Chapter Nineteen

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Your pov

I wake up to the sunlight coming through the window. What time is it? I thought.

I walked downstairs towards the bar of the inn. Good morning (f/N). The girl behind the bar said. Good morning Tsuyu. I said back. So what can I get you? She asked. Some toast is fine. I said. She went to the back. I took a seat at the bar. Me and Tsuyu had become good friends in the time I had stayed here. She was a friendly person with a kind heart. I was waiting for my food whan a yell interrupted the peace. Ahhhhhh, bakugo where are you? A male voice yelled. Bakugo? Is he here? I thought. A person came running down the stairs. He looked around the bar. When he saw me he stopped in his tracks. (f/N)? He said. Oh gods (f/N)! He yelled coming towards me. What do you want kirishima? I asked in a cold voice. My life was finally returning to normal and I wasn't ready yet to talk to him. He stopped again. Yeah I should have figured you didn't want to see me. He mumbled. But this isn't the time for a nice reunion, he said, I can't find bakugo! He said. So what he is perfectly capable of defending himself. I said bored. No you don't understand he is seriously ill. He said in a worried tone. He is supposed to stay in bed till he's better but he's gone! He continued. Well go look for him then. I said standing up. I'll look east, you look west. With this I walked out. Why did I offer to help I'm mad at them?! I thought. But if bakugo is sick he need to rest! Ughhh!

I had searched the whole village and there was no sign of bakugo. Where could he be? I walked over to the church. Behind it was a field with a hill. I walked towards the hill and turned around. It gave me a view of the whole village. Kirishima hadn't been able to find him either. I turned around to look at a small river crossing the field. My eyes searched for the familiar tuff of blonde hair. At first I didn't see anything but my eyes fell on something red laying in the grass. I walked over to it. It was bakugo. He was laying on his stomach face down. I walked closer. Bakugo are you alright? I asked. He didn't answer. I knelt down towards his face. He still hadn't moved. I picked up his head and laid it in my lap. Bakugo you have to wake up, I can't carry you. Still no movement. I softly stroked his hair. He groaned a bit. Good he was still alive. I summoned Cora. Find Kirishima and bring him here, okay? The demon looked at me and went her way. I kept playing with the sleeping boys hair. It was so soft. When I moved more to the top of his head my hand touched something. What the hell ? I said. I pulled it and the boy moved. What is that? I asked myself. I put his hair aside. It was the same color as his hair. Were that.... Ears? Two fluffy ears poked out of Bakugo's hair. Why does he have those? I asked. I ran one of the fluffy ears through my thumb and index finger. The boy groaned. I heard some dull smacking. I looked around but saw nothing. Then I saw his red cape move. I pulled it up revealing a..... tail? What the hell is going on? All of a sudden a weight pressed on my shoulder. I looked to the side and saw black feathers. Cora had returned. (f/N) I heard my name being called. I turned around to see kirishima. Something is wrong with bakugo! I said with a look of worry on my face. Kirishima stood next to me and noticed the ears and tail as well. What the hell?! He yelled.

We were back at the inn. Kirishima had to carry the blond since he wouldn't wake up. He had taken of the cape and was studying his friend. So mind telling me what this is? Another secret maybe? Kirishima looked at me with guilt in his eyes. I really am sorry (f/N). But this is something even I don't know about. I think it has something to do with the demon bite. Kirishima said. D-démon bite? I yelled. Yeah do you know something about that? He raised an eyebrow at me. Well it's very unlikely but there is this story in my village of a man who got bitten by a demon and became one himself. I said. They said it was a witches curse. That's why we summoners stay away from witches at all costs. I explained. He looked at me in shock. You think he is going to turn into a demon. It's just a story but it's a possibility. I said. What are we gonna do about it? He asked worried for his friend. Well there is only one thing I can think about. Leave it to me I said. He looked at me with uncertainty. After a while he nodded. Fine, but hurry! I nodded and ran back to my room.

I knocked on the door. Please be here! I prayed. After a while I heard some noise inside the room before the door opened. A greenette opened the door. (f/N)? Look I know we aren't exactly on good terms but I want to make a deal. He heard the worry in my voice and nodded. I'll let you use my book and you can ask me as many questions as you want but I need Uraraka's help. This needs to stay a secret though! I quickly added. He nodded. He went back into the room and came back with the brown haired girl. Alright lead the way. Midoriya said.

We arrived at the room but before entering I faced the two. Remember this needs to stay a secret, even though he doesn't deserve it, I really care about this guy. If he gets hurt I'll kill you! I said dead serious. They both gulped loudly and nodded. I opened the door and entered. Kirishima turned to look at me and his eyes widened. Midoriya? He said surprised. Ahh, kirishima ! I heard Midoriya yell. Wait YOU KNOW EACH OTHER?! Yeah we are pretty good friends. At least I am. He added sweat dropping. Okay but what is the problem exactly? Uraraka asked. I turned to look at her. It's bakugo, I think he was bitten by a cursed demon. I said. Her eyes widened. When did this happen? She asked rushing over to the blond who was still sleeping. Two days ago. Kirishima said. Oh no! This is bad! She said. She started mumbling. So, can you do something about it? I asked worried. It depends on how strong the curse is. Looking at the state he is in I will need to make a potion and cast some hard spells. Let's hope I can at least stop the transformation. She said. My heart sank to my stomach. What if he stays like this? What will people think of him? I looked back at bakugo. We have to stop this! I thought.

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