3. Denial

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**'Now what state do you live in !?'

Aisha's POV

During those vacations we spent sometime together and became good friends I hv been told him about everything my lifestyle,college ,my friends and about my relationship too!!

I still remind the day when we met each other after that phone call !!

I was lil bit nervous may be he was too but still I waited for him with alone and he came with one of his friend to meet me in a cafe!!

He was really looking very handsome but what caught my attention is his dark brown eyes .

But I found it lil bit awkward by the presence of his friend I avoided his friend, we shake hands and settled down ourselves and then started talking about me about him and about that incident too!!

That day I felt something different in my heart for him but we both did not know that where our story will go!!

After that meeting we started talking with each other on phone and oftenly meeting too!!

I was disappointed with my relationship at that time and started liking to spend my time with him and to talk with him!!

Somewhere I started feeling that he is trying to hide something from me after many attempts I got to know that he is also suffering with an toxic relationship with a shitty girl and because of her he is slowly destroying himself with smoking and drinking.

I have decided that I have to help him any how I can not leave him like this just to ruin his life.

Some how I have convence him to leave these bad habits but this will not be going to easy for him, as a side effect of leaving these habits he was not able to sleep all over night ,felt pain in his chest!! Then I also started awaken with him either on phone call or via text messages we .

We're playing some games just to divert his mind . He takes medicines too . After struggle of so many days we won the fight not fully but he left his bad habits almost.

Gradually we came to understand and we both have feelings for each other but we both were in relationships so we can not express things.

We used to discuss our relationship status with each other , one day when we met he just touched my hand accidentally and my heart started beating very fast and facial expressions can not be hidden . My face started to heat up .

He also understand that there is something different between us then
after gathering some courage he asked me some random questions and I gave him all the answers really well except the last one.

The last question that he had asked that why did you all do this for me , is it only because we are friends or you really like me in any other way??

Although I like him but at that time I didn't expecting that question from him . He knows that I was not happy in my relationship but I was committed to my words so it was really a hard nut to crack for me !! Suddenly million of thoughts running in mind, like how fool I am how can I like someone when I m still in a relationship, I am cheating, am I a villain blah blah!!

All those thoughts were killing and I felt impossible utter a word .

But all over us there was a long silence, after his unanswered question and my mixed feelings
expressions he has decided to leave, but when he just woke up to walk off I don't know what what happened with me I hold his hand and make him sit again and said please don't leave!!

Because I don't want to loose him,I don't want to loose that happiness that happens to me everytime when I m being with him!!
And this is how I denied my feelings for him and he understood that I just want to be his friend . He never asked that question again as if it was never in his mind .

You are such an idiot...
No I am not...and it's not right to cheat someone although I now he doesn't care about me anymore ....but it's against my protocols...
You are such a idiot aisha...
Shut up ....

Let's see untill when this denial of her continues!?


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