29. Thread of love

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** A small gesture is enough to fall for someone again and again .**

Aisha's POV

It was the time when I was busy with some important project from last one month .

Being busy was making me weak gradually but that time I was not getting this .

Every evening when I used to talk with Naimish I used to tell him about my leg pain . As I had to manage so many things at my workplace that's why I had to climb stairs so many times in a Day .

Sometimes my meal has also been delayed due to work . I had been scolded from him for this carelessness .

One day I had promised him that I will take my meal properly and after that I had became more careful about my routine . I  started taking extra care of me my routine and my food .

But I was still complaining about my leg pain . It was better than before but not completely gone. It's been one week after completion of my project.

I had got two days leave . Naimish would also be present on the same city during my holidays so we decided to meet .

Although we could meet for two days but he decided to meet only one day because for him my rest was equally important than meeting .

We went for the comedy movie then our favourite lunch at one of our favourite restaurants and we had left with few time so we decided to spend some time on river side . So we went there .

It was the time of sunset and whole scenario was beautiful . We seated on a bench and seeing sunset .

It was always special to see a sunset with him , he took my hand in his hand I was busy in talking continuously about all the good or bad happenings during those days when he was not there , about movie , about lunch approximately about everything .

He was listening carefully each of my word . He lightly pecked on my cheeks and said ," Hold on baby otherwise you will be tired soon!! "

He never misses a chance to tease me . I said okie with a sad puppy face . I became silent for a while then after few minutes he said ," oo I brought  something for you but forgot to tell you!!"

I said excitedly ," what what, show me!!??"

He replied," Not such expensive but I wanted to save you with each and every evil' se eye so I brought this!!"

Then he took out something from his pocket . It was a black thread he knotted that thread on my left leg and said," Baby I don't know it will work or not but for you I want to opt every possible way to protect you . I have heard it from my mom that this black thread would protect anyone from casting an evil's eye ."

He locked that thread by burning it's edges . I gazed him over full conversation . I said nothing but kissed his hand with all my heart .

Although I didn't believe in that kind of things but that thread was more than anything for me . Everytime when I saw it I could see his face with full of beliefs that this small thread can protect me .

For me it was his love and I really adored all his gestures of showing his love towards me .


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