Chapter Thirty Two

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After I had called my wolf back who didn't seem to have found anyone I knocked the prince and midoriya out. I undid their restraints and left. How weird. I thought. A prince out of his castle and also cursed. I remembered how Mina turned todoroki back by just pushing a pressure point. Could it work for bakugo too. Until now no one had seemed to notice unless we told them. And even though our solution seemed to be working just fine, bakugo was really getting annoyed by it. I mean Mina knows about Bakugo's situation so if she knew something that could help wouldn't she have told us.

I walked up to the pink girl with only one question on my mind. Hey Mina? She turned to look at me. Yeah, what's wrong? How did you know how to help todoroki? Oh, well after getting cursed I went to see if there was a solution to it. I found many things that could help with many curses but sadly curses that only make you look different aren't curable. She explained. I looked at the ground. So we can't cure bakugo? No, I fear not. I have seen a lot in my life but never something like this. I nodded. Well it is how it is, I guess.

It has been a while since I last saw midoriya and his group. Ever since that happened bakugo had seemed a little of. He was always deep in thought. I wonder what was so important that he almost lost a demon. We were in the middle of a battle with some demons who tried to steal our food. And while I was fighting a big one I saw bakugo mindlessly attacking a demon. He wasn't thinking about his next attack like he usually did. His mind was somewhere else. Because of this he didn't realize the demon had slowly made its way towards our food and grabbed some. Before he could run though, I threw a throwing knife at it. It pierced its skull and it fell limp on the floor. This seemed to bring bakugo back to reality as he looked at the demon in confusion. Once he noticed the small knife sticking out of its head he looked at me. I shook my head at disappointment and went back to my fight.

And that's the last one. I said as I killed yet another demon. Where do they keep coming from? I thought as I looked up. Mina had also just finished a demon and looked towards the boys. Kirishima and denki hadn't left each other's sides during the whole battle and had a circle of dead bodies laying around them. Sero had climbed up a tree and had used a bow and arrow to take out demons. Bakugo had killed a few as well but not nearly as many as he normally would. Mina was apparently really skilled with her two daggers and had taken out quite a few larger demons as well. As the group scattered to look for something valuable I walked over to bakugo. He stood with his back towards me and didn't see me coming. Without a word I took his wrist and pulled him along. Hey! What the fuck are you doing! He growled. I didn't answer, instead I just tightened my grip.

As I made my way into a small clearing I let go of Bakugo's wrist. Are you going to tell me why you dragged me all the way here or am I going to need to force it out of you. I turned around with an angry look on my face but once I saw the confusion in his eyes I looked worried. Bakugo, is there something wrong? I asked this seemed to surprise him because just looked at me not answering my question. It's just, you seem a little of. If there is anything I can help you with you can always ask. I stated. He finally got back to his senses. Nothings wrong! I'm totally fine! He said with a little bit of anger. I frowned but dropped the subject. Fine but of you need someone to talk to come to me okay? He looked away and I left in the direction of camp.

Bakugo's pov

As (f/N) left I thought for a little. I couldn't get deku's words out of my head! " Please, your not yourself, snap out of it!". It kept repeating itself. Was there really something wrong with (f/N)? I mean, sure she became a little colder after the dungeons but wasn't that normal? Kirishima had told me deku had said that when he found her at the small village she was pretty much emotionless. Did that mess with how she feels about everything. Maybe she is just trying to get over the trauma of the whole incident? Or maybe there is something more to it?

This was all I could think of the way back to camp. When I arrived there most of the valuable stuff was already taken from the demons. Like their poison or there teeth. I saw kirishima making a hole in a bigger tooth and put a string through it. After he made a knot and put it around his neck. He will probably keep it until he finds another one and then he'll sell it. I thought. As I made my way over to my stuff I saw (f/N) packing her bags with whatever she had found. My thoughts went back to the day we found deku and his demon friend. I need to figure this out, and fast. I thought. When the girl noticed me she smiled. That lovely smile that warmed my heart every time. We will get a lot of money for all this just a little longer and I will be able to buy my pro license. Sme said as she went back to packing. That's good to hear. I said. What about me and kirishima? You still need a 1000 coins and kiri still needs 1600 coins. For me I still me 600 coins. She said. I nodded, (f/N) had always been better at saving money. Me and kirishima always bought a big piece of flesh at the market and those were quite expensive. Plus in our time being apart the girl had saved a lot of money. Because of this she had payed for our stay at the inn and for our food. Thinking back, even while she was mad at us she still did everything to help us. This made me sad and happy at the same time. It meant she cared about me and kirishima but it also meant that even after betraying her trust she couldn't do the same to us and just leave. I sighed as I got comfortable against a tree and fell asleep

(a/N) hey, I don't know if I'm going to continue this book. I really try to make it fun to read but I feel like I'm just hoping for something that isn't going to happen. So I want to ask, if anyone ever gets to this chapter please tell me if I should continue. I'm writing another book as well right now and I kinda want to get them both finished but if someone, anyone wants me to continue, just let me know and I will. I am really enjoying writing this but I have stuff to do so yeah. Just tell me and ill continue. Thanks for your understanding.

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