"And." He started. "I also wanted to tell you, that....he's your little brother as well." She frowned. "Little brother? When did I get one of those?" August looked up at me, wondering how he should explain it to her.

"Okay...when you were a baby, I had another baby, but not with mommy." She frowned, showing her confusion. "...So he's not mommy's?" He shook his head no.

"He has a different mommy, and he was living with his own family." Her frown deepend. "I thought you said he was our family." He nodded and sighed.

"I know, okay...you know how you have two grandma's?" She nodded. "You have grandma on mommy's side, and a grandma on my side." She nodded again.

"He has a different mommy, so he was with his other family." She slowly nodded, finally understanding.

"Now hes gunna be with us for awhile, his other family." She slowly nodded. "Ok...."

"So." I started. "We need you to be a good big sister and be really nice and make him feel really comfortable alright? He might be a little shy and scared for awhile." She paused before nodding her head.

"Okay....can I meet him?" I stood up from my seat and held out my hand for her to grab. "Sure." August stood up and followed us up the stairs.

I pushed open the guest room door and smiled once I seen AJ sitting on the bed, watching cartoons. "Hey Aj.." He looked over at all of us and sat up straight.

"This is Aliyah...my daughter...she wanted to say hi." I let go of Aliyah's hand, and watched as she walked over to the bed and climbed up on it.

".....Hi." She said softly. She held out her hand for him to shake, causing August and I to chuckle a little. AJ slowly shook her hand and said hello back. "...Are you my.. sister?" He asked looking between all of us.

Aliyah nodded. "Yeah, that's what my mommy told me." He nodded. "Oh...okay." I looked over at August, who had a weird expression on his face, I couldn't tell if he was sad or mad, but I knew something was wrong.

All of a sudden, he turned out the doorway, and started walking down the stairs. I frowned and turned back to Aliyah and AJ. "Excuse me you two, I'll be back." They both nodded and continued their conversation.

I sped walked down the stairs and caught up to him. "Hey, you alright?" He walked over to the front door and slipped on his slides. "..Yeah Im fine ma...I'll be back." I frowned as I folded my arms across my chest. "Where you going?"

"I got some work that's need to be done." I scoffed. "Your gunna work? Right now? I mean, is this really the appropriate time? You can't just leave me here...with your son."

He sighed. "I'll be back in a little bit." He grabbed his keys and walked out the door.


"Alright, dinner is served." I sat AJ and Li-Li's plates down infront of them. "Do you eat cornbread AJ?" He nodded his head yes. "Ok, good." I cut two pieces out of the pan and sat it on their plates.

"Do you know when daddy's coming back?" Aliyah asked, as she began to eat. I looked up at the clock on the wall and sighed, he had been gone for four hours know, and he wasn't taking any of my calls. "Im not sure, he's working, but hopefully he'll be here soon." She nodded.

".....Miss Simone?" I turned to AJ, and waited for him to speak. "....Am I going to school here?" I nodded. "Yes, you'll be starting this week at Aliyah's school." He looked down in his plate, silent.

"....Are you nervous?" He slowly nodded. "Don't be nervous, my school is really cool!" Aliyah said, stuffing some food into her mouth. I chuckled. "Aliyah's right, don't be nervous, Im sure you'll fit right in with all the other kids."

He kept his eyes in his plate and picked around at his food. "I always walk Aliyah to her classroom each morning...if you want I can walk you.."He shook his head. "I'll be okay, thank you." He let out a small smile and slowly began to eat.


I leaned my head back on my couch as I slowly exhaled, letting the smoke roll of my lips. I kicked my feet up on the coffee toable and tried my best to relax, since I've been going through so much stress in a short amount of time.

I closed my eyes, thinking about everything that was going on, when my phone began to ring on the table. I sighed, knowing it was probably Simone calling me for the hundreth time, seeing as how I left, and been one for hours. I opened one eye and peeked over at my phone, to see a restricted number calling.

I sat up straight and picked my phone up, answering as quickly as I could since I had a feeling who it might be.

ME: "Hello?"

ARIANA: "August."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down before speaking again.

ME: "I guess your calling from jail right?"

She sighed.

ARIANA: "Yeah...I am."

ME: "Good."

ARIANA: "Look, my mom told me what was going on, and that she gave AJ to you."

I was silent.

ARIANA: "I know your probably upset right now, but I was calling to thank you for keeping him."

I frowned.

ME: "Thank me?? So you ain't calling to explain to me why the fuck would you lie to me about the death of our child???"

She sighed.

ARIANA: "Is that even important? I don't feel like gettin into that."

ME: "You damn right it's important, so you can start explainin, or get the fuck off my line."

ARIANA: "You know their recording this conversation right?"

ME: "Good."

She sighed again.

ARIANA: "Look, I lied about AJ because I wanted too, you wouldn't have cared anyway, since you were havin a baby with that other bitch."

ME: "Don't call her a bitch."

I snapped.

ME: "So you make me think my child is dead, just because I was having another baby with a woman I actually wanted to be with?? Your more crazy than I thought."

ARIANA: "Whatever, I didn't call you to be insulted, hell I wasn't even going to call you at all, but I had too."

ME: "And why is that?"

ARIANA: "Im getting out in a four months, and when I do, Im coming back to get my son, so Im just giving you a heads up."

I frowned.

ME: "So wait, you want me to keep him for you until you get out, just so you can take him away from me and disappear."

ARIANA: "Yes, we're gunna have our own life, He's my son, I gave birth to him, you weren't even there for that."

ME: "I wasn't there because yo crazy ass went to jail, and you wrote me a fucking letter saying he died!!"

I stood up from my seat, getting angrier by the second.

ARIANA: "Im not arguing with you okay? He's my son and Im his mother so he needs to live with me, I don't want him around that whore you call your wife anyways. So Just know Im coming back soon and Im taking my son with me, that's all that matters."

ME: "You ain't taking him from me, I don't give a fuck what you say."

ARIANA: "We'll see then."

ME: "Ight, bet."

I hung up the phone before she could say anything else. I took a deep breath and threw my phone at the wall, trying to calm myself down.

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What y'all think so far??



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