Chapter 14 - Ahsoka

Start from the beginning

Once again though, we had to stop making out eventually.

"How're we gonna explain this when we get back?" I asked.

Ahsoka put a finger over my lips and smiled.

"No-one has to know." She whispered into my ear. "This can be our little secret."

I smiled back at her.

"Wonder how long we can keep it before Obi or Anakin find out." I said. Ahsoka laughed at my remark and smiled.

"Knowing me, probably about a week, maybe less." Ahsoka said with a giggle.

"Yeah, too true." I said.

"Hey." Ahsoka said as she hit me in the arm.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"Oh don't be such a baby." Ahsoka said as she kissed me on the lips again, this time it was only a short one. "I've seen you take way more than that, even before you left. You can't say that that hurt and expect me to believe it."

I laughed at her remark and we both just smiled at each other. All of a sudden, we heard footsteps outside and we both stopped doing everything.

"I've lost the scent." One said.

"Must've gone over there." Another said.

"Yeah, smells like it." A third one said before we heard some scurrying footsteps heading away from us.

Me and Ahsoka laid in the cave, completely silent for at least a minute after we couldn't hear them anymore. After me and Ahsoka both agreed that they'd all gone, I stopped lying down and sat up. I looked Ahsoka in the eyes with a straight face.

"Ahsoka." I whispered. "I promise to always keep you safe from whatever tries to hurt you. I promise that I'll do whatever is required of me to keep you safe through this war and I promise that you'll get through this all ok. I promise."

Ahsoka started to tear up as I said that.

"Thank you (y/n), and I'll try my best to help you in whatever you need it for." Ahsoka replied. I stroked her lekkus gently and fussed her head. Ahsoka went slightly cross eyed and looked like she was in bliss. I kept fussing her lekkus for a minute before Ahsoka pulled my head into hers and kissed me passionately. We had our lips pressed together for about a minute before we broke apart.

"I love you (y/n)." Ahsoka said as she kissed me once again, this time it was just a small peck though.

"I love you too." I said as I began to fuss her lekkus again. Once again, Ahsoka began to go cross eyed as I did so and looked like she was in heaven. Eventually though, I stopped and stood up.

"Why'd you stop?" Ahsoka asked with a sad expression on her face as she herself stood up.

"Because regardless of how much we both want to just stay here forever and love each other, the Trandoshans will eventually find us and we need to get off this planet."

Ahsoka sighed and looked up at me.

"I guess you're right." She said. I went to walk out of the cave but Ahsoka put her hand out Infront of me. "One more." She said as she put her hand on the back of my head.

"Anything for you." I replied as I put one hand on the back of her head and stroked her lekkus with the other. We pressed our lips together in what would probably be our last kiss for a while. I stroked her lekkus as she rubbed my chest. I had to bend forward quite far for our lips to touch, but that just made it all the more enjoyable. Ahsoka let out a soft sigh as she began to lose her grip on me. I moved my hand from the back of her head to her waist to keep her up. I pulled her waist close to me and pressed it against me. Ahsoka let out another soft sigh as I did so. Suddenly she jumped up at me and wrapped both her arms and legs around me, without breaking connection of our lips. I moved my hands so one was on her waist and the other was holding her head. We stayed like this in what was my version of heaven for what felt like an hour, but sadly was only a few minutes.

Eventually though, we had to break the kiss. Ahsoka took her lips off of mine and jumped down out of my arms. She snuck her hand into mine and smiled at me.

"Let's go get off this planet." Ahsoka said with a smile. God that smile would be the death of me, no joke. If I saw that smile in a fight, I would stop whatever I was doing just to admire that smile. Luckily for me, I can take that much punishment that I could probably actually do that, but if I ever got in that situation, I would make sure to not get distracted.

"What you looking at?" Ahsoka asked making me snap back to reality.

"Your beauty." I replied. Ahsoka smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you (y/n)." She said.

"I love you too Ahsoka." I replied before we both stepped out of the cave.

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