him that how it happened??

Then he told me that Brendan called him and said sorry for that day and Naimish also wanted to make us friends again so he did this for me!! I was very happy at last and again feeling lucky to have him in my life!! He always finds a way to make me feel happy!!
I hope you all are enjoying keep supporting guys .

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