Open Letter ❤

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^ Favourite song of them. ^

After Him!!

It's been more than a year when he left and for me it was the worst phase of my life that I could feel!! I had to face so many things that people couldn't imagine so it's better to not talk about it!! After him I wanted to spend rest of my life with his parents but they didn't agree with my decision then somewhere I also started thinking that it would be more difficult for them to live with me because it would remind them about him whenever they see me and this would never allow them to live a normal life!! The whole past year was filled with sleepless nights,unwanted mornings, lots of health(physical as well as mental) issues in which I survived from almost dying twice and since I came to know that death is not at your desire!! May be some people may find this foolish but now I trust Naimish more than ever because now he is with the creator of this world and he will protect me from every problem and will always guide me !!
In my hardest time I found that writing about him gives me some relief somewhere!! I am sharing an open letter for him !!

Dear Naimish,
                    I know there are so many things remained unsaid between us , so many unexpressed feelings between us but still our love story would always be perfect for me!! Today I am standing and it is also because of you!! Although you pampered me alot but you never made me too much dependent on things to survive, you made me strong!! You were my strength and still you are!! You left a different Aisha behind you ,I know you don't even like her sometimes and really sorry for this but you know that I am trying very hard everyday!!  You have taken a part of me with you and I would never be the same again as I was with you!!But the things that I had learnt in our relationship I would keep them with me forever like you taught me how to love someone unconditionally , how distance could never hamper your loyalty , how you being always ready to help others, and the most important thing how to live your life just for completing other's dreams (whom you love)!!  There has not been a single day in the past year when I have not missed you!! I am still wearing colours but they don't make me as much beautiful as you used to say , nothing can make my eyes smile like your presence!! And I know you are still having proud on me that your baby is doing well but I am not as much strong as you said but yes your appreciations still working for me!! When I read chats of us I can still feel your presence in my surroundings!! But there are so many questions whose answer will never be found !! In a past year I missed your presence, your morning messages , our fights , and your too much plannings for our future and that's why I used to call you Planning Master!! Now I love to talk with people with whom I can talk about you and now I am trying to take extra care of mine so that you would be happy with me!! I am learning each and every thing that you wanted that I should do!! I used to listen that songs that you have dedicated me or your favourites which always brings a little smile on my face !!I glare at sky in dark nights like we used to see from our different cities just to felt that we were together!!  You used to adore even every scar of mine!! I want to love you more and I hope in next birth we would meet again , yes you will have to complete all your promises!! Love you forever!! 💖💖
Take care till then we meet again!!
Yours Love !! ♥️♥️

So this was our story and we were not perfect!! Yes for me a perfect love story is in which love grows every day gradually not faded day by day!! When two people grow together they love eachother!! And every love story is unique and perfect with their imperfections!! Always keep your love closest to you and try to live each and every moment because life is a journey we never know when someone's journey is going to be end!!

Lots of love to all my readers and good luck for their future . And a special thanks to drenched_heart who motivated me so much and it could become possible just because of her.

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So this was a open love letter from real life Aisha. 
I blessed that I am the way to make there love story immortal. 
I just want to say that Aisha , he was right you are really very strong and I adore you.
Just be happy for him and for us.
A big thank you to all for this  much support.  ❤

My "PERFECT" Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें