16. Teasing

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** Listen you only teas the one you love .**

Aisha's POV

The experience of romance via eye's  were such a special moments for us .
I am having a break from work because today it was really hectic and still there is time for lunch so here I m thinking about my relationship .... actually remembering our initial days ...and just blushing .

That was the time when we had confessed our love with each other but it was only between us .

That time he used to live at his maternal uncle's place and I was living at my Aunt's place which was located just opposite .

Once his Aunty got a surgery and she was unable of doing house hold chores and her kids and Naimish  were somehow managing all the household work .

When I went to see her she told me about the problems that they were facing in cooking food after thinking for a while I said her," if you don't mind I will help them in cooking because my vacations were going on!! "

She thanked me and said," it will be very good if you can do so!!"

I came back to my home and told my mom about this . She said okay (because she always keeps favour of helps) .

I texted Naimish and told him about our conversation as I was happy because I was going to get some more time around him .

He replied coldly," oo that's good at least we would get cooked food !!"

I was expecting something different but I didn't react too much(because inside I was excited for next day).

Next day I woke up and after doing my things I helped my mom so that she don't become sarcastic with me when I come back .

Then I went there and started making food for them while one of his cousin helping me in the kitchen .

But that day Naimish was in a full mood to tease me he didn't came to the kitchen even once . Though I was making food for him with love but due to this I was also fuming in anger from inside .

After making food I went to his aunt to ask her well being and to say her good bye I saw him he was seated there but again he reacted like no one entered there .

I was burning with my anger that time and left their home as soon as possible .

In the evening he called me I rejected his calls 2-3 times because there were lots of thoughts coming into my mind( how he could be so mean , I was there only to cook food for him) but after 2-3 attempts I had received his call and said hello in a very disappointed voice .

He reacted normally and asked," what were you doing??"

I said ," nothing"!! ( My usual reply when I am in not mood to talk) .

He said," I know you are upset with me but I could not react because I didn't want you in any trouble . And I was not seeing you because after seeing you my lips can't control their smile . And this is not the right time to show anyone" .

I was listening him carefully and said," All are having only a single work to observe both of us are you really wanted to say this ?? We are friends since our childhood so can't you smile after seeing me ?? Why are you making things complicated ?? You are making me feel awkward!! Isn't you?? "

After my words he said ," I am sorry might be I had reacted unnecessarily I would try my best from tomorrow!!"

Next day morning when I was helping my mother my phone beeped I checked my phone he texted me ," please come soon I am hungry with a sad emoji!!" I smiled and then replied," I will be free after half an hour then I will come !!"

After 10 minutes he again texted ," okay!! I had fever last night and now I am hungry but it's okie I am going to make something for myself ,you take your time!! "

I read his text and without even a reply I went to my mom to said sorry and told her that I am going now and I will help her in the evening too please don't be upset . She said bye to me .

When I reached there I found him with a knife in his hand and vegetables in a plate and he was gazing at me with a puppy face .

I smiled and then said , " you go and take some rest I will inform you when food will be ready " .

He gave me smirked smile and whispered slowly as he was near to my ears,"  Baby it was just a prank to brought you here soon!! "

I was amazed with his activity and gave him a stare after folding my both arms and rested them in my chest being a little bit dramatic .

He went from there but after few moments when I and his cousin we both were busy in making food he settled a chair in front of the door of the kitchen from there he could see me easily and seated there and being busy with his mobile .

After few moments I noticed him that he was seeing from the corner of his eyes  and also seen me by stealing glances from the others everytime when he got a chance .

I was liking this side of him but he was not as cute as he think!! Before making food I thought I should make something easy and a less time consuming thing because he said he was hungry and food will take time to be cooked .

I made him some sandwiches and just to tease me he said to his cousin after eating that sandwiches ," what you made , they were just okay okay types I think you should keep trying on it!!( But finished all of them ) "

Then I also decided to take some revenge ( how could I miss that golden chance to tease him ) . First of all I changed my place in the kitchen so that he could not see me properly and my plan worked very well .

In order to see me he did more efforts with chair and after few minutes of struggle he fell down with the chair and after listening that sound of falling down we came outside and laughed so hard . And this was not enough . I was serving food for every one and I got one more idea to tease him again .

He didn't like too much spicy and bitter food that I knew very well . But I added some more powdered chilly in his food and after serving food I went to the dining area and be seated on the couch placed opposite to the dining table where everyone were eating .

While everyone were praising my food he was making faces and after watching a naughty smile at my face he  knew that there was something wrong in his food .

It was difficult for him but without saying anything he had eaten along with drinking so much water .

But after few moments I felt bad about my prank and when I reached home I texted him," extremely sorry babe I shouldn't done that ,  was it too spicy?? "  .

I was feeling very bad .

He replied," ReallyI loved it what you did, I always wanted a girl who could equally tease me as I do and you are the one otherwise fun would have  spoiled of teasing eachother but from the next time please try to add less chilly powder than today!! "
We both started laughing . It was totally fun .


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